Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s quirks


She can make any weapon she wants, she just has to imagine or picture what it looks like. She can also control them but, it takes a lot of energy.

Side effects: Due to having to imagine the weapons, if she makes more than 2 at a time, a bad headache will start to form. Also controlling the weapons uses a lot of energy so she can pass out if she does it for too long.


She can teleport or glitch within 20ft. She can glitch people with her by touching them but, it drains a lot of energy.

Side effects: The glitching can slow down as her energy weakens. She become very weak due to the amount of energy she has to use to glitch.


Everyone's been training for the sports festival for the past 2 weeks. Everyone's excited and aiming for the top but, I'm just nervous. What's everyone gonna think when they see a villain, me specifically, in a hero school?

I was all over the news when they found me. I'm surprised class 1-A didn't know who I was but, I'm glad at the same time. They'd think of me differently and I don't want that.

I walked into one of the bathroom stalls in the girls locker room and changed into my gym uniform. After that, I walked to the room we were waiting in till we had to walk into the field.

"Midoriya" Shoto walked up to him.

"Oh hey Todoroki. What's up?"

"From an objective stand point I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you. However, you've got All Might helping you out. I'm not going to pry about what's going on in between you two but know that I will beat you." He declared.

What in the hell? What's up with him today?

Watching all of them say they're gonna win and be the top makes me feel like I don't deserve to be here. I didn't even take a test to get in, I just got offered a place. The people here worked for this and I.... I just came because I didn't want to be in that hell hole anymore.

I have no reason to be here or to be a hero. They all have a dream or a goal in mind and I don't. What's the point? Maybe I should just drop out.

Wait, no. I'll do this for dad. His dream was to be a hero like the other people here so I'll be one for him. I'll be a hero for dad and make him proud.


"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Dad asked and picked me up.

"Hmm... I don't know yet. Maybe I'll be a princess!" Younger me exclaimed while my dad laughed.

"You better find a good prince then" He ordered.

"I will! What does daddy want to be?"

"Well I'm already grown up but, when I was younger I wanted to be a hero. Even now I do but, I'm too old."

"But you are a hero! You save me from the monsters under my bed and in the closet!"

"Well, I'll be your hero then"

Flashback ends

I sighed and walked out of the entrance to the field. Holy fuck that's a lot of people.

Present Mic introduced all of the other classes and Bakugou got called up to represent us. Why did they choose him out of all the people in our class? The other classes already hate us.

"I just wanna say.... I'm gonna win"

My hand slammed against my forehead and I groaned.

Everyone started to yell at him from other classes and ours.

"Our first event is.... and obstacle race!" The r-rated hero Midnight announced. Honestly, she was pretty hot.

Everyone lined up at the starting line. Butterflies filled my stomach and I felt like I was gonna explode.





I ran as fast as I could towards the first obstacle. Todoroki froze the ground. I jumped up before the ice reached my feet and tried to slide across the ice as fast as I could without falling. I ran to catch up with Shoto before large robots appeared.

I guess this is our first obstacle.

As Shoto was freezing the robot, I used the distraction to glitch past him and the robots since they were focused on him and the other students.

"The new 1-A student (L/n) (F/n) takes a sudden lead!" Present Mic yelled into the microphone. I could hear the gasps from the people in the audience who knew who I was, mostly pro heros.

After I made it past the robots, I ran for a bit and reached the next obstacle.

"How the hell did they even build this?" I mumbled under my breath.

I ran and glitched across each rope, slowly making my way to the other side. Almost to the end, I heard loud yelling and explosions. Turning around I saw Bakugou about to crash into me and Todoroki sliding his way across the ropes with his ice.

I finally made it across and kept running, Bakugou and Todoroki close behind me. I stopped when I got to the next obstacle.

"A minefield?" I mumbled under my breath. If I used my glitch quirk I could accidentally land on one of the mines but, according to Present Mic, they don't do a lot of damage.

I bit my lip nervously and carefully made my way over the minefield without using my quirk. My balance wasn't that good so I could easily loose balance and accidentally step on one of the mines. Well, I don't need to get fist place, I just need to make it to the next round so I'll be fine. I'm far enough in the lead that I know I'll make it to the next round for sure.

I stepped on a rock without knowing and tumbled over onto my butt. My body shot up into the air with a pink explosion.

"Holy shit!" I yelled and fell onto the ground. Rubbing my sore butt, I got up and kept making my way towards the finish line. Todoroki, Bakugou and Midoriya have already passed me and some of the other students were starting to catch up.

Broccoli boi slams a piece of green metal in between the human peppermint and Pomeranian on to a bunch of mines. He flew forward past both of them and into first place.

"4th place huh..." I ran through the tunnel and out onto the field. "Not so bad me."

Happy Mother's Dayyyy

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