Candles ~ Robert

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*y/n's pov*

Robert and I have been friends for a while but I really wanted to be more and thought maybe he felt the same. I walk up to his office because I know he's not here today so I can talk to Cameron alone. I knock and hear a faint come in. "Hey Cam!" I say opening the door and shutting it behind me. "oh hey y/n," Cameron says in his typical sweet tone, "did you need something?" "ummm yeah actually I wanted to talk to you about something that has to do with the little Canadian boy whos chair I am currently sitting in," I say with a laugh. "oh what about him?" he asks. "well I really like him and don't exactly know how he feels about me so I thought talking to you or Tanner would be best because you guys are the closes to him," I say. "wait what about me?" Tanner said coming in. "close the door and sit child," I say to Tanner with a giggle. "ok mom," he says back and we all laugh. I then explain the situation to Tanner. "should I tell her or do you want to?" he asks looking over at Cameron. "go ahead," he says in response Tanner. I'm just sitting there confused and slightly concerned. "y/n Robert is literally head over heals for you. He talks about you constantly and always finds away to make the conversation about you. He's so obviously in love with you," he says which makes me turn red. "awww she's blushing," Cameron says. "shut up," I say as I playfully bunch his arm. "ok wait I have a plan, Tanner meet me in Sam's office tomorrow after lunch, Cameron makes sure Robert doesn't go to blue base tomorrow afternoon. Oh and does anyone know where Matt is?" I say. "umm yeah we are filming GG in ," Tanner starts and looks at his phone, "2 minutes. I should probably go to set." "oh yeah you should but could you tell Matt to come to my office when he's done?" I ask. "yeah of course," he says before leaving. "I'm gonna go talk to Sam bye Cam," I say leaving the room. "bye y/n," he replies before I shut his door again. I rub straight over to Sam's office. "Sammm," I say running up the stairs and into her office. "what is so important that you had to scream?" she says with a laugh. "I need your help with Robert," I say. She smirks, "what about your lover boy?" "I need your help setting up a cute date for him tomorrow afternoon," I say. "Oh my god finally when and where?" she asks excitedly. "Tomorrow after lunch, tanner will also be helping and I was hoping we could do it in Matts office but I still have to ask him," I say nervously. "y/n calm down Robert will love it and there is no way Matt will deny his little sis," she says hugging me. I hug back and it calms me down. she always knows how to calm me down. After work that day I go to Walmart and buy everything I need. Matt said I could use his office so I bought snacks, drinks, blankets, candles, fairy lights, and a gift for him. I leave it all in my car and go to bed once I get inside my house.

*time skip to after lunch the next day*

Sam, Tanner and I were setting up Matt's office. we closed the blinds, set up the snack and drinks, moved the couch in front of the tv, lit the candles, turned on the lights, and everything else. When we were down it looks all cozy and soft just like Robert is. He's just a big softy. At around 4:30 Tanner went to orange base and said Matt needed to talk to him. tanner texted me and said Robert was walking over now. I sat at Matt's desk and waited. I heard a knock on the door. "come in," I say casually even though I was nervous as all hell. he opened the door and looked at me, "oh umm hey y/n Tanner said matt wanted to talk to me in his office," he said scratching the back of his neck. "I know," I say. "what do you mean you know?" he questions. "I mean that Matt didn't actually want to talk to you matter of fact he's not here but that was just Tanner's way of getting you here without a fight," I say. "wait what is all of this?" he asks looking around. "my way of asking you to be my boyfriend," I say walking over so that I'm in front of him. "oh- wait what?!" he says. "Robert I've liked you for a while and I was wondering if you would be my boyfriend?" I ask nervously. He walks up to me and lifts my head with two fingers and smashes his lips into mine. I kiss back and snake my arms around his neck and his go around my waist. We pull away for air and rest our foreheads together. "does that answer your question?" he asks. "idk could you tell me again," I say with a smirk. He laughs then kisses me again. "how about now?" he asks with a chuckle as we pull away. "yeah I think it does," I say and laugh a little. "so how about we start this cute little movie night that I prepared?" I ask. "ooo movie nights yay," he says jumping on the couch. I laugh and sit next to him laying my head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me and we watch movies the rest of the night and end up falling asleep only to be awoken by Matt taking pictures and talking with Sam in the door way.

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