Chapter 37

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I stood in front of Shoto's door, wringing my fingers nervously around my glass of water. Come on Y/n. You have to act normal.

I sucked in a deep breath and brought may hand up hesitantly, knocking on the door. It wasn't long before the man of the room opened the door and smiled lightly.

"Well, I see you finally woke up," Shoto let an amused smile show.

"What can I say, I like to sleep," I shrugged and let out a playful smile in return. Good. This is going good.

"Oh, Y/n!" A fluff of green hair popped out from behind the red and white haired man.

"Izuku, hi," my eyebrows raised slightly, not expecting someone else to be with him.

"I'll get going then," he grinned sheepishly with a natural blush adoring his cheeks. He walked past both of us and waved before going to the elevator.

I brought my attention back to the person in front of me and he moved his head in the direction of his room, silently saying I can come in.

I stepped into his room, sliding off my slides, and walked over to awkwardly sit by him on the soft floor.

"I haven't seen you much today. Want to um, g-go on a date or something? We could go to a cafe and sit outside. The weather's pretty nice as well," I looked up at Shoto as he scratched the back of his head in awe. He's asking me on a date...? Oh my god, he is!

My heart sped up in my chest and butterflies flapped their wings in my stomach. I know we're in a relationship now but, he's never asked like this before.

"Unless you don't want to of course...." He trailed off and I immediately stopped him by popping up from my seat and facing him.

"Of course I wanna go on a date with you! A cafe sounds great," I smiled brightly, forgetting about everything else because of the excitement.

He nodded, doubt disappearing from him face and replaced with relief.

"Good because I have one in mind," his smile turned into a small smirk.


We walked into a cafe with a light academia type set up. Soft music played throughout the cozy space and the everything smelled delicious. There was a decent amount of people; couples, groups of friends, loners, etc.

"Do you like it?" I looked over to Shoto and my heart jumped when we made eye contact. He was already looking at me, as if he didn't even look around the cafe yet.

"Yeah," I replied, feeling my face heat up. I turned back to the view in front of me to distract myself from the soft yet intense stare I was given and grabbed the pale hand next to me.

"Let's go sit down," I cleared my throat and found  a table next to one of the big windows that lined the wall. Sunlight peaked through and shined on the table as well as part of the chairs. I'm surprised nobody took this spot yet.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" He asked and I nodded.

"Don't they have to bring us menus?" I asked in confusion and he shook his head, smiling lightly.

"At most cafes you order at the counter and they call your name when you're order's ready. At this one, you place your order at the counter, they give you a table marker with a number on it, and you go sit back at your table. They bring it to you when it's ready." He explained.

"I guess I still have a lot to learn," I laughed, embarrassed.

"I didn't know about this type of type of system until about a year ago. At least the waiter didn't have to explain it to you like a dumbass," We both chuckled and stood up.

A hand was placed on the small of my back and I instantly stiffened. My heart pounded in my chest it threatened to bring up memories that it shouldn't.

"You okay?" Shoto asked and I smiled stiffly at him.

"I'm fine," I said. Concern flashes on his face and he looked over to his hand.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to-" He brought his hand back to his side and looked away before I cut him off.

"I'm okay, you didn't do anything," I quickly grabbed his hand and put it back, not wanting him to feel as if he did something wrong.

I pulled his hand closer to the side of my waist and laced my fingers with his so I knew it was him. If we're going to be together, I need to get used to this type of thing. It's normal in relationships and I shouldn't be flinching every time someone touches me.

The date became for comfortable and natural once we ordered and sat down. I laughed at how professional he seems but, looking at him in his hoodie and joggers, he seems anything but. We're both dressed comfortably and I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I like seeing him in comfortable clothing the best.

"We should come here and do our homework one day. It seems like it would be a good vibe and it might give me more motivation," I smiled softly while looking around the place yet again.

"I've actually come here a couple of times to do homework last year. I've never really been here with anyone else so that would be fun," He nodded. The waiter came by and I moved my arms out of the way so she could set down our drinks and food. They had small things like baked goods and what not.

I got an iced lavender green tea latte (it's so good if you like those flavors), wanting to try something new, and a croissant. Shoto got a fancy looking coffee. I think he said it was a latte too but it had a design in it and gold pieces on top.

We talked about various things like school, sports I wanted to try, things we wanted to do as kids that we never had a chance to do, etc. It was dark when we started to make our way back to the dorms. He made me forget about my worries and the guilt I had felt before and replaced it with smiles and laughter.

"You guys are back late," Kirishima pointed out when we walked into the common area and I smiled, ready to brag about my day.

"Well, I was on a date," I grinned and I room erupted in a bunch of 'ouuuu's. It make me laugh as Shoto's cheeks tinted red and I hooked my arm with his.

"Where'd you guys go?" Mina asked, clearly wanting all of the juicy details. I didn't have any thought, all of it being very wholesome, and I couldn't help but point out how much of a gentleman the boy next to me is. Not only did he pay for the food but, he held doors open for me, pushed my chair in and made sure I was away from the street when we were walking.

He told me those are things a man should always do, something his mom told him. My dad always say that the person I end up being with should treat me right and be a gentleman, but I never really knew what that was exactly. I'll use Shoto as my definition now.

I wasn't used to the princess treatment, obviously, so it was really nice. When I tried to open the door for him one time, bowing as a joke, he almost threw a fit. He said his mom always told him to open doors for ladies and honestly, it was adorable. I know how much he loves his mom.

After everyone went to bed, I took a late nights walk to look at the stars and think of the day. Besides the first part, my day was great. I felt appreciated and loved by not only Shoto but Kirishima and Bakugou too. The fact that they came to my room to check on me makes me smile in itself. Not to mention the stars were beautiful tonight. I never got the chance to look at them like this in prison since there's no windows and it's moments like this that makes me really realize that I'm free.

I'm free to look at the stars or sunset if I want to. I'm free to eat whatever's I want and however much I want. I'm free to do basically anything and it was one of the best feelings in the world.

I hope it always stays this way but, that's just wishful thinking. I shouldn't get my hopes up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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