𝘪'𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺

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I felt it hit me late. When something like that hits you, you kind of forget everything; like your parents, or memories. You are trying so desperately to think of ways to save yourself you forget, and for a moment I did. 

I hit the wall so hard I felt my body freeze. I felt the tears too late. I felt the pain too late. I knew it was over the moment it hit me. I knew everything and suddenly I felt like I knew nothing. Harry was at my side, I don't know how long after I was hit, but suddenly he was there. 

"Y/n.. oh," he muttered. I watched him as he looked lost. He didn't know what to do. I could only imagine my girlfriends reaction.

"Te-tell 'Mio-mione I am going t-t-to be late," I muttered. He gave me a soft chuckle, as if anything louder would kill me. 

"I'm gonna go get her okay?" I nodded as best I could. It wasn't fair, I know that. You might hate me for wanting her to be the last person to see, but I loved her. It felt like a year and seven months before he came back with her. 

Her gasp shattered my heart in ways I didn't think it could've. "D-don't b-be mad," I laughed. 

"Oh, Y/n, I could never be mad at you," she whispered, her hand was still covering her mouth as she knelt beside me. "Why did it have to be you?"

"So somebody else gets to live," I muttered. "Listen, I left you something-- j--just in case."

"You promise me you'd be fine," she said, crawling up next to me. I knew this was selfish. I was dying and I got to see her before I went. She'd just be stuck with the memory of me dying. "You promised!" 

"St-stop yelling. L-listen, I hav-have a secret." She stared at me, tears still falling down her face. "I-I l-love you." 

"You better," she sobbed. 

"S-say it back," I whispered. "I'm d-dying."

"I love you." 

Hermione Granger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now