Chapter 28

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It had been a couple days since I got back from the hospital. For my injures, they've slowly been getting better. I have a very noticeable limp in my step and of course since the biggest cut is on my stomach, it hurts every time I move. I can tell that Shoto notices every time I try to do something because the worry in his eyes becomes more noticeable and he offers to help with everything. All of the bruises are still visible but they're gradually getting better. If I didn't know what happened to myself, I'd think I was sick by just looking at my face. All of the color hasn't came back and there were obvious bags under my eyes. I couldn't sleep.

Every time Shota checks up on me, I pretend but, I can't. Every time I close my eyes all I see is them. The only time I can actually sleep is when I'm with either Shoto or Katsuki and they have their own lives so I don't want to bother them about sleeping over every night. Shoto already got in trouble with his father because of me and I already feel bad enough. He has to be home right after school to train so I've only gotten to see him before he goes to school since he stops over.

Fall time. When the leaves fade into beautiful reds, oranges and yellows until they fall and turn brown and crunchy. When the weather gets colder and you can wear a sweater without dying in heat. Also the things that I've never done before like carve a pumpkin, dress up for Halloween, roast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate, celebrate thanksgiving and go to festivals. I was 5 when I decided fall was my favorite season. (sorry if it's not)

We're now wearing the long sleeve uniforms which hide a lot of the bruises not that I didn't wear a huge hoodie in the summer anyways. The knee high socks hide some too but, there's a lot more on my thighs then the rest of my legs.

I would go out and buy some tights but with all of the news going around about me, I never ended up going outside except for a walk around the neighborhood and I didn't want to bother anybody with my problems. They've already done enough to help me.


"Why not?" It was my first day back to school so why not get ready early? It's not like I have anything else to do. Today was the day I was going back to school. I was the one suggesting I go back to school once the new week started but I don't even feel close to ready. Then again, will I ever?

Quietly limping around the house, I got ready for school and sat on the couch. Now all I had to do was wait for Shoto to come over so we can go to school.


"You ready?" Shoto asked me for the last time as we stood in front of the school.

"Maybe, maybe not" I smiled knowing damn well it was the latter. Of course I'm not ready to be in a loud, crowded place full of judgmental teenagers who love to spread roomers. On top of that, I'm pretty sure they all hate me. UA or not, it's still a highschool.

The first step into the school and I knew I was fucked. There's no way I can get through the day unnoticed. At first, nobody looked but after enough people noticed who had walked in, of course all of the people staring in one direction caught others attention.

ShoSho gripped my hand tighter and pulled me through the wide eyed crowd to class 1-A.

My heart was banging against my chest and my head was pounding. When I walked in, I tried act like I was completely fine and I totally didn't get back from a prison of rapists as guards but I clearly didn't hide it well. The limp probably gave it away. Or maybe it was the bruises or the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Who knows.

"I told you to act normal" I heard Shota mumble under his breath and rub a hand over his face.

People either looked surprised, worried or guilty. I don't know where the guilt came from but it showed on certain faces.

"Welp. What was I supposed to expect?" I sighed and sat in my chair. My movements were noticeably slow and it felt like hours before everyone stopped staring. Some never even did.

"Yes, (L/n) is back. You all still have class so pay attention." I mentally thank Aizawa for saying that but I still couldn't do something as simple as breathe. I still felt eyes piercing into my skull and scanning down the rest of my body making me shift uncomfortably but whoever was looking sure didn't notice due to the fact that they haven't looked away yet or they just don't care.

Knowing there was gonna be even more stares at lunch, I didn't rush the time. There was nothing else I could do except listen to Aizawa's lecture about the upcoming test about things I missed while I was gone or doodle.


"She looks terrible"

"I thought she was a strong villain"

"She should go back to prison. She deserves it"

"I feel bad for her"

"I wonder what happened to her"

"Yeah it was probably pretty bad looking her condition"

Comment after comment filled the lunchroom and I was the talk of the school. Not only comments but even more stares. The food I was eating no longer seemed appetizing and I was about ready to throw up. The murmurs only adding to my sore body and headache.

I dropped my spoon in the bowl of soup I was trying to eat and covered my mouth.

All I want them to do is stop. Stop staring at me. Stop talking about me. Just leave me alone

"I'll be right back" I uncovered my mouth once I was sure I could talk without throwing up. 

"Where are you going? Do you need help?" Shoto's head quickly turned to face me. 

"Bathroom" I felt the dizziness and nausea get worse the second I stood up. Sucking in a breath, I limped my way over to the entrance of the lunch room as fast as I could. I would of glitched but, I didn't have the strength. I knew if I did that I wouldn't even get a 10 feet distance from where I'm standing now without vomiting on the floor and passing out in front of the whole school.

I collapsed in front of the toilet and emptied out whatever in my stomach. Gasps and pants came out of my mouth once I could finally get a breath in. I wiped my mouth with a tissue and leaned against the stall walls. 

When will I get a break? I can't sleep, I can barley eat, I can't go anywhere without hearing whispers or getting stared at, I can barley see Shoto and I can't move without being in pain. For fucks sake I can't even walk properly. 

Nobody in class has said a word to me since I stepped foot in that classroom. Not even a wave. I'm not an object in a museum for people to just look at and talk about. I'm not emotionless. I have feelings and it seems like everyone just forgot or maybe they just don't care. 

I wouldn't doubt it. Why would they care? Who am I? All I am is a villain who walked into a school full of heroes in training without a heads up. 

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