𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇.

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Hermione has been my best friend since first year, we were close ever since first year. Our parents sometimes talked to each other, we would spend weeks at each others houses during the summer. If there was anyone that understood her, it was me, I could read her like a book. But something was off today. 

She has been dating Ronald for awhile now, and they fight a lot. I don't know what she expected he's a blimey idiot and she's smart. I always have to give her relationship advice because apparently when you date someone you become credible. I guess the perks of dating Ron's sister was learning what most of the fights were about, Hermione would never tell me. 

Ginny would talk my ear off all the time about how her brother was an idiot and I don't think I could take one more second from either of them. The same old complaints, he's an idiot he doesn't deserve her, than the next day Hermione is talking about how she is ugly. 

Ron also liked to bring up our past, you have sex with your best friend and they label you honestly I don't understand it. We don't anymore, but Ron was pretty pissed when he found out, years later. But back to what I was saying, something was different today. Hermione wasn't readable and I could tell she was hiding something from me. I felt bad because I spent the day wondering what I did for her not to tell me.

It didn't help that I couldn't go to her dorm right away because I had some studying- that I decided that I'd put off til last minute- and of course it bites me in the ass. I spent a large amount of that studying thinking of the ways I could make Hermione feel better. Then an idea popped in my head, now I may not have been a muggle born or have muggle parents, but there were nights where I couldn't sleep and my ever-so lovely best friend would tell me about muggles and their world. 

When they were sad they listened to music and she told me all of her favorites, she even gave me what muggles call a phone, so I pulled up the songs she liked, I grabbed a punch of snacks she likes. I grabbed my laptop and pulled up her favorite movies. The only thing that I got lucky with, was that it was a friday, not classes the next morning. I grabbed a bunch of fluffy blankets- her favorite- I managed to get all of this into her dorm before she got back from dinner. 

I even managed to get her a couple of butterbeers- with ginger obviously- I also grabbed books incase she was more into a reading mood than watching movies. I heard lazy steps coming up the stairs to her dorm, it wasn't Hermione it was Ginny. She was just stopping by to pick up something, I gave her a kiss goodbye. Fifth-teen minutes later the door opened, and a tired looking Hermione stepped inside. 

"Hey," I spoke softly. Hermione looked a little worn, and I am sure a surprise visit from her best friend she's been avoiding all day didn't help her. 

"Hey," she said finally. Plopping herself down next to me, I could tell whatever she'd been carrying with her all day was finally catching up and she wasn't able to hide it anymore. "Sorry I've been avoiding you," she mumbled into her pillows. 

"No worries, I brought you some stuff, it's there if you need it, I'll be in my dorm," I got up, off the bed and began to make my way to the door. 

"You are the best, best friend ever, you know that," she whispered, I smiled. 

"Of course."

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