Chapter 9

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"Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will you wildest fantasies come to life? Prepare yourself.... for this!" Midnight announced.

"Cavalry battle? I'm terrible at thoooosssse" Kaminari said, clearly not liking the next round.

I don't really talk to anybody here but, I guess I could team up with Shoto or Izuku. I have 195 points so at least one person would want to team up with me.... right?

Nobody ended up asking me to be on their team so I asked Izuku if I could be on his. Nobody wants to be on a team with a villain. You're so stupid.

Timeskip cuz I'm lazy and I really don't want to write about the cavalry battle sorryyyyyy.

"Lunch timeeee" My stomach growled, ready to be filled with delicious food. I was trying to get in the habit of at least eating 2 meals a day like Aizawa said but, I didn't even do that when I was living with my mom.

He told me to get smaller meals but, I really want a big bowl of ramen right now. (Or whatever you prefer to have)

Where's ShoSho? I couldn't find him anywhere. I ended up sitting under a tree and eating the small lunch I got.

"I want more fooooddd....." I whined and stared at my empty tray.

"That girl over there's a villain right? I remember seeing her on the news when I was little" Two boys in UA gym uniforms said, walking passed me.

"Yeah she is. My mom warned me about her. She said to stay away from her. She must really be dangerous then huh?" The other boy said. I could still hear them at a distance due to my slightly sensitive hearing. My ears were slightly pointed. (like Tamaki's)

I knew it. Nobody wants to be around a villain. I'm surprised Izuku still wanted to be friends after finding out what I was. Well I guess all he knew was that I was a villain, not what I've done. If he knew, he wouldn't want to be friends with me. Same with ShoSho. Why would he want to be friends with a killer?

I sighed and stood up to walked back to the arena. It was almost time for the vs battles. I wonder who I'm going against.

"Now for the first round. (L/n) (F/n) vs Shinso Hitoshi!"

So he's the dude that can do some type of mind control. If you answer him, he can take control of you. This'll be easy. I don't talk that much as it is if you're not my friend or something and I'm pretty good a tuning people out.

We both walked onto the concrete from opposite sides of the arena and waited for permission for the battle to start.

"(L/n) (Y/n) huh? Glad I didn't run into you 9 years ago. Wouldn't wanna get killed now would I?" The second the battle started, he tried to make me talk. The things he said made me want to yell at him but, I just tuned him out and focused on winning.

I glitched forward and smirked before kicking him out of bounds.

"Shinso is out of bounds! (L/n) advances to the next round" The half of the crowd who didn't know who I was cheered.

I walked out of the arena and through that dark halls. Turning the corner, I slammed into a hard chest.

"What the hell?!" I rubbed my nose and backed up to look at the person I ran into. Endeavor?

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