Chapter 15

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I could hear Shoto and Izuku talking to each other. I was leaning against the headboard on the bed next Iida staring into space. I was lucky my cuts had healed. Yeah, there were still scars left behind but, I don't think the boys have noticed. If anything, the only person that saw the scars was the nurse that wrapped up the cut on my stomach.

I saw a person- well no. I saw a this dog person walk in the room but I zoned out once he started talking. All I knew was that he was a police chief of some sort. By the time I looked back up from the floor, everyone was bowing. What are they bowing for?

"And (L/n)" My head turned in his direction. "I don't know if anyone told you but, when you got out, you get 3 chances. If you loose all of them then you'll be forced to go back to the prison for probably life. Now you have 2 chances left before you go back for using your quirk when you weren't supposed to and fighting Stain." The dog informed me.

"You're fucking kidding me right?!" I stood up, ignoring the pain in my stomach.

"No I am serious and please don't use that language with me."

"Fuck that! How are you gonna take away one of my chances that I didn't know I even had?!" I cursed at him.

"That is our fault for not informing you on the rules you had but, that does not change what you did. Especially because of you past, we are more strict on you. You have not given us a reason to trust you"

"That was 9 years ago! I've changed..." I sat down on my bed and curled into a ball. I glitched but not fully. When I glitch, I go into a different space in time and nobody can come in that place unless I let them. I can only stay there for up to 15 minutes though. Since I've been able to use my quirk again, I go in there sometimes for a quiet place, to calm down or to go somewhere so I don't hurt anybody. I can still hear everything around me though if I wanted to. I'm just good at blocking people out.

After awhile, I came back and sighed.

"I just got off the phone with Uraraka. Oh! You're back (Y/n)!" Izuku said while walking into the room.

"Iida... just got his test results" Shoto said.

"I have permanent damage to my left arm" He announced.

"Permanent?!" Me and Izuku raised our voices, surprised.

"I did damage to (I forgot go the name to the part of his arm or whatever so if you remember, insert that here) which means I'll have trouble moving my fingers and my hand will become numb sometimes."

"O-oh...." I mumbled.

"They said you can fix it with a nerve transplant surgery but I'm not going to do that until I can call myself a hero!"

I wanted to say something but, he looked like he already made up his mind so I kept it to myself.

"I feel..... kind of bad" Todoroki suddenly said.

"About what?"

"Whenever I'm involved, somebody's hand gets messed up. It's something wrong with me."

"Huh???" I asked, not knowing where he was going with this or what he was talking about.

"Am I cursed?" He looked dead serious staring at his hand that I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"This isn't a joke! It's like I'm the hand crushed or something...." I started to wheeze and I put my hand over the cut in pain. Even though it hurt, I kept laughing. Not on purpose but because I couldn't stop.


A couple days after that we went back to school and the internships were over. Me and the girls all walked into the locker room to change after the race.

"It must of been pretty tough fighting the hero killer huh?" Tsu asked.

"Well, the boys did most of the work. I was pretty useless most of the time." I replied and walked into one of the stalls to change. Nobody else went in the stalls so they thought it was weird that I did but oh well. As long as they don't start asking questions. I slid my arms out of my hero costume and put them into the button up they give you for the uniform.


"Okay that's it for class today. There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly right? Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion you should worry about. Good luck." Aizawa said and closed the door.

I slammed my head on my desk and groaned. I haven't been paying attention in class at all. I'm usually either sleeping, staring out the window, drawing or daydreaming.

"I'm gonna fail~" I cried with Mina and Denki.

"Don't worry. I can take you over the important stuff!" Momo offered.

"You're the best Yaomomo!"

"Can you help me too? I'm having some trouble understanding quadratic functions."

"I don't even know what the hell that is" I cried in the corner.

"ShoSho!" I whined as we walked to the train station.


"Can you please help me study?"

"Yeah sure."

"Thank you so much!" I cried for the 5th time today. "I've only been home schooled by my mom up to like 5th grade so I only know the basic shit.... of course they didn't teach us anything in the prison but Emi and Kai taught me whatever else they knew which wasn't much."

"Oh that makes sense. I can stop over and sleepover for the weekend. I don't really want to go home anyways." He replied.

"Oh then I'll come with you! I'm never seen your house before"

I took Todoroki's train instead of my own and we walked to his house. It was a traditional Japanese styled mansion.

"Woah.... it's big as shit and really pretty"

"Thanks I guess. I'll show you my room." He walked up a set of stairs and down the hall. His room was really nice too.

"Um... where's your bathroom?" I asked.

"It's 2 doors down and on the left." I thanked him and left. I used the bathroom and walked out, almost running into someone.

"You again?! Why are you in my house you damm villain?!" Endeavor yelled in my face.

"Ask your son asshole" I growled. His intense glare made me want to shrink into a hole but I didn't show it.

"Ah!" I yelled when he grabbed both of my arms and dangled me in the air like a rag doll. My shirt lifted up showing the freshly wrapped bandages around my stomach. The pain increased from the new cuts I had on both arms. I could feel some of the scabs start to rip open and blood soak through my inside sleeves.

"I told you to stay away from my son. Stop following him around like a lost puppy. He has way more important things to focus on then you." He spat on my face.

"Father? What are you doing to her?!" Todoroki shot ice at him but Endeavor just melted it and dropped me onto the floor.

He ran over to me.

"Are you okay? Are- are your arms okay?" He grabbed my arms and I whimpered.

Shoto started to roll up my sleeves but I snatched my arms away.

"I'm fine Shoto!" I told him but he kept asking.

"I said I'm fine!" I said more sternly and got up. I yelped in pain and fell back on the ground.

"See, you're not fine!" He yelled at me and pick me up bridal style.

"If you every touch her again I promise you you'll regret" Todoroki glared at his father and walked down the stairs.

Instead of taking the train, Todoroki called a taxi. When we got back to the house he picked me up again.

"ShoSho I can walk. I'm fine" I tried to convince him. What if I to heavy for him? You probably are.

"No (Y/n). You're not fine so stop telling me lies"

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