Chapter 36

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Who is screaming? They're so loud. I should probably help them.

The fog in my brain cleared up, making me realize that the person screaming, was me. I stood in the corner of my old cell, watching blood drip down my thighs onto the floor. I couldn't move or talk or yell at them to stop. All I could do is watch. Before I know it, I was the one on the floor, feeling my heart and insides rip apart. Tears rolled down my face, cold sweat rolled down my back and chains clanked against each other.

Make it stop....

Please make it stop....

I'll do anything. I'll be good. I won't fight back anymore. Whatever you want.

Just please...


I launched forward in my bed so fast my head spun and I fell right back down. My lungs screamed at me to breathe but I couldn't. I can't.

Clothes were thrown out of my drawers and books were thrown out of my backpack. Can't find it. I can't find it. Sketch book.

Pages slapped together aggressively and a clank echoed through the room. I picked up the object, slid down the wall and slid it across my forearm. Again and again and again. Beads of blood combined and slid down the side of my arm onto my thighs. Air filled my lungs and my body shivered.

My body slumped against the wall and the blood on my arm began to dry. I know it's gonna hurt like a bitch to clean off, but I don't care. I don't want to move.


I woke up to soft knocks on my door and I yelled a "who is it" before getting up to open the door. As I reached to unlock the door, I realized that my whole forearm was covered in blood. My heart dropped to my feet and I pulled on the closest long sleeve shirt to me and opened the door, faking a smile.

"Katsuki. Kirishima" I greeted as they stared at me.

"You do realize it's 2 in the fucking afternoon right?" Bakugou questions and took in my appearance.

"I-it is? Opps" I laughed, shifting slightly back into the darkness of my room, away from Bakugou's sharp gaze.

"Yeah, we were wondering why we haven't seen you today yet." The redhead grinned, making my smile light up slightly. Kirishima can make anybody smile. It has to be a second quirk or something.

"I thought you guys knew that I like to sleep in on weekends unlike Katsuki over here," I gestured to the blonde. Kirishima laughed but, Bakugou just stared at me, making me want to shut the door in his face. His piercing eyes made me wish I was a turtle so I could hide away in my shell.

Noticing that I was feeling uncomfortable, Kirishima apologized for waking me and pulled Bakugou away so I could close the door.

"What would I do without you Kiri?" I sighed and locked the door. I picked up an old water bottle, towel, and some napkins. The light was now on, so I could see what I was doing and I sat crisscrossed on the floor. The towel sat underneath my arm and I poured the room temperature water on it. I took one of the napkins, wiped off what I could, and repeated the process until there was no blood left, only scars and fresh cuts.

Somehow, it was comforting to see the familiar red lines cover my skin. Crazy, I know. Without them, my skin just looks so bare. I hate it. I want to run my fingers over the scars and scabs. I want to squeeze my arm painfully tight when I need a distraction.

But now, now I need to go out of my room and do something before someone thinks something's wrong. I already know Bakugou felt something was off. He always notices.

I put on a pair of leggings and a hoodie, wanting to be comfortable, and walked out of the room, leaving it in its messy state. I greeted several classmates in the hall and completely ignored Momo while making my way to the first floor. Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Mina, Sero, and Jiro sat in the living room talking and watching a movie and I spoke to them all before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of water.

I felt awkward. Should I go sit with them? Should I go find Shoto? What if they think I'm acting weird? Should I go back to my room? No, they'll definitely know something's wrong then.

"Hellooooo?" A hand waved in my face, trying to get my attention and I blinked several times to clear my vision.

"Uraraka? Oh, hi," I smiled awkwardly and took a step back so I can have enough room to clearly see her face.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She grins and pulls some chips out of one of the cabinets.

"Nothing much. I kind of just woke up so..." I lied slightly.

"At..." she turned to look at the clock, "3 pm? Jeez girl you must have really needed to catch up on sleep." She looked at me with wide eyes before opening the chips and offering me some. I took a few and grabbed my water, walking with her.

"Do you know where Shoto is?" I asked.

"Last time I saw him he was talking to Deku. He's probably in his room or something, you should go see him," She smirked and raised her eyebrows making me let out a small laugh.

"I think I'm gonna go check," She nodded and waved, going our separate ways.

Well, let's hope I can at least be somewhat normal.

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