Faceless Part 2 ~ Paul

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*y/n's pov*

I wake up the next morning. I look at my phone and see that it's 10am. I also see a couple dm's from Connor. I open my phone and look at them.


Hey just want to tell you that I talked to Matt this morning and he said it was fine but he wanted to talk to you more so you can help plan.

Also here's his number just call him when you can (insert random number)


Ok thanks Connor I'll call him soon :)

I put my phone down and get ready. I go to my computer and book a flight that will arrive in LA the day before Paul's b-day. I go downstairs and eat breakfast really quick before going back upstairs and calling Matt.

M-Hello Matt speaking

Y- Hey Matt it's y/u/n Connor gave me your number and said you wanted to talk to me?

M- Oh yeah umm I have a shoot in a couple minutes can I call you back when I'm on lunch?

Y- yeah of course

M- k talk to you late bye y/u/n

Y- Bye Matt

After Matt hangs up I go to my set up and turn it on. I see people in the Dream SMP discord so I join them. "hey guys sorry to interrupt but are any of you streaming?" I ask. I see that Dream, SnapNap, George, Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur are in the call. "yeah I think everyone is but Wilbur," Dream replies. "oh umm ok Wilbur can we talk privately?" I ask him. yeah hold on," he says. We both leave the call and I get a call from Wilbur. I join it quickly. "Hey y/u/n what's up?" Wilbur asks. "well I just need to talk to someone because I'm really nervous," I say to him while fiddling with my fingers. "Also please call me y/n considering this is a serious topic just don't tell anyone my name," I say. "oh wow ok well y/n what are you nervous about?" he asks with concern in his voice. Wilbur has been my friend for a while and we are really close. As cliché as it is he's like a brother to me. "well umm you know the guy I told you about?" I ask. "oh uh yeah the Paul guy?" he questions. "yeah so umm we are really close and his birthday is coming up so I talked to one of his friends and coworkers and we made a plan that I'd come see Paul for his birthday and we'd through a surprise party but I'm really nervous of what he'll think when he sees me," I rant to him. "y/n trust me you are amazing now i'd tell you that your beautiful and that it'd be his loss if he didn't like what you look like but I can't do that because I know how much you hate it when anyone other than Dream or Corpse says that stuff. So talk to one of them after this but I do have one question," Wilbur states. "And what would that question be Wilbur?" I ask him. "are you sure you guys are just friends? because it seems like more than that," he asks me. My heart starts racing. "I-I mean w-we d-do like each other b-but it's not official," I stutter out. "hey It's ok. go call Corpse and see if he's busy, you need to talk to one of them," he says sweetly. "you always know how to help me thanks Wilbur," I say with a smile that he can't see. "no problem y/n," Wilbur says. "wait holy shit it just hit me. you tald me, Wilbur Soot, you're real name oh my god," he stats to fangirl. I laugh at his antics. "I mean yeah I did you deserve to know it just be careful to not leak it ok?" I say to him. "yes of course I would never," Wilbur says before we end the call. I go to corpse icon on discord and call him. He answer within seconds.

Y-Hey corpse

C-Hey y/u/n

Y-are you streaming right now?

C- no are you?

Y- nah

C- ah thank god I can't stand calling you y/u/n all the time *laugh*

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