Chapter 27

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(Y/n)'s pov

When I sat up in that hospital bed, I didn't even know where I was. I thought I was still there. I thought I was still in the prison. But when I saw the soft gray and somewhat intense blue eyes of the boy I love crouched down beside me, I knew I was safe.

To know I was finally safe and away from all of the abuse made my whole body relax for the first time in weeks. I knew I was broken and I knew that Shoto could clearly see that. I really did give up sometimes. I really did start to believe he wasn't gonna come back for me and I hate myself for thinking that. I can tell from the dark circles under his eyes that he hasn't slept in days and I could feel that he hasn't been eating just by hugging him.

I didn't think I would ever have this effect of a person. Just because I was in pain, they're in pain too. Just because I'm happy, they're happy too. I don't get it. Why would anyone feel this way because of me? React this way because of me. Why?

It was a couple seconds after he pulled away that I realized how much pain I was in. I groan left my mouth and Shoto's eyes widened. He gently helped me lay down after wiping away the tears falling down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna go tell the nurse you're awake and get Mr. Aizawa and Bakugou."

"Shota and Suki are here?" He nodded, looking me over once more before waking out of the room.

This gave me time to look around and see where I actually was. I heard the beeping of the heart monitor next me and felt the IV in my hand. I saw the gauze and medical tape on my arm meaning they probably took some blood. From the looks of it, it was just a regular hospital room. White walls, chair in the corner, curtain for privacy, bathroom and window.

Hearing the sound of foot steps, I looked in the direction of the door only to see a shadow. My breath got caught in my throat and my body froze.

Those 10 seconds felt like the longest 10 seconds I've felt in my life. The anticipation of the figure walking up to the curtain and opening up made my mind go crazy. The closer the figure got I noticed it was a feminine shape and the person was female.

I sigh escaped my lips and my head fell into my knees when I saw it was just the nurse. God you're so dumb (Y/n).

"Hello I'm Miyori Sato and I'll be your nurse for the time you're here." She walked over to me and I flinched back a bit.

"How are you feeling? I'm gonna need you to relax and uncurl out of the ball you're in. Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you." She rolled the monitor closer to her and took out the things she needed from the small basket attached to the pole.

"W-where's Shoto?" My body stiffened.

"I asked him to stay outside of the room while I take your vitals and changed you bandages"

"NO- I-I'm sorry for yelling but can you please let him in? I-I can't- he- he just-"

"I understand. Would you like the other guests to come as well?"

"They can come in when you're done. Just him p-please" She walked out of the room before coming in with Shoto.

"Is something wrong? Did.....did she do something to you?" His eyes warily looked over at the nurse.

"No she didn't do anything. I just- wanted you to be with me...." Now I feel like I was overreacting. The nurse was only being polite.

"You don't need to be embarrassed for wanting him with you. There are always patients like this. I just told him to wait outside in case you didn't want him to see your body when I change your bandages" The nurse spoke up.

She started to take my vitals and then got to my bandages. I had one on my stomach that looks like it's gotten a slightly better than the last time I looked at it, some around my wrists and ankles from the heavy chains and one above my knee.

She changed those and helped me put the gown back on. Seconds after she left, Bakugou and Aizawa walked into the room over to me. The first to make a move was Aizawa. We hugged each other, enjoying each other's company, before he pulled back and slightly ruffled my hair.

"I missed you kiddo" It was a short sentence but, his eyes and tone gave me all the information I needed to know. A small smile showed on my face as well as tears filling my eyes before I blinked them away. He walked back to where he was originally standing and sat in the chair next to it.

There was a couple of moments of silence before Bakugou bent down to hug my bruised form.

His hold was soft as if I would break if he held me tighter but I could still feel of his warmth. I carefully wrapped my arms around his back but hesitated when I heard his breath hitch.

"Suki?" The room was dead silent which made me slightly uncomfortable but I tried to ignore it and focus on him.

"I was so scare (Y/n)...." Tears started to soak through my gown and my eyes widened. I've never seen Bakugou cry despite how close we were. He would never let anyone see him cry. In his words it makes him seem weak.

"I couldn't even sit in the room watching that shit without throwing up. When I came to set the camera up, I couldn't stand to see you like that. The second the stairway door closed, I broke down. I couldn't handle it. To see someone who is pretty much like family to me in that state just makes my heart hurt. I know all of this sounds really weird coming from me but, if you ever need anybody, me, my mom and dad are here for you. You already know the old hag considers you as her own."

He pulled back and frowned at the surprised look on my face.

"What?" He scoffed. A big, teasing grin appeared on my face and Bakugou sighed, knowing what was coming.

"Awww Suki cares enough to cry in front of me." I teased.

"Yeah well it's not gonna happen again damn extra"

"Andddd he's back." Everyone in the room had a small smile on their face. At least I managed to brighten up the room instead of bringing it down because of my feelings. I really didn't feel how I looked but, if they're all standing here with smiles on theirs faces, it's definitely worth it.

The fatigue started to get to me along with the silence and I started to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

I'm such a dumbass. I finished this like 3 days ago and forgot to fucking post it🤦🏽‍♀️

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