Chapter 17

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Shoto's pov

I looked over at the sleeping figure next to me. Tears were dry on her cheeks leaving stains and her eyes were swollen. We missed the rest of school but I didn't care. That's not important right now.

The fact that she was in so much pain it lead her to do this is just...... I want to help her more than she will ever know. My chest is tight and it kills me to see her hurt.

I sighed as my eyes started to fill up with tears again. I tried to be strong for her but my tears just fell.

I'll try my best to make her happy, I'll do whatever I can to make sure she feels safe and wanted and I will stay by her side as much as I can.

I blinked the tears away from my eyes and wiped the ones that were on my face away. I moved her head off my shoulder and crouched in front of her.

"(Y/n)" I shook her and little by little, she started to wake up. Her voice was rough and scratchy when she said my name. She's as tough as armor but as delicate as a glass doll. Right now, she's broken but I'll put her together piece by peace.

"School ended. We should go home now"

"Oh..." Is all that came out. Her bottom lip was tight between her teeth and her eyes were looking at the ground. Once she noticed, (y/n) quickly pulled her socks back up and pushed her sleeves back down.

"You know, you don't have to hide yourself around me. Do whatever's more comfortable for you though. I'm just telling you so you know in the future." She nodded walked to the door.

Now she seems distant. Maybe I should of just helped her without telling her I knew and that way she wouldn't be so closed off.

"(Y/n) please don't hide yourself now. It hurts to see you close yourself off to me. If you do that, I can't help you and if I can't help you that'll hurt me even more." I grabbed her hand and intertwined out fingers.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to think differently of me now." A long sigh fell out of her mouth.

"Don't worry. I will never think differently of you" Since we had to wait 2 hours till the next train came, (y/n) glitched us as close to her house as she could and we walked from there.

(Y/n)'s pov

I stopped walking at a certain spot. A spot I've visited more than once before. I let go of Shoto's hand and grabbed the ledge of the fence that was there to keep people from falling.

The bridge we were on was high over a river and every once and awhile, a car passed by. If it was the day time, there would be way more.

Shoto stopped walking and looked at me.

My eyes stared at the moving water under us. A lot of the times when I walk home, I take this way. I could take this way if I walked or took the train since it was around a mile away from the house.

"Jumping off a bridge into freezing cold water and slowly loosing oxygen. Swallowing a handful of pills and overdosing. Cutting deep into both arms and waiting for my heart to slow down. Falling off a tall building and letting adrenaline fill me until my body crashes into the ground. Starving myself to death. Jumping in front of a moving vehicle. I've thought of it all and more than once. Even tried to do a few but got interrupted or stopped. When I finally manage to sleep at night, I think of it even then. To others it might seem like a nightmare but to me, it's a dream. I get to be free from this thing people call life."

Shoto's widened eyes stared at the side of my head as my words went on.

"But now every time I have one of those dreams, you're there. Just sitting there staring at me and holding my hand. Every fucking time you change my mind. Shoto you're changing me and I don't know how to feel about it. Whenever I'm with you, I feel happy. When I first felt it, it was so foreign but now, it's almost normal. I don't know what to do with it and it's driving me crazy. Do I accept it or do I push it away? You're the happiness and I don't want to push you away but I-"

"Then don't. If I'm your happiness then don't push me away, pull me closer. And those thoughts, call me. Whenever you have them just call me because I'm here. I don't care if it's the middle of the night I will always wake up for you so lean on me. I'll always be here." His eyes were filled with love and the small smile on his face made my heart speed up.

I walked closer to him and hugged him. Tears ran down my face and I stepped back.

"W-why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"

"No! I just feel so overwhelmed with happiness. I know there's a word for this but, I can't remember it." I wiped the tears from my face and grabbed his hand with mine.

"I'm guessing you're not going home tonight since the train already left. My bad."

"I still have my bag of clothes at your house so it's fine. Anyways, can we have soba for dinner? I've been craving it lately"

"You've have cold soba for lunch everyday since I've came to this school. How can you be craving it?" I laughed.

"Okay but it's not lunch time. It's been hours since lunch. My cravings can come back (n/n)." He spoke with a sassy tone.

"Hey I'm just telling telling the truth. Don't be sassy with me."

"Disrespectful bitch" He mumbled under his breath.

"EX-FUCKING-SCUE ME!? WHO THE HELL TAUGHT YOU THOSE INAPPROPRIATE ASS WORDS?!" I yelled and he just gave me a blank stare.

"I thought it was pretty obvious." Todoroki did a hair flip with his pretend long hair and scoffed.

I grabbed his shoulder to stop myself from collapsing. Breathing no longer existed apparently and I just stood there wheezing from laughing to hard.

"Fucking hell! If it's not suicide I'm definitely gonna die from laughing my lungs out." I coughed and mumbled to myself.

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