Chapter 30

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Shoto's pov


"Hm?" She tilted her head back to look at me. We were at my house now since I knew nobody would be home this time for sure. Father's out of town doing hero work for the next 5 days so I wasn't worried about him coming home any time soon. I've been want to ask her about what she said earlier. Even though it's been hours, I can't stop thinking about it.

"About what you said earlier, what exactly did you mean by "am I that bad?" What exactly did you dream about?"

She shifted in my lap and sighed.

"Well no use not telling you. You know so much about me already. When I was little, around 4, my mom.... she... she- fuck"

I turned her around and made it so her legs sat on each side of my waist.

"I fucked up my chores that week and she.... tried to kill me. I was just sitting in my room when she came in acting weird. Nice. Of course I thought she had a change of heart but I was stupid. I was too naive to see it was just an act. She said she was tired of having a child like me. Saying I was too clumsy and just completely useless. She choked me until I passed out......"

The whole time I was looking at her, she tried to cover her hurt with the anger she had in her but I could easily see the hurt was more. Her eyes started to fill up with tears and she looked up at me.

"Be honest..... am I that bad? I though mom's are supposed to take care of their children and love them unconditionally. I thought they were supposed to teach them how to be a good person and how to be even better then them yet all my mother did was teach me how to kill. She tried to teach me how to be better than her but not in the way she should. Her meaning of better was who was the worst. Who has more kills, who has better aim, who has better fighting skills and yet she still thought I failed to be a good daughter. I did everything she wanted me to. I trained and I cleaned and I cooked. I don't understand what I did wrong." Her forehead rested against my chest and small sobs shook through her.

"I used to think I wasn't good enough for my father when he first started to train me but now, I don't care about what he thinks. All he wants from me is my quirk and nothing else. I'm going to show him I don't need his help. You and Midoriya helped me see that." I wrapped my arms around her and her hands grabbed onto my shirt, gripping the tightly

"I'm sorry. I'm over here spilling all of my problems to you as if you don't have problems of your own." I felt her breath hit my chest and I rested my chin on the top of her head.

"I chose to help you. You've already helped me so much. More than you know" I could feel her start to fall asleep so I leaned back onto a pillow, getting more comfortable and let her lay her head on my stomach. She wrapped her arms around my waist and quickly fell asleep.

That small sleep in the classroom was probably completely restless. She needs me and I need her so I will stay by her side.


(Y/n)'s pov

After catching up on some of my sleep, I could actually focus somewhat on what people were saying.

I looked up, seeing a pair of shoes on the floor next to me. The tall, black haired girl stared down at me with apologetic eyes. There was something off about them though. As if she was hiding something and she wasn't really sorry for whatever she was trying to apologize for. As if she had an ulterior motive.

When I saw her look behind her slightly and smirk before turning back to me, I knew what she was trying to do.

Of course. What was I supposed to expect.

"(Y/n) I am so sorry for thinking your situation was less than it actually was. In the beginning, I thought all villains deserve to be in prison but I guess that's not always true. I apologize for thinking that you were overreacting about everything so in exchange, here's some of my favorite tea my family gets once a month." She slipped a bag of tea and a piece of paper towards me with a smirk on her face before quickly fixing herself back into the person that everyone always sees her as. The perfect rich girl who hasn't done anything wrong.

"Yeah thanks. Also I have something for you too" I ripped out a piece of paper from my notebook, wrote a couple things on it and gave it to her.

She stood there reading it in shock. She turned, looking at me and screeching, " What do you mean you don't accept my apology?!"

"I mean exactly what I said. I don't accept your apology because you don't mean it and it's pretty obvious why your putting on this fake act of yours. You like him isn't that right Momo?" I stood up and walked forward as she stepped back until her back hit the wall in the back of the classroom.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Did you really think I was that dense to not see through your act? You gave yourself away so easily. If the quick looks at him wasn't enough, you're talking to a girl that hasn't had anything else to do but observe. I was stuck in a prison for over 8 years and if THAT wasn't even enough, my own mother trained me to be an assassin just like her." I looked at her for a few seconds before walking to the front of the classroom. Aizawa had got called to the office so, me and the students were the only ones in the room.

"I don't know if you guys realize but, I'm not fucking stupid. My mother was an assassin for 19 years and once I was born, she trained me to be one too. I see all of you. Every noise you make, every time you move in your seat, every time you breathe, I know it all. It's not even on purpose and that's the funny thing. If I really wanted to, I could hack the school's computers and get all of you and your family's personal information. Not even that but I could kill all over you within a minute. Painfully or not. Momo I know what you're trying to do and it's not gonna work. I'm not stupid enough to drink that. I mean like come on now! Trying to poison me?! Really?! Even if I did drink that shit, it wouldn't work. Do you know how many times people have tried to poison me huh?! I'm practically immune. This is fucking ridiculous" I shook my head and walked out of the classroom.

Sorry if this chapter is bad. I was kinda half asleep while writing this lmao

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