Chpater 14

563 13 17

"Try to evacuate the citizens from the area! I don't what these things are so don't try to fight them (Y/n)" Blur ordered. I glitched citizens more up to 3 at a time which took a big toll on my body. Before the training me and Blur went through, I could only glitch myself but now I can do up to 3 people at a time.

I heard a ding from my pocket. I wasn't going to check it due to the situation we're in but, I had a bad feeling about it. A location sent by Midoriya? Does he need help?

"Blur all of the people are evacuated at a good distance. My friend might need help so I have to go!"

"Wait! (Y/n) stop!" I ignored her and ran to the direction Midoriya had sent. It took me into the back alleyways of Hosu. These streets look familiar....

I didn't even have to look at the map, I knew where I was going already. I knew my way around these alleyways from when I was little.

I glitched to the roof or the buildings so I good find my way easier. When I got there a knife was going straight towards Shoto's cheek. I created a small knife to match the one being thrown and threw it to intercept the knife.

"Huh?" Todoroki looked confused.

I jumped off the building and went behind the person they were fighting in the air. I created a katana. It had a gold handle and black cloth wrapped around it.

He turned around to meet my sword with his own and all you could hear is the sound of metal hitting each other.

I pushed off of his weapon and jumped back to Shoto.

"You too!?" Iida yelled.

"(Y/n)?" Shoto asked.

"You okay?" He nodded and we both got back into fighting positions.

Midoriya, Iida and a pro hero that I don't know were on the ground. Midoriya didn't seem to be injured but the other two did.

"Oh? Now here's a real challenge" The person smirked.

"Who are you?!" I asked him.

"You don't know who that is?!" The green haired boy and everyone else looked shocked.

"What? Is he famous or something?" I looked at the man confused.

"I'm not surprised you don't know me. 9 years in prison you don't really get news from the outside world do you?" I shook my head no.

"I am Stain the hero killer. Now shadow killer, is a hero now? That's surprising. I thought you were just like me. Name and all." My eyes widened. I hadn't heard that name in over 5 years. I tried to forget about it but I knew I never would.

My eyes quickly narrowed into a glare and I glitched forward in different places to confuse him and lined my katana up to his neck.

"I don't care who the hell you are. Call me by that name and you better hope you survive cuz the chances and not likely." I growled. The seriousness from my voice weighed everyone down besides me and the hero killer.

"She's back" He smirked and sliced my stomach without me noticing.

I groaned and cut part of his arm. I didn't want to kill anyone else. Ever.

"Shit" I glitched to Iida. All of a sudden my body froze and I sat still on my knees.

"That's his quirk. If he tastes your blood, you won't be able to move" Deku informed me.

I could feel the blood flow out of the cut and onto my thighs but I was frozen so I couldn't stop the bleeding.

"(Y/n)!" Shoto yelled and shot ice towards Stain. He jumped away from the large wall of ice and cut it into pieces.

"You blocked you field of vision from an opponent that's faster than you. Rookie mistake." He said in the air.

"Come get me then!" He yelled back and two blade stabbed his arm.

Stain pointed his sword down ready to stab the frozen hero on the ground but, all of a sudden, Deku jumped up and dragged him against the alleyway wall.

"I'm not sure why but I'm able to move now!" They figured out that his quirk has a time limit and the amount of time depended on the blood type.

I don't even know my blood type.

"I'll distract him while you support me from behind. Sound like a plan?" Deku asked.

I still can't move! I'm so fucking useless. If I wouldn't have gotten caught up in my feelings, I would of been able to help. Now I'm just a pathetic girl not even being about to help her friends.

"You have to run.... I can't watch this!" Iida pleaded.

"You wanna make your brother proud then stand up and be Ingenium!" Todoroki yelled.

Iida slowly began to move again and then blocked Stain from Todoroki, breaking his sword in half.

"Todoroki, Midoriya, (L/n). This has nothing to do with you. I apologize! I'm okay but I won't let you three shed anymore blood for me!"

"It's not use trying to pretend your a hero now. A person's true nature doesn't just change in a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud that prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name hero! Someone needs to teach you a lesson."

"You're a fundamental lunatic. Iida don't listen to this murderers nonsense." Shoto said. If he's a murderer then what does that make me...?

"No, he's completely correct. I have no right to call myself a hero at all. Even so, there's no way I can back down!" Iida yelled.

"Pathetic" He's pathetic? Theirs no way Iida's pathetic compared to me. He has a goal in mind and he's trying to keep his families hero name going so, he's definitely not pathetic.

The hero killer all of a sudden changed.

"You're in the way!" Iida shot his arm out in front of Todoroki and a blade went into his arm. Another blade pinned him to the drowns with his other arm.

While Todoroki froze his legs, I was able to move again. By the time I actually got standing, weakened from blood loss, Stain was knocked unconscious and was on top of Todoroki's ice.

I took away all of his weapons and Todoroki ties him up with a rope. I really was useless during this battle huh?

"(Y/n)?!" Blur came around the corner and body slammed into me.

I yelped in surprise and pain.

"You're hurt?! Why did ignore me and run off like that?! I told you to stop! You're not allowed to use your quirk unless I tell you when and I did not tell you to could! Who were- the hero killer?!" She shrieked.


Yeah. That sounds kinda nice. Dying you know? I mean what's the point of living if you have no purpose. You can't even protect your own friends so there's no way you can become a hero. You're so pathetic (Y/n). All you did is block one knife and cut him. You barley did any damage! Fucking useless...

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