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"And can anyone tell me what this is," the old professor asked went on. 

Hermione's hand shot up right away, "It's a love potion," she stated matter-of-a factly; causing you to roll your eyes. You tuned out everything the both of them were saying, she was getting praised for being so smart. 

Every time the Gryffindor would raise her head you'd roll your eyes, she was a know-it-all, stuck-up, good for nothing loser; Draco liked to remind you over and over again of this; you happily agreed. She was insufferable. Not to mention a mud-blood. There wasn't anything redeeming about her, and more importantly; there was nothing to like. 

Draco made fun of the Gryffindor endlessly you loved to join it; making her cry was your favorite game. The endless pranks you'd play on them, the amount of times she'd open a book and she'd get sprayed with slime; you laughed, ("it's not funny!" she screeched) you loved it. Pranking her was your favorite thing to do. 

Getting under skin, seeing her flustered and annoyed brought joy to your life. Bothering her while she was writing notes in class; distracting her. Pranking the golden trio was even more fun, including when Hermione was doing most of the yelling. Talking about how they'd get you back, they never did. Ronald wasn't a main target you two were close, and while Draco shamed you for this; you all the much didn't care. 

You did have to be wary of what you did, and when you talked to him, who knows; Hermione might've gotten you back one of those times. So you were careful, but he never would get in the middle of it, and sooner or later you stopped pranking him, and it was just Harry and Hermione. 

But something one day might've changed those lingering feelings you had for her; as it turns out you were on your way to class one day, when you saw Hermione slip and before she had time to save herself you leaped forward catching her. 

She was shocked, and her normal expression towards; the cold hard stare, turned to a softer one. You let go, muttered a comment before walking away. You were bitter, and now maybe some of those feelings you had for so longer made since, why you always picked on her, and pranked her. Because deep down you always liked her; but you refused to believe them.

"What happened to you?" Ron asked, joining you shortly after. "Look like you've seen Peeves." 

"Ha, no, um, just a bit tired that's all mate," you reassured. He shrugged his shoulders, before muttered a goodbye. He wasn't so sure you were just 'tired'. Of course you weren't; though your mind was tired of you thinking of someone. 

It had been a good week since the little 'catch' you hadn't spoken to the Granger girl in awhile. Not even a prank, not even mentioning her name to Draco, and he didn't sense this. He just thought you were behaving normally. You weren't. You were struggling with the feelings; she felt so right in your arms, like she was meant to be there. 

How could something so little as catching her; make you feel all of these things. It doesn't make any sense, and it wasn't that you weren't bright because you were; you were the other Hermione Granger of your year. You still couldn't help but have no understanding of what the heck was going on with you. No only did you not like anyone at the moment; you didn't like people in general. 

So it was foreign to you, you were in territory you've never been in, so being confused seemed fine. But when Draco started noticing you didn't bother her anymore, he started the teasing. And the reckless comments, and the only way he ended up finding out was when he was talking to her, and he slipped a word that hurt her feelings. You weren't by him, you were sitting at your house table, and he was talking to them over at theirs. 

You saw her face go red, and Ron get ready to pounce but you were already over there. It felt like two seconds that you blacked out; you opened your eyes, to see you on top of the blonde-haired boy, knuckles bloody, his lip busted, he wore a shocked expression on his face- but it was then he knew. 

You backed up muttered a sorry before running off, you ran into the bathroom. You didn't know what you were doing, why you went there, you didn't cry. You never cried, it'd be a day the moment someone caught you crying. Someone entered behind you, you turned around to see the busy-haired girl standing there, with her arms crossed. 

"And what do you suppose you did that for?" 

"I-um- I don't quite k-know what happened," you rubbed the back of your neck with you hand, looking anywhere but to her. "Sorry."

"You mean, you have no clue what you were doing? Beating Malfoy?"

"Shit, I did that," you looked down at your shaking hands.

"Yeah," she whispered, resting her hands over yours. "Here, let me," Hermione brought your hands under the running water. 

"What did he say?"


"Malfoy, what- what did he say to you?"

"Made fun of me, that's all," she said. Hermione's fingers traced over your bruised knuckles. "I suppose now would be a bad time to ask you on a date?"


"Do you want to go to the three broomsticks? A date?" Hermione looked irritated at your display of cluelessness. 



fucking hate this, but i am still working on these drafts, which if you are wondering is exactly why i haven't updated my other stories as well, sorry besties. the song for today is fucking save your tears by the weeknd, that and drivers license have been on repeat for the last 84 hours, it's also 12:34 at night, I have school in the morning and I couldn't careless, I have to wake up at five am I will try and finish these drafts so i can work on the others books, anyways, good evening.   

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