Chapter 5

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Another day of waking up to loud banging came and I stood up. I took a shower yesterday so they shouldn't be waking me up today. We're not allowed to take showers everyday. I don't know why though.

"Let's go" the guard said, catching my attention. I stood up and walked over to the door of my cage. He put quirk canceling handcuffs on me and lead me to the elevator down to the first floor. Pushing me into a room, they left me on the ground and shut the door.

I slowly got up and took in my surroundings. There was a man with a bored look on his face and a long, white scarf around his neck. His body was wrapped up with bandages too. There were also guards lining the walls of the room.

"I'm Aizawa Shota and I would like to make you an offer" The man with the scarf said.

I nodded and sat in the chair across the table from him.

"I would like you come to the school UA to become a hero"

The word hero echoed through my mind. How can I be a hero if I'm a villain? Dad wanted to be a hero... but he was good. He wasn't bad like me or mom.

"And why are you making me this offer?" I questioned. Are they testing me? Is this some sorta experiment the government is doing? If so, why me?

"So you can change yourself. You are a villain but, what if you could be a hero and save people? On the bright side if you come you won't be stuck in this hell anymore"

My mind drifted back to what happened a couple nights ago. My mouth started to water and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"When do I leave?" I choked out, hoping that I really don't throw up so I can avoid another beating.

"Today. We'll leave after you've gotten all of your stuff and said your goodbyes." Nodding, I got up and walked to get my stuff in my cell.

The fact that I'll get to leave this place after so many years was shocking. I never though I would leave. I though I would be stuck here my whole life and never see Kai and Emi when they left. They get to leave in about 2 years I think.

Setting my small box of stuff down, I waited as the guards unlocked Emi's cell door. The second it opened she ran out and tackled me onto the floor.

"I'm so happy you you get to be free!" She squealed. All of a sudden she pushed herself away from me and her eyes scanned my clothed body.

"A-are you okay.....? I- me and Kai we-"

"I'm- I'm okay" I really wasn't but I didn't want her to worry. That's a day I desperately want to forget but, I know I won't no matter how much I try.

After around a minute they put Emi back in her cell and unlocked Kai's. He walked out of the cell and gave me a soft hug. I buried my head in his chest since he was taller than me. Blood related or not, he will always be my big brother. That's how close we were.

"If anything happens like that again, use your quirk. I don't care if you kill them or anything just- please be careful." He hugged me tighter and I nodded into his chest.

"I'll see you guy when you get out and if I can visit, I'll come visit too" I took one last look at them and walked away.

"I love you" I whispered. I could hear both of them whisper it back before I entered the elevator.

Small timeskip

I quickly shut and covered my eyes when I stepped outside. This was the most light I've seen in years. Aizawa grabbed my arm and guided me since he knew I couldn't see.

"Get in" He mumbled and let go of my arm. I got into the car and put on my seat belt. After around a hour we pulled up to a two story house.

"Kitchen, living room, bathroom, my room, my office and this will be your room." He gave me a short tour of the house and ended with my room. It had white walls and wooden floors with a (f/c) carpet in the middle of the room. There was a nightstand next to my bed and a desk on the opposite wall. There was also a closet with nothing but a uniform in it.

"You can go shopping this weekend." He held out a small box to me. "My phone numbers already in there incase of emergency or something."

Dad had a phone. He let me play on it a couple times too so I know how to use it.

"Also, I have a cat and her name is marshmallow" I bursted our laughing and he closed the door. I could tell he was a cat person but, I didn't expect him to name them cute things like Marshmallow.

I got into my bed and started to mess around with my phone. I ended up changing the lock and home screen pictures and downloading a couple apps like Instagram and YouTube.

Yawning, I put my phone on the nightstand and went to sleep.

Sorry this chapter is kinda short but, the next one is gonna come out soon. Byeeee

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