Chapter 32

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*knock knock*

"Yeah?" The person who knocked on my door walked in. I felt the bed sink beside me as they sat down.

"I know you're not okay (Y/n). Especially after what happened today at school" They sighed.

"Bakugou, I told you I'm fine." I set my phone down and looked at him. He didn't look convinced.

"Seriously! I'm completely fine see?" I smiled and held up a peace sign as if I was taking a selfie.

"It doesn't meet your eyes."

"W-what?" I slowly brought down my hand and my smile faded.

"Your smile. It doesn't meet your eyes. It's fake" His piercing red eyes looked into mine. I felt my hands shake and I quickly looked away.

"Bakugou I..."

"Please tell me what's wrong (n/n)" He pleaded and turned to face me.

"Nothing's wrong" I mumbled. Bakugou's hand moved to touch mine and I jumped to my feet.


"YOU'RE NOT THOUGH! I KNOW YOU'RE NOT! I CAN FUCKING SEE IT!" He brought his hand up to run his fingers through his hair and I flinched back, a tiny yelp escaping.

Bakugou immediately froze and looked at me with wide eyes, my own fear filled ones looking back.

"Did you just-" His whole body was just frozen. In shock.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out but silence. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

His eyes studied my face before slowly bring his hand down. Even though his movements were slower than before, I couldn't help but cringe back.

"Did you think I was gonna.... I-I would n-never even...." His eyes filled up with tears even when he tried to blink them away.

Only small gasps and whimpers came through my tight throat. I couldn't breathe. I... I can't breathe.

I'm sorry Bakugou! I really didn't mean to! You are my best friend and mean more to me than you would ever know... I..... I swear it's not your fault. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did it's just.... it's just a... a.........

I fell to my knees and brought my hands to my throat.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I'll do better to work on that! I didn't mean to- I didn't- I don't- please don't leave!

I gasped and scratched at my throat, trying to get myself to breathe but it felt my my lungs were collapsing. It felt like I just ran 4 miles with no rest. I felt like I'd throw up everything I just ate.

"Hey... hey it's okay...." Bakugou kneeled next to me and rested the side of my head on his chest. His hands gently stroked my hair. He was trying to help me yet I could feel his tears drop onto my cheek, mixing with mine.


"No it's okay. You don't have to talk...." His voice was so soft. So calming. So different than his usual loud, aggressive one. Even though he says this, even though his voice is slowly calming me down, I need to say sorry. I need to tell him I didn't mean to and it was just a reflex. I need to tell him that I truly didn't think he was gonna hit me or ever hurt me in anyway.

"No I-"

"(Y/n) breathe.... come on in and out.... in...... out......." I sat there for a second before doing what he told me, taking deep breaths in and out.

"There you go" I started to calm down more and more with Bakugou's help.

"Come on we gotta bandage you up" I brought my hands down to see stains of blood from my nails to my finger tips.


"I'm sorry Bakugou...." I said after cleaning and wrapping up my neck.

"It's not your fault (Y/n) you don't need to apologize" He sighed.

"No I do because I hurt your feelings and even then you still tried to help me. I never thought you would ever hurt me. Ever. It's just a..... it's just a reflex....."

"Of course I would help you. You're like a sister to me and we're supposed to tell each other everything right? I... I trust you so uh.." A smile grew on my face when he turned away, blushing slightly and scratching his cheek.

"Oi...... who the hell are you smiling at hm?" His eyebrow twitched and I bursted out laughing.

"Are you shy hmmmm?" I said while trying to contain my laughter.

"Shut the hell up" He grumbled and crossed his arms.


Bakugou's pov

When (Y/n) was going back to her room from the bathroom, I stopped by Aizawa's room to tell him about what happened with her neck. I know he heard yelling and stuff so he's probably worried.

"Come in" I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Did something happened? I heard yelling" He looked up from his desk.

"Yeah well um... (Y/n) had a panic attack after I moved to touch my hair. I think she thought.... I was g-gonna hit her...." I looked at his face for a second before looking away.

What if he actually thinks I was gonna hit her? I know I'm loud aggressive but I would never intentionally hit her.... I can't really help being the way I am. I know it's a lot to handle for other people. I'm working on it for mine and other sake but it's not going the best. We're both trying to become better people.

"I know you feel guilty but it's not your fault kid. I'm sure she already told you that herself." He stood up and ruffled my hair.

"Yeah I know. I just wanted to tell you. Also when she gets stressed or goes through an attack, she'll scratch her neck. That's why she has bandages on her neck" I said before walking out of the room and back to (Y/n)'s.

I know she sleeps better when me or Icyhot are here so I stayed.

"You can go to sleep now (n/n)" I slipped under the covers.

"Goodnight Bakugou..."

"Goodnight..." She's still hiding something.

So I made a Bakugou x reader called "The Dancer" and I was wondering if y'all would wanna read it. I'm not the best at descriptions but basically the girl is an explicit dancer and Mina made Bakugou go. I would really appreciate it if you guys read it:)

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