Chapter 35

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Please read!!

I am so sorry for not updating for the past couple months. I know some of you have probably been waiting and given up on me. I can't even be surprised because that's how most stories end up. I've could of written this chapter when school started back but I didn't so that's my fault. I'm thinking about slightly changing the plot line because I have major writers block so if you think it's not the same as the show, it most likely isn't. Anyways, lets get to the chapter.

I woke up around dinner time and felt my stomach growl. I looked down to the man in my arms, face buried into my chest and smiled. From rags to riches I guess. My stomach rumbled loudly and I froze, waiting to see if Shoto woke up. Thankfully, he didn't and I slowly moved my half asleep arm from under his torso. All of that training came in handy getting out of the bed until both of my feet touched the ground and buckled underneath me, almost making me fall. 

"Well that was a close call" I sighed to myself and pulled on a pair of sweatpants that obviously weren't mine. A phone sitting on Shoto's nightstand lit up and I picked it up, realizing it was just an Instagram notification, telling me somebody followed me. Another one of those random people I don't know. 

I closed all of the apps and went to safari, looking up simple recipes to make since I doubt anybody else cooked. The last time I've cook was years ago but having cooked every single day unless mom ordered takeout, I'm sure it'll come back to me in no time.

"Spaghetti sounds pretty good or maybe shrimp alfredo? Wait! I remember how to make my own sauce for that!" I whisper yelled and wrote a quick note for Sho, telling him I'll be back later or downstairs in case he wakes up. I stopped in my room, grabbing some cash Aizawa gave me awhile ago if I needed it. Curfew isn't until 9:30 so I'll have plenty of time.

A small laugh fell out of my mouth when I looked in the mirror. 

"I look musty" I changed into some sweats that actually fit and slid on Shoto's hoodie over the baggy shirt I was wearing before. It didn't really look any better but at least it didn't look like I was wearing a soggy diaper. Glitching outside to save time, I started walking to the small grocery store a couple blocks away. No need to rush when I have at least an hour to get back. 

The small bell next to the door rang as I entered and I started my search. First, I stopped in the dairy section and grabbed milk, heavy whipping cream, and Parmesan. I grabbed the shrimp and noodles next as well as garlic, any seasoning we might not have back at the dorms. Randomly having the thought of garlic bread came to mind and I grabbed that too. (If you don't like any of this stuff feel free to change it)

The bell rung as I was walking to checkout and a man around 5'11 walked in, looking like he walked straight out of jail. Definitely needed a shave, I can tell you that much. We made eye contact and my top lip twitched to curl up at the nasty look in his eyes.

I paid for the food and walked out, ignoring the pair of eyes staring into my back. Once the door shut, I shivered in disgust before heading back to the dorms, taking note that the man had just walked out the store and started walking in my direction. After about a block or two later, I started to speed up a little more, realizing he's following me. I started to think he could just be going in the same direction as me but, he didn't even buy anything in the store. 

My heart was pounding so loud in my ears I could barley hear the man's footsteps anymore. If he really was in jail, who knows how long it's been since he's seen a woman. I doubt he even know's who I am. 

After he rounded the same corner as me for the 2nd time, my breathing started to get out of control and my hands started to shake. I tried to concentrate on anything around me instead of my time in hell. 

A hand landed on my shoulder and in less then a second, the man was pinned against a brick wall with a knife against his throat. 

"Wow pretty lady.... chill out" He held his hands up with an ugly smirk on his face. I pressed the knife into his neck with a steady hand and watched a small drop of blood roll down over his collarbone. My mind went blank. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't think at all.

"H-hey... come on now, you don't wanna kill me do you...?" Kill him? Maybe I should. No.... did I really just think that? I can't kill him. I don't wanna kill anybody. But it would be to easy. Drag this knife across his throat and watch him bleed out. No...

"Stalk another girl and you'll regret it" I took in a deep breath, stared into his fear filled eyes and glitch to the next block. 

The knife fell out of my hand, my whole body shaking as tears spilled down my cheeks. There's no way I just did that. I'm better. I'm not a villain. I can be a hero. I can be someone dad would be proud of.

Sobbed made their way out of my lips and I walked over a tree, setting the groceries down and leaning against it, crying. I don't know how long I stood there crying but, it couldn't have been that long considering the 9:30 alarm didn't go off on my phone yet. 

"In and out (Y/n).... breathe" I calmed myself down and made sure I looked like I didn't just cry my eyes out before walking into the dorms. 

Empty. Thank god. 

I walked into the kitchen and set everything down on the island. Distraction. I need a distraction. 

I paced around the kitchen and eventually pulled pots and pans out of the cabinets. I washed my hands, got out a knife and cutting board, and started to pull the tails off of the shrimp. I mindlessly worked through everything, boiling water, chopping garlic, seasoning and cooking shrimp, adding extra Parmesan to the sauce and putting the noodles in the water. Before I know it, two plates sat in front of me, ready to be eaten. 

The smell of garlic and butter filled the kitchen as I pulled crispy, golden garlic bread out of the oven. I picked up both pieces of bread, plopping them onto the plate and ignoring the slight burn on my fingers. 

I jumped as a sleepy Shoto walked into the kitchen. He was so quiet I didn't even hear his footsteps.

"Smells so good" He took in a deep breath then woke himself up by chugging a glass of cold water. 

"Thanks" I smiled slightly and sat in one of the chairs pulled up to the island, the red and white headed boy following shortly. We ate in peace, small conversation here and there with an occasional student coming in complain about how I didn't make enough food for everybody.

"I didn't know you were this good at cooking. If I knew, I probably would of asked you to cook for me sooner." Shoto said with a mouth full of noodles. 

"I did cook everyday unless my mom wanted take out so what can I say" I shrugged and laughed slightly at his face. 

Eventually, we both finished eating and I put away the leftovers from the pots into a container, writing my name on a sticky note so everyone knew who's it was. We said our good nights, parting ways because I wanted to shower before going to sleep.

I stood in the shower so long the water started to get cold and passed out on my bed shortly after, hoping for a peaceful dream to escape reality. Spoiler: it wasn't.

Chains (Shoto x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ