𝒶 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈; 𝑒𝓂𝓂𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝓈𝑜𝓃

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It was surprising when Emma announced your relationship to the world, there was a lot of hate and a lot of support. A solid mix, which of course you didn't mind, you weren't as famous as she was, and she didn't mind that. She liked that she was able to have someone 'un-famous' be there. 

You had known her since the Harry Potter days, and you guys practically grew up together. You just choose different paths, you wanted to be a writer, nothing special, not for shows or anything. You just wanted to free-lance your talents with companies in search of your experience. 

Emma enjoyed your writing, she liked to read it, her personal favorite was when she was home she would read it over your shoulder, in awe of your ability to captivate its taggert. She believed you could write shows, and incredible movies but you never wanted that, you liked writing for magazine and such. 

You made enough money to support yourself and Emma, but Emma had such a love for acting she pursed it more. You loved her for it, but it would be rather stressful at times, it was hard work there was no denying that. There were times Emma would face-time you on the verge of a breakdown, and it broke you, that you couldn't be there to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay. 

But you always managed to calm her down, remind her she got herself here, that she deserved the spot she had. She was talented and there were times sometimes the acting seemed real, she was amazing. It always worked. 

After she finished the last Harry Potter movie, she wanted to make things official with you, and of course you had wanted that as well. You had been together ever since, and it has been wearing on your relationship more and more. She had been receiving more and more projects and sometimes it's amazing how she can keep up. 

It was so bad, at one point in your work you had done the same, it resulted in a hospital trip after you crashed your car. You had an article due by the end of the week, and you had been working on it for three days, without sleep. Emma wasn't there to remind you to sleep or at least eat something. It was pathetic how much you relied on her, but she was all the same. 

The car crash resulted in Emma taking two months off all of her projects to make sure you were okay, you were fine, she just needed to be sure. But you could see the same warning signs now, and were scared she would hurt herself. She obliged your concern by taking two weeks off- which didn't seem like a lot, but it was. At least to you it was, that two weeks was two weeks she spent with you, and she was barely home for that long.

You had been patient and you would continue doing so, but there were moments you found it easier to walk out, and be on your own. Those were regretful moments, but they were there nonetheless. 

Two weeks filled with early morning cuddling, and late night- well there are times when there are too many details. Emma was happy, but lingering in the back of her mind was her work, and you'd be lying if you weren't worried about your own. All the assignments and projects you must've been receiving, but you had agreed if she was off so were you. 

One week in, both of you were crumbling, you both realized just how much you had relied on your work, you wanted to check your emails so bad. You were in charge of yourself and not answering them resulted in bad reviews- less money- less clients- your career flushed. Emma on the other hand, had an agent that managed that stuff, and she was up to date on her whereabouts and her break. 

Y/n had more on the line here, and it weighed on you that you could possibly lose your career over this break, you needed to check it. So one early morning you had slipped out of the bedroom rather early, sneaking onto your laptop in your office downstairs. You hadn't even gotten past the login screen before you heard a scowl from the entrance of the office door. 

"And what do you supposed you are doing?" Emma groaned, rubbing at her eyes. 

"Checking my email," Y/n muttered, you knew you were in for it, but to your surprise Emma plopped herself down on her lap, cuddling into her. Y/n moved the rolling chair back in front of the laptop, adjusting the brightness down some before logging in. You hadn't missed much, a few jobs you would've rejected normally, you took one. Emma insisted you'd take it, so you did. Emma's always been optimistic like that. 

"Do you want some coffee or tea?" Y/n asked, rubbing the shorter girls back. She groaned, signaling she wanted to go back to bed. Y/n chuckled, picking the both of them up, carrying her back to their bedroom, placing her on the bed, before crawling beside her. 

"I love you," Emma mumbled, snuggling into you. 

"I love you too," you wrapped your arms protective around the older woman. Two hours later you awoke to the sun seeping in the blinds, Emma still lying on her stomach, but she had somehow managed to fall off of you. You smiled at the still sleeping brunette next to you. 

You got out of bed, being quiet as you made your way downstairs, staring some tea- Emma wasn't really a coffee person in the morning. You began to make some food, before you felt two arms wrap around you, as you turn to face the now awake woman behind you. She pecked your lips, earning a smile from you. 

"Tea's on the counter," you spoke, turning around going back to making food. Emma slowly sipping the still hot liquid. "Do we have any plans today?"

"Nope," she spoke, popping the P. "We could watch a movie."

"Sure, know any nine hour long movies," you grinned, not turning around. 

"I know something else that could take nine hours," Emma countered, causing you to miss the potato completely, nicking your finger. 

"Ouch," you hissed, causing Emma to run away, "so much help!" you screamed, before she re-entered with a first-aid kit, "sorry I thought you kind of left."

"That's because you are exceptionally dumb," she laughed, earning a hit from you. "Ouch don't hit a man with glasses," she groaned, of course she was wearing them for once. 

"Good thing you aren't a man," you laughed. You went to reach for the first aid kit but Emma had already grabbed your hand, leading you to the sink. "I think I might pass out, I am feeling really light headed." 

"Aw love, come on, I'll bring you to the couch, come on." Emma led you to the couch, laying you down. You grabbed her wrist bringing you down with her, she smiled. 

Maybe this week cut off from the world was what you both needed.. 


i have 21 drafts for this mf book, i am doing them all, i cannot stand how many have built up. 

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