Chapter 12

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Todoroki's pov

Where am I? I though then I remember I was at (Y/n)'s house.

She looks so cute when she sleeps- well not that she doesn't look cute when she's awake- wait what the hell Todoroki? What are you thinking? Well my mind's not wrong though.....

My thoughts went on and without realizing it, I was staring. I felt her shift in her sleep and she moved closer to me. Her legs wrapped around mine and her arms tightened around my torso. It was like I was a giant teddy bear.

I didn't know what to do since my arms were already around her so I just laid there until she woke up.

Her head lifted up with her eyes open. I looked back at her and smiled slightly. Her face turned a dark red color and her eyes widened.

"S-shoSho!" (Y/n) yelped.

(Y/n)'s pov

"Good morning" Holy shit his voice is even dEePeR-

"Morning" I took note of our position and blushed even harder.

"Wait" I jolted up in the bed.

"What happened?" He sat up with me.

"I just realized I don't have a hero costume and internships are coming up!"

"We could make a design today. I mean we don't really have anything else to do today so why not?"

"ShoSho do be smart doe"

"I'm gonna get dressed. You could see if Aizawa has any clothes for you." I said before getting clothes out of my closet and walking to the bathroom.


Taking off my uniform, I stared at my arm.

No (Y/n). Shoto's here and today might be a good day....

I slid on some pajama shorts and a hoodie since we weren't going anywhere today. When I got back in the room Shoto was sitting on the bed wearing grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Damn he's fine.

"Ready?" Walking over to my box and getting my sketch book, my blade hit the cardboard.

"Shit" I mumbled and hid the blade under some old sheets.

I walked over to him, grabbing a pencil on the way, and sitting next to him.

"Got any ideas?"


"I'm hungryyyyy" I complained and jumped on my bed in starfish form.

I bursted our laughing seeing him fly like 6ft into the air and back on the bed.

"THE WAY YOU FLEW I'M-" At this point I was sitting up and wheezing. I couldn't stop laughing nor could I breathe.

2 minutes later I was still laughing and currently begging Shoto to help me stop. My stomach hurts from laughing so much and so does my throat.

"I believe I can flyyyyyy"

"STOOPPPP" More tears fell from my eyes and I fell onto the floor.

"I believe I can touch the skyyyyyyy"

At this point my I was either screaming or silently laughing because my vocal chords didn't know how to work anymore.

"I THINK ABOUT IT EVERY NIGHT AND DAYYYYYYYYY! SPREAD MY WINGS AND FLY AWAYYYYYYY" He stood up and ran around the room flying like a bird.

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