Chapter 22

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(I'm sorry for not updating. I didn't realize it's been weeks lmao but here you go)

The last thing I remember before passing out from blood loss was Bakugou and Shoto running and trying to find their way back to camp.

Next thing I know I'm waking up in a hospital bed. The room was dark and from the looks of it, it was night time. I moved to sit up but gasped in pain and laid back down, forgetting about the cut.

"You're awake" A deep, raspy voice said from next to me.

"ShoSho?" I squinted in the darkness to see a tall, male figure walking up to me.

"What happened?" Worry filled my eyes when I saw the look on his face.

"The League of Villains attacked us. 16 students were severely injured or unconscious including you, 11 were injured and 1 is missing..."

"M-missing? Who?!" He looked at me as if he was deciding to tell me who it was or not.

"Bakugou" My eyes widened in surprise and and started to tear up.

"W-well... d-do you know where he is o-or how to find him? Is he okay? What if he's hurt?! He-he could even be... we don't even know what they'd do to him!"

"Hey... he'll be okay. It's Bakugou after all. He can protect himself and he'll be saved before you know it." His soft but rough hand cupped my face and his thumb ran over my cheek.

We stared in each others eyes before I sighed and relaxed my neck, my head falling back onto the hospital's pillow.

"You should try to get some sleep. You lost a lot of blood and the cut on your waist is pretty big." Shoto brought the blanket up to cover my body and stood up.

"A-are you leaving?" I quickly asked.

"No don't worry. I'm just going to sit in the chair right there." He pointed to the chair a couple steps away from my bed.

"Okay" I nodded knowing I won't be alone and drifted off to sleep.


I slowly woke up to mumbles around the room and small shuffles of movement.

"Shh! She's waking up!" I opened my eyes and slowly sat up.

"How are you feeling?" Iida was the first one to speak up in the quiet room.

"I'm fine. Why are you all here?" Looking around, I saw a lot of students from 1-A. I assumed these were the uninjured ones or ones with pretty minor injuries.

"We came to visit you duh. Our friend and classmate is in the hospital. Why wouldn't we visit you?" Mina walked up to me.

"Yeah your our friend. We couldn't leave you here alone you know?" Kaminari also said.

"Hey! I brought a melon for you!" Mineta set a melon on the table next to me. Without the perviness, Mineta's not half bad I guess.

"Thank you guys" A soft smile decorated my face and everyone smiled back before a loud boom interrupted the wholesome moment.

4 men dressed in police uniforms stormed into the room. Everyone turned to them in confusion.

"Um excuse me, do you guys nee-" They cut Iida off.

"(L/n) (F/n), you need to come with us right now." His voice was full of authority and my smile immediately disappeared along with everyone else.

"Wait why?" I asked.

"We have reason to believe you were apart of the League's attack on UA due to your past as a villain and your mother's work with them."

"My-my mom? What the hell are you talking about?"

"You need to come with us" One of the grabbed my right arm and pulled me off the bed making me yelp and grab my waist.

"What the hell dude? She's injured" Kaminari yelled.

"I don't know who my abusive ass mom did for her work for and I would never hurt my friends and classmates so I don't even know where you got this from!"

"Wait where are you taking her?" Shoto spoke up and step forward.

"Back to the prison. Where she belongs" A large smirk spread on his face. I'm pretty sure at least half of the students shivered and not the good kind.

I felt my body turn cold and my heart stop when I heard those words.

"W....what...?" I needed too make sure I heard them right. I thought they would question me and let me go because I know I didn't do anything wrong and they have no proof what so ever, not take me back to that hell hole.

"You heard me. You going back to the prison sweetheart."

"No! Y-you can't take me there! Please don't make me! Please! I swear on my life it wasn't me!"

"You guys don't have any proof" Kirishima quickly said, stepping forward also.

They didn't reply to him and dragged me out the room.

"STOP! STOP NO PLEASE! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME BACK THERE! PLEASE!" Tears started to fall from my eyes. Metal handcuffs snapped onto my wrists, preventing me to use my quirk, and they dragged me into the elevator.

Shoto's pov

I stared at the closed door in shock. Everything happened so fast and it hadn't even been a full 5 minutes.

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath. All of the story's she's told me about the things they did to her ran through my head. The worst part now is that she didn't do what they said she did. She's innocent. I know she'd never hurt the people that make her happy and now she's training to become a hero.

"There's no way she could of done that" Kaminari said.

"Exactly and they didn't even answer me." Kirishima replied.

Curses ran out of my mouth and I paced back and forth beside the bed.

"Hey man. She'll be fine and-"

"No! Do you guys even know what they do to her in there?! Did you see the look on that guys face?! And the worst part is that she's fucking innocent!" I yelled.

"What do you mean Todoroki?" Tsu asked.

"Take a hint by his look. She traumatized. It's not my story to tell and if she wants to tell you guys, she will but, they're not good things and she doesn't deserve to go through that. Nobody does." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and called Mr. Aizawa. He gave me his number incase anything happened when me and (Y/n) were out.

"Todoroki what-"

"They took her. They took (Y/n)"


"Those people from the prison took her right out of the fucking hospital room. I know you figured out what they did to her there and you know she can't go back there."

"I'm on my way. You can tell me what happened when I get there."

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