Chapter 19

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Knock knock

"I'm coming!" I yelled and ran down the stairs with a small backpack. I wore a pastel pink hoodie and black shorts that went a little above my knees. I'll just get heat stroke. We love that you know? I know we're going swimming but I don't want everyone to know about what I do to myself or other scars from the past. I really hope they don't ask any questions.

"Ready?" Shoto asked and grabbed my hand.

"Mhm" I nodded and we took the train to school.

Mostly everyone was already there besides a few. Everyone was in school swimsuits which I honestly thought was weird. I guess not though since we are at school but, I thought they would bring their own.

"Hey (Y/n) aren't you swimming?" Mina yelled from across the pool.

"Nah" I waved her off and walked over to the shade.

"You know you'll overheat with that hoodie on. You should take it off before you pass out and come swim. We don't want that" Kirishima walked over to me.

I smiled slightly. Nice to know he cares. I waved him off too and pulled out my headphones. Honestly, I wanted to stay home where it's cold and I can snuggle up in my hoodie since I know I'm not gonna swim but, Mina pretty much got on her knees for me to come. (Now that I reread that um..... *cough cough*)

As a kid, the one real childhood experience I actually got to do was swim. Our apartment had a pool which is surprising considering the poor neighborhood. Not that the pool was big and extra clean and all but, it was enough for a small kid like me. After I had finished my chores, sometimes I would sneak out to the pool and teach myself how to swim before mom got home.

One of the best things is just laying there underwater. No yelling or things breaking. It was calm and peaceful. I would stay there all day if I could but apparently humans need this thing called oxygen.

"Hey! Get your depressing ass out of the corner and come swim!" Bakugou yelled, stomping over to me. He plopped on the ground in front of me.

"Why does everyone keep asking me why I'm not swimming? Mina, Kiri and now you." I sighed.

"Because they're worried about you. You have friends and people that care about you. You know that right?" He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Mhmmm" I hummed and then put on a fake surprised face.

"Baku cares for me? We stan" I gasped and put my hand over my mouth.

"Shut up you damn extra!"

"Anddddd he's back"

"What are you two making out over there?" Kaminari smirked with his hand cupped over his mouth.

"NO! SHE HAS A FUCKING BOYFRIEND YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Bakugou stood up and yelled at him.

"Ouch... WAIT YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" Kaminari screeched.

"Shit. Were they not supposed to know?" Bakugou whispered to me and I shook my head no.

"WHO?!" The class yelled except for some obvious people. I told Bakugou about our relationship the day we got together. Maybe it's weird but, me and him tell each other everything. Well almost everything. He doesn't know about the whole cutting thing but he knows about my parents and the prison along with my depression.

I made eye contact with Shoto and I nodded my head for him to come over here.

"Okay so you see this man right here?" I stood up and pointed at him. Everyone slowly nodded and stared blankly.

I pulled him against me and kissed him. It was short but, you could tell we really cared about each other. I pulled away and smiled.

"MINA OUT SHIP HAS SAILED"  Uraraka squealed and jumped around with her.

"Congratulations" Tsu croaked and smiled along with the other girls.

"How did Todoroki get a girl before me. And especially one as fine as (Y/n)." Mineta cried. "I mean look at that ass and tits-"

One look from Shoto made him shut up.

"You better not hurt her damn peppermint shit" Bakugou glared at Todoroki.

"Well since we're exposing people, Bakugou has a boyfriend too" His face turned red and he screamed.


I smiled innocently at him.

"Wait who?" Someone spoke up.

"So he's about this tall, hella nice, most likely the kid of shark boy and lava girl...."


"Holy fuck you really can't figure it out? Shitty hair aka the person Bakugou came here with" I mentally facepalmed.



Chains (Shoto x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora