Chapter 20

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Today's the day we go to the training camp. I was excited but at the same time, I had a bad feeling. The whole time I walked to school, I felt like I was being watched or something and trust me, I knew that feeling. When you have security cameras in every corner of your room, you get to know what it feels like. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Who knows.

I took multiple turns to try to shake of the feeling but I still felt somebody's eyes on me. Thankfully, this was a busy street, not that I wouldn't be able to handle them but, you know.
We all met up at the front of the school and I walked over to Todoroki.


"You look like Mr. Aizawa. How much did you sleep?"

"Well damn. Eight-" A yawn cut me off.

"Eight what?"

"Minutes" I smiled.

He stared at me for a couple seconds before sighing and walking onto the bus. I ended up sleeping the whole time but, I'm not surprised. I couldn't sleep because of nightmares so I pretty much stayed up and watched a bunch of movies I never got to see at a kid. There was only a TV in mom's room and I wasn't allowed in there unless she said so.

"Where the hell are we?" I stretched and looked around.

2 pro heroes popped up out of nowhere that had catlike features.

I held onto the fence and looked over out to the forest.

"We're literally in the middle of- WAH!" The fence broke and I fell off the cliff.

"(Y/n)!" Shoto yelled and jumped down after me.

"Well they'll get a head start..." Aizawa scratched his cheek.

Shoto grabbed my waist and we both slid down on slope of ice.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that. You're the one who fell" He replied.

"You guys can start heading to camp. Not that it'll be easy but the others will join you soon." A voice said inside our heads and we made our way towards the camp.


It wasn't surprising that we made it there before everyone else but that doesn't make us any less exhausted. If anything, we helped clear some of the way for them and it was only the two of us.

We waited for everyone to get back and we all went to eat.

"No fair. You guys got a head start and probably made it for lunch" Denki complained and ate his food.

"We got hear like 30 minutes before you all so stop whining. We had to wait for y'all to eat too"

"Yeah yeah whatever"


I hid in a bathroom stall while everyone soaked in the hot springs. Just like the swimming. I would do it but, I don't want them to see me. Every scar is like another insecurity. When a lot of people get a scar, they like to show it off because it makes them look cool and tough but for me, it makes me look weak. These scars are here because I'm weak. I didn't get into a fight with some villain and get a cool scar from it. I did this to myself. After everyone got out and went to their rooms, I took off my clothes and sank into the hot water.

I floated there for awhile before going fully underwater. The hot water flowed across my eyelids making them hurt a bit but, it was nice. Even though the boys were still loud on the other side, I couldn't hear them underwater. Only the peaceful sounds of my own movement.

I floated back up to the surface and sighed.

"Maybe there's still some girls over there. Now that that boy's not here, I can go look" I heard Mineta say from the other side of the tall fence.

"DON'T EVEN FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT!" I yelled and moved my arms to cover my chest.

"(L/n)? Even better! Have you seen her curvy body?! I can just imagine running my hands over her soft skin" My heart started to race and my breathing increased, making me hug my arms around my waist in attempt to calm down. 

"Hey now that's not cool. Just because Todoroki went back to the room doesn't mean you can just go peak at his girl." Denki spoke up. I silently thanked him, calming down and finished washing up.


"Where were you? We were looking all over for you!" Uraraka said.

"I was looking around the camp so I knew were everything was." I lied.

"Mmmmhm" She stared at me suspiciously before brushing it to the side.

I plopped down on my blanket and pulled out my phone to finish the movie I was watching earlier. It was called (y/f/k/m). (your favorite kids movie)

"OUUU THAT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITES! LEMME WATCH WITH YOU!" Mina jumped over her pillow and ran over to me.



"Who the fuck wakes up this damn early?!" I complained while walking out the building with Todoroki.

"We get more time for training this way I guess" He replied and ran his fingers through his hair.

Well damn. Just make me fall harder I guess.

"I know you're probably wondering why you woke up so early." Aizawa made eye contact with me and I nervously laughed and scratched my cheek.

"Training. I hope you got enough sleep because this'll be so hard you'll feel like you're dying." He smirked and walked over to us one by one.

"Todoroki, you'll be alternating between your quirks and regulating the temperature of the water you're in. (L/n), you can only teleport up to 20ft right?" I nodded.

"Every time you teleport, add a half a foot onto that and create 2 weapons. Leave the weapons out for at least 20 minutes." Aizawa said and walked away.

"Well good luck" I sighed to Shoto and he said the same.

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