𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃.

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For anyone that ever told me that Hermione was a good influence, what a bunch of BS because I am late for class again. Fifteen minutes late isn't that big of a deal, but try freaking forty-five minutes. I overslept because a certain someone was forcing me to send her letters back, as if she couldn't just sneak into my dorm. 

Seeing as we are dating, I had to stay up til the early hours of the morning talking to her about FREAKING STUDYING. Not funny things, I wasn't allowed to bring up funny things, I had stay on topic. So I accidentally fell asleep writing one, and I had no idea what it said, apparently I sent it. But that's not even the load of my problems. I am late to Snapes potions class. Snape.

AND THE FREAKING MOVING STAIRS WEREN'T HELPING MY CASE! WHO THOUGHT OF THIS??? I WOULD LOVE TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER. As I stumbled- yes I fell- down the stairs, I gathered my books and ran off to class, entering with five minutes left  of class. I looked like I rolled out of bed, which I didn't I took ten minutes to make myself presentable, and now I looked like I took no care in my appearance which I didn't but still. 

"Miss Y/L/N, ten points deducted off of (Y/H)," Snape confirmed, looking at me, I just nodded. My house for sure didn't like me, wasn't like we were gonna win anyways. I just sat beside Pansy- yeah gross I know- it was the only open seat. Kind of glad Hermione wasn't in my first class. 

As soon as the class was over I got up to leave, and I felt the pain from falling down the stairs. It was like that time I fell off of my bed. I walked through the crowded halls and walked into transfiguration, Hermione was already there, along with her two friends, not looking interested in anything they were saying, she was writing something down. I slowly made my way over- because I am in a level twenty-five pain out of six- and sat down beside Harry. 

"Merlin's beard, what happened to you?" Harry laughed. 

"Well since you were so kind to ask, I was late, and I fell down the stairs," Hermione was still obsolete from the rest of us, "what's with her?" 

"She was late to her class, she has to make up notes," Ron whispered. I smiled, maybe she'd learn her lesson. 

"Switch me seats Ronald," I asked, he moved over, "Earth to Hermione,' I waved my hand in front of her face. 

"What do you want Y/n?" she asked, still copying what she missed. 

"Why were you late?" I asked, with an amused smile. 

"Get the smirk off of your face," she muttered, placing her quill down, finally looking up. 

"How many points did you lose?" 


"Twenty?? I only lost ten, and that was from Snape," she must've been a lot more than late. 

"I had the wrong robes on," she muttered, so quiet I almost missed it. 

"I'm sorry you what?" 

"I had your stupid robes on because you left them in my dorm," she gritted through her teeth. 

"Easy. Easy now, I like you in my clothes."

"So you did it on purpose?" she asked, eyeing me. 

"No of course not, I left them there in case you wanted them."

"Well thanks, but now look, I lost a lot of points because of it."

"You're the one that wanted to stay up late last night, that is not my fault Hermione," she knew when I used a simple Hermione, I was upset at her. 

That is the story of how we didn't learn our lesson and ended up losing points because she wore the wrong robes again. 


hey motha fuqers got a 95 on my english test so i am gonna go apply for havard now deuces (im just kiddin lol)

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