𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔; 𝑒𝓂𝓂𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝓈𝑜𝓃

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They had brought you on to portray the role of voldemorts long lost daughter which meant you were the secret love interest of Harry Potter. And that you were best friends with the rest of the group.

This just meant you got to spend a lot of time with Daniel, Rupert and Emma. You were all pretty close, but you overall best friend had been Tom. Through the years of filming your character had taken the dark path, which meant at least for Y/n she would be spending some time with Tom, they had the most scenes together.

They had grown closer over the span of six months and once they were done filming half-prince, all of them were really excited for the final two movies. It was also quite sad, all of them had grown up and they got to watch it.

Y/n was also really close with Rupert, and Tom and Emma's relationship had made Y/n and Emma hang out a lot more. Daniel had strayed from the group after the films, he kept in touch with all of them, but he wasn't around as much.

In fact once the final had finished filming, Y/n was distant from the group as well, she had other job offers coming in. Apparently Harry Potter had launched nearly all of their careers. She spent a lot of time filming avenger movies, and sometimes she would get requested to be other movies as well.

There were many, many, great jobs she had to turn down. Once of her biggest regrets had to be turning down Percy Jackson, she was filming Harry Potter while they had requested her and her contract would've been invalid if she took other jobs before the year was up.

But after that, she was opened to all projects she hopped around a lot before she finally settled on the avengers. She had came to the cast around the same time as Brie Larson, and they were very close, she had also grown closer with Elizabeth Olsen. But what she had learned was that none of them were really Emma.

And they both undeniably liked each other, but neither ever spoke on it. It was like a mutual agreement not to ever say anything, then Emma had started to date Tom and Y/n was definitely not going to speak up then.

So after the Harry Potter movies she moved onto action movies, she realized she looked those a hell of a lot more than drama's. But there was a movie that moved Emma to the area, and her and Tom had been broken up for years.

She had been single for awhile actually both of them, and it wasn't from lack of trying, it was more from lack of no one fitting what they were looking for. Elizabeth really tried looking for awhile, but Y/n nearly turned down most of the guys she'd shown her.

Chris also tried helping in the girl department, they were roommates and Chris had no luck either. It wasn't like Y/n was waiting for Emma, she wasn't, she just didn't think she wanted or even needed a relationship, and that followed Emma as well.

Neither really looking all that hard. Y/n just wasn't ready to settle. Her career was taking off, and she knew a relationship would hold her back, and strain the other person involved. Including the fact that if they weren't in the same work as her, they wouldn't understand.

As she was getting ready to finish up another movie, she had bumped into Emma during a meeting. The director had been looking for a love interest for Steve Rogers and Emma had been called in for the role, Y/n had no clue of this, so running into her was a bit of a surprise.

From then on they reconnect and became close friends again, and as Y/n was going to be shooting with Chris a lot for her next movie, she'd also be around Emma as well. Neither girl complaining, they'd both be lying if they didn't miss each other.

Her three month break was over, she signed a new contract signing her to three more years on the avengers cast, Emma signing a two year contract. They'd be around each other a lot more now, seeing as they were three new movies coming up with all of the avengers.

"So that's why you have been turning down all of our dates," Chris said, coming up from behind her with Elizabeth.

"Wh-what? N-no," she groaned, "fine maybe," she admitted, the three were staring at Emma who was talking with another cast member.

"She's pretty," Chris smiled, resting his arm on her shoulder.

"It makes sense," Elizabeth chuckled, "she is your type."

"Wh-what? I don't have a type," Y/n whined.

"Of course you do, it's Emma," Chris bellowed.

"Fuck you guys," Y/n turned around giving them the bird, before walking over to Scarlett to run some of their lines. Emma walking over a short time later so run her lines with them as well. Her character also had powers, but sadly for Y/n, Elizabeth came over teasing her the whole time even though they were supposed to be running lines.

"Chris, remember that time Y/n slipped on the fake ice because she thought it was real," Elizabeth laughed, Chris nodding his head, laughing.

"Omg omg omg remember that time Chris accidentally punched his assistant so funny," Y/n countered.

"Remember when you accidentally threw the shield at the director."

"Remember that time when you accidentally kissed Scarlett."

"Remember when you accidentally kissed Elizabeth."

By now the whole group was laughing including Emma, "Remember that time when you were running and you slipped because you thought Robert hurt himself."

"Omg omg omg omg do you remember that one time when you ripped your suit putting it on," Y/n spat.

"How about that time when we were at comic con and you accidentally yelled at a fan," Chris crossed his arms.

"How about that time you thought the actor that played Voldemort looked like that in real life so you asked me forty times," Emma lost it.

"Did- did he really," she asked.

"Yes. He was scared, he had me sleep on the couch with him because he's such a big baby, he could've called his girlfriend but he was scared she would've judged him, they aren't together anymore by the way."

"Remember that time you fan girled over Taylor Swift," Chris spoke.

"You just embarrassed yourself, imagine not fan girling over Taylor Swift," Y/n shook her head.

"Alright that's enough before one of you hurts the others feelings," Scarlett chimed in.

"Alright mom," Y/n joked, earning a laugh from everyone.

"I am going to let that slide because you avenger might kill mine," she faked being hurt.

"Well, it has been fun guys but I have to turn in, duty calls," Y/n said, earning groans from most of the cast.

"Ah no you don't you promised us all a beer, Emma's coming so, so do you," Chris grabbed her shoulders bringing her back over.

"Shit, my bad guys I completely forgot," she groaned. Looks like she wouldn't be going home anytime soon.

"Actually, if you guys don't mind I need to run my lines with her," Emma smiled, Y/n couldn't help but smile, saved by the girl.

"No, no we don't mind," Chris grinned, Y/n would get him back later.

clearly gonna be a pt2 i'm just trying to get these damn drafts out my fucking storage

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