Among Us ~ Paul

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*y/n's pov*

I pull into the office and run into orange base to find Paul. "hey y/n!" Pat says as I walk in. "oh hey Pat," I say slightly panting. "what's got you in a rush?" he asks. "I need to find Paul," I say. "isn't his office in red?" he asks me confused. "yeah but it's GG film day so he should be here," I say. "oh ok," he replies as I run up the stairs. "PAUL!!" I scream. "yes!!" he calls back. Run in to the GG set and fall to my knees panting. "jeez what's wrong with you?" Paul asks with a laugh. "I- ran- all- the way- up- here-" I say between pants. "ohhh ok," he says still laughing. After a couple minutes I catch my breath and stand up again. "so why did you run up here?" Paul asks as I sit in Matts seat. "well I was wondering if you were free to play later," I say looking at him. "umm yeah I think so but why?" he responds slightly hesitant. "well I set up an Among us lobby for tonight and I need one person so I wanted to ask you," I say back. "oh yeah I'll play but who else is gonna be there?" he asks me. "just some friends," I say with a smirk. "ohh I take it you won't tell me even if I beg," he says with a chuckle. "you got that right," I say skipping out of the room. I go back to blue base to help Matt film. "hey there you are," Woods says as I walk in. "yeah where were you? you were supposed to be here 5 minutes ago," Matt asks with a slightly serious tone that I know is a joke. I mean I am his sister so I know when he's to fake being mad even if everyone else thinks it's real. "wow Matt it was 5 minutes no need to be that serious," Cj says to him which makes me laugh so hard that I fall to the ground holding my stomach. Matt following along and everyone else looking at us confused. We both final calm down and stand up. "what was that about?" Sam asks. "I was kidding with her but y'all thought I was serious," matt says giggling a little. "ohhh," they all say together. "oh and for your information I was asking Paul a question," I say looking at my brother. "OoOOooOoo," Matt said with a wink. I slap his arm hard. "hey what was that for!" he exclaims. "for being a perv now come on let's film," I say.

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