𝒾'𝓁𝓁 𝒸𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝒾𝓉 𝓊𝓅.

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Prompt: Y/n can't handle Draco's insults anymore. 


As Y/n took a seat beside her brother, Harry, she had begun eating when Hermione and Ron entered- in another argument. Y/n just laughed, they were always arguing over something dumb, you could clearly tell they were best friends. 

Hermione and Y/n weren't exactly close, seeing as Y/n hung out less with her brother and more with her friends, Luna and Ginny. It was on rare occasions that she would ever join her brother's foolish friends. But she decided to today, she had quite the crush on the Granger girl. 

As Y/n shoveled rice into her mouth, listening to Ginny ramble on about something, probably a boy she liked, Hermione slammed her books down in front of the group, earning a jump from Harry. 

"Merlin's Hermione, what's up today?" he asked, half jokingly. The frustration was evident in her wavering mood, on the verge of tears and ripping someones head off. 

"She's mad at me because I made her late to class today and she lost twenty points for our house," Ron huffed, grabbing some food. Hermione just left her arms crossed over her chest side-eyeing her 'best friend'. 

"He's a git," she grumbled, looking back over at Harry, "He made us late because he wanted to show me something, which turned out to be dumb, and I can believe I let him!" she rested her forehead against the table. 

"Blimey! Ronald, why are you always fussing with Hermione," Y/n spoke, earning the attention of the boy, who had mashed potatoes stuffed in his mouth. 

"I wanted to show her a spell I learned," he mumbled.

"And let me guess, you forget it, or you said it wrong?" Harry chuckled. 

"Harry you aren't one to talk, you can barely perform spells," Y/n nudged Harry's shoulder, "Ronald, just earn back the points, doubled, get twenty," Y/n suggested, going back to her rice. 

"No! She's the blimey crow who was late," he huffed.

"I'll tell mom," Ginny interfered earning a laugh from her best friend, "she'll send a howler Ronald! Don't make me do it."

"You can't be serious! Why can't she get her own points," Ron complained. 

"because you git! that's no way to treat a lady," Neville chimed. 

"Thank you!" Y/n screamed towards the boy. 

After the conversations died down, Hermione's attitude still unfazed, she was still bitterly pissed off that someone had to explain to Ron what he did wrong. He was a total ass! And Hermione was getting ticked off at him. As if on cue Draco Malfoy came over spilling his pumpkin juice over the already irritated girl. 

"What the hell Malfoy?" Ginny barked, "You are an ass."

"What? She got in my way," he chuckled. 

"God dammit," Y/n muttered, removing her robes, "Here 'Mione have my robes," she handed them to her across the table. 

"If you weren't a mud-blood I would consider you attractive," he laughed in her ear, it was loud enough for Y/n to hear it, she hopped over the table. punching the boy. He didn't take it lately and slammed his fist back in hers, sending her to the ground, but it hadn't stopped there. 

Once Draco laughed, she swiped his feet out from under him, he landed on his elbow, she heard it shatter, but he wasn't going to let her undermind him, he climbed on top of her sending a punch her way, he hit her. She flipped them over before the two goons grabbed her by her shoulders backing her up, Draco stood up rolling up his sleeves, revealing his bloody elbow. 

He send a punch to her stomach causing her too groan, as he kneed her in the face. It went on like that for five minutes- which in Y/n's mind it was hours. Snape had come rushing over to her rescue, Hermione flying towards her as soon as the three boys were gone.

"Merlin's Y/n are you okay?" she asked, pulling her into a hug. She pulled back looking at the girls bloody face. Her thumb ghosted over her bloody nose, "Come on, I'll clean you up," she grabbed her arm dragging her to the bathroom. She summoned a first-aid kit, "You didn't have to do that you know."

"He is an ass, someone needed to," she gave a weak smile to the brushy-haired girl. Hermione returning it, "I'd do it again."

"Why?" Hermione asked, staring at the older girl. 

"Because now I know he won't mess with you anymore," Y/n smirked. 

"Maybe you go do it to Ron next."

"Okay, one condition," Y/n piped, Hermione hummed in response, "Let me kiss you," Y/n stated, Hermione was taken back for a second, but realizing that her crush for a long time had asked for permission she nodded shyly, Y/n leaned in for a kiss capturing Hermione's lips. The kiss was filled with passion, maybe there was a date involved afterwards, or maybe they married each other. Who knows. 

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