𝓃𝑜, 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝒹𝒷𝓎𝑒.

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The reader gets injured in the battle of hogwarts, this is the aftermath.


Hermione Granger searched high and low for you, she looked under every rock. She was determined to find you, but as hours staggered on she began losing any hope of finding you alive. Even Harry and Ron had given up, not long after did she yell at the both of them

She was going mad trying to find you, she couldn't imagine you dead, she didn't want to imagine it, she knew all too well you went after Bellatrix, after learning she paid your parents a visit. 

She argued against it, wanting you to stay with her, where she knew you were safe, but you couldn't. You parents were muggles, and Bellatrix's life mission was to kill all muggles that had wizard children, that including your parents, even after she'd grown fond of you. You were a blood traitor. 

You hatred for the black-haired poor excuse of a woman felt like it was stronger than you love, but that is what might have saved you. 

"Don't leave me," Hermione begged, your movements not letting up you wanted her dead. You wanted to be the one to do it, and you knew that if you didn't go now you'd never get the chance again. 

"Hermione, she killed me parents, even after I made them forget me, I have too," she looked at her girlfriend apologetically and ran off. Making her way through the fighting students, she went off for the one thing she thought she needed. 

The thickness of the Forbidden Forest clouding around her, making it impossible for her to see, one thing was known, a sheer amount of adrenaline washed over her after hearing the luring laughter of Bellatrix LeStrange. She was destined to finish what she came here to start; and that was kill her. 

It felt like she combed through ever acre of the woods before coming face-to-face with the crazed woman. 

"Look. The blood traitor, how are mum and dad?" she asked, with a lowly cackle. 

"Proud, because soon you'll be joining all of those bastards," you spoke, firing off a spell that send the woman flying back, "you see for years you thought you matter, that you, that you meant anything to the dark lord, or to anyone! You betray people that cared about you, for what? for safety? If anyone is a traitor it is you," you fired another spell, "you turned on everyone and put all your cards in for someone that put in what they thought would please you," you shot another spell, she was quicker this time.

"You choose the wrong side! not me! and now you are going to pay for that poor decision you made," she laughed, "any last words mudblood?"

"Yeah. Voldy was a mudblood too bitch," you spat, kicking her legs out from under her. "Expelliarmus," they both shouted at the same time. Bellatrix kicked your legs out from under you, causing you to join her on the ground, she held a blade at your throat. You pushed her shoulder causing it to cave, she groaned, you pushed her off of you, your boot was on her wrist that was holding the blade. "This is for Hermione," you said, taking the blade and craving words onto her forearm. "This is for my par-" suddenly you were thrown back, you back nearly breaking from the impact it made with a tree. You groaned, Bellatrix once again began laughing, her balance wavering as she went to get her wand. 

"You put up a good fight, I'll give you that, but in the end you couldn't measure up," she spoke, you laid weakly against the tree, your breathes labored, "you were never enough, not for your classes, not for your parents, and now, your girlfriend," she laughed, "Avada Kedavra."

Everything went back.

Hermione, still looking, and hoping to find you searched nearly the entirety of Hogwarts, she had one last hope. The forbidden forest, she entered the still dark forest. It took her awhile but she finally found you propped up next to a tree, blood riddled all over your clothing and face.

"No. No. Y/n you ok, I've got you," she cried, falling at your side. You body flinched at the contact, the warmth around you, drawing you back to life. You gasped, which caused Hermione to fall back, you started coughing before regaining yourself.

"Damn. Am I in HeAvEn because that is a VeRy HoT aNgEl," you laughed, her attitude not wavering.

"How are you even alive?" she asked.

"Well damn, nice to see you too. You can't get rid of me that easily Granger."

"What spell did she use."

"first letter first word a second word first letter k, that toad legged, frog hoping, troll faced, child eating, carpet munching, drapes match the carpet, poison smelling, black-haired, monkey brained, broken- wand casting, kind of hot but insane, dome shaped like a trapezoid, eyebrows wider than your ass, worm crawling, daft worm, rock invested, kinda like patric da star, dome matching texas, bitch failed," you let out in one breathe. 

"Well- I don't know what half of that means, but I am glad you are back to being you," Hermione said, hugging you.

LoVe iNvEsTeD tEeNaGeRs 

hey mothda fuqers! - xx badie

no proof read, also if you have any request dm me! 

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