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I kept flicking her in her temple. She deserved it. She's always studying forty years ahead. If we had to take tests when we were eighty she would've started studying when she was born. It's annoying and admirable, but it was still annoying. 

So I kept messing with her, number one she was hot when she got mad, and number two maybe she should fail a test for once. Oh wait getting a ninety-five is failing, she is a moron. 

"Y/n, would you stop that." She was starting to get annoyed, good. "Y/n! Cut it out." 

"Nope. Not until you put the book down." 

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you pay more attention to Ronald than me," I huffed, setting my hand down. "It's annoying you know? Being last."

"You are not last," she scoffed. 

"Oh yeah. Did you come to my quidditch tryouts?"

"N-no I was studying." 

"You went to Ronalds and Harrys," I pointed out. She huffed, she gets flustered when she's proven wrong. It was annoying, I know I wasn't part of the 'golden trio' because when they were fighting trolls and giant snakes, I was the one covering for them. Are you freaking kidding me with that, and then Hermione wanted to start dating, so we did. For awhile it was good, for awhile it was nice. A year later she wanted to.. do 'things.' 

She claimed she wasn't ready for them knowing. I don't how long I was supposed to wait until I was valuable in her eyes, and I didn't want to find out. I thought us dating would change things. 

"I wasn't studying that day."

"Just say it." She shot me a confused look. "I am not dumb. I am not a moron. I don't study as much as you, but it doesn't take three idiots to see it. Clearly 'this'" I gestured between the both of us, "isn't working." 


"No. Don't Hermione. I don't think I realized it before because I was so in love with you, but now I see. I was dumb, I was a moron, looks like I finally realized what being smart feels like. I am sorry, I can't do this," I stood up. She followed.

"No. Stop. Listen, I don't kno-"

"That's the problem. The girl with all the answers, just the wrong questions huh?" 

"Y/n I am sorry, it's just they've needed me."

"I needed you!" I shouted, lowering my voice I went on, "I needed you Hermione." 

"And I need you, so please, just stay."

"I can't you know that, you only make decisions for yourself and them. I won't match them, hell I am not even close. So please, don't break my heart again." 

"Y/n, don't. Just stay, we can go back to my dorm, we can talk about this. We need to talk about this. There are two people in this relationship," she said sternly. 

"Two people, ha, two people sure, two efforts no." 

"Y/n can we just talk about this?"

"We are."

"Fine. Alright, listen, I never noticed that I was paying them more attention, I just thought you didn't mind, you never said anything- I love you too." I stared at her for a second, she held my gaze. "Say something." 

"What do you want me to say? 'Mione this isn't going to work, you have them, you are theirs. I can't keep being there when you need me, and you never being there for me."

"I can change."

"Nobody can change that much."

"I can."

"Why? Why does it matter now?"

She thought for a second, "I am pregnant." 

"And? It's not mine," I huffed. I was fuming now.

"It is."

"There's no way."

"You calm you aren't a moron, it's been a month, a month ago we were at your house. Nobody else was there, so it is yours." 


"You are having a child, because I plan on keeping it, which means you'll be dealing with me a lot more, if you want." 

"If I want?" I stared at her with disbelief, "Hermione you just told me you were pregnant, that it is mine, nobody knows about us, what are you going to tell them? They'll think it's Rons."

"Not unless it comes out with red hair they won't, we can tell them it's ours."

"Ours?" I echoed. 

"Yes, moron."

"I can have it?"





um, brb gonna go reread rules for vanishing again because it has to be one of the best books i've ever read, no it is not my favorite, that's a secret...

that's exactly why i didn't update anything yesterday, i spent it reading actually books because believe it or not a hoe doesn't read fanfics on wattpad. i've ever read one. should i read more? recommendations please, i might not get to read any though I can't read stuff like that, it creeps a hoe out. 

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