Chapter 26

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Shoto's pov

I've been staring at my computer screen for the past 7 hours, since the camera was set up. Bakugou was sitting behind me, eyes glued to the screen with his elbows resting on his knees. 

It's around 8 o'clock now and nothing's really happened. (Y/n) moved from leaning on the glass to leaning against the side of the bed and falling asleep. It's not like she had anything else to do or the strength to do it. 

My mouth felt dry and my breath hitched when I saw guards walk into the camera's view. I blocked out everything besides the computer audio and turned it up. 

"She's sleeping. Hey!" He pushed his heel into her stomach and (Y/n) jolted up. Anybody could see the fear in her now wide eyes. Her body shook and small whimpers fell out of her mouth when they picked her up by her bruised arm. 

Her hands weakly pushed at the man on top of her but, it was obvious she didn't have nearly enough strength to even move him. My stomach twisted and turned when they held her body down so the guard could do whatever he wanted to her. 

"Good idea to keep her weak. She punched my tooth out the first time." His crusty lips curved into a crooked smile showing the gap where his tooth was supposed to be. 

I felt nauseous once they began. After a couple minutes Bakugou stood up and ran out of the room to the bathroom. My stomach wanted to empty out the bowl of cereal I at this morning too but, I didn't. Aizawa walked out of his room hearing the bang of the bathroom door and coughing.

 He quickly walked into the room and froze when he saw me with my hand covering my mouth and tears running down my face. He pulled out his phone and called an agent.

"If you haven't opened the email for the security camera yet, do it now." And hung up. 

"I can't- I c-can't watch t-this" My hands covered my face and I put my head down on the white desk. Someone began to rub my back but, it didn't help at all. Not even close. 

The sound of a phone ringing echoed throughout the room and Aizawa's gruff voice.

"We have proof. We're on out way to the prison now" Hearing the agent say those words made me stand up. Me and Aizawa made eye contact before speed walking out of the room down the stairs. Bakugou, who was walking out the bathroom, caught on and followed us out to Aizawa's car.

Usually the drive was at least an hour but, we made it there in 45 minutes due to speeding. When we got there, there were 5 other cars pulling into the lot. 

I ignored Aizawa's calls and ran into the building, through security and up the stairs. The FBI were right behind me, following me to the floor (Y/n) was on and out into the hallway. The guards were just getting out of the cell with satisfied looks on their faces before they saw me. 

"Who let you up he-" I punched him stomach then in his face then another and another and another. Two agents had to pull me off of him and hold me back. 

"You're fucking disgusting" My face molded into one of disgust, matching my words.

Once they let me go, I ran into (Y/n) open cell and over to her unconscious state. 

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) wake up! Please!" My hands rubbed circles on her bruised cheeks. After failing at waking her up, I picked her up bridle style and walked to the stairs. The weight difference was clear and it only made me want to kill those guards. My anger soon faded into worry and sadness once I saw her face twist up with pain.

The sound of an ambulance arriving made me speed up. Aizawa and Bakugou met me at the door. Even though they saw her condition on the security camera, it's way worse in person. Bakugou's eyes drifted over her body, taking in her appearance and Aizawa went to help restrain the guards trying to escape. 

I met the paramedics half way and gently set her on the stretcher. So many things were going through my head at once but the only thing I could actually focus on is making sure (Y/n)'s safe. Making sure the guards, no, making sure anybody can't get to her and hurt her in anyway.  I stepped into the back of the ambulance and is drove off. I knew Aizawa would make it to the hospital as fast as he could. It was clear that he cared about her as if she was his own daughter. 

I couldn't move my eyes off of (Y/n)'s unconscious body. Small pants came out of her mouth as her chest raised and fell. Every once and awhile her eyebrow would twitch and sweat ran down her pink cheeks. The paramedics had gotten her hooked up to multiple machines and CPAP to help her breathe. They put an IV in her arm and checked small things like her temperature, blood pressure etc. Even though I knew they were trying to help, I couldn't help but be wary of their movements.

They quickly found out that the cut on her stomach was infected. The whole lower left side of her stomach was a reddish purple and green color along with other small cuts from the stitches being ripped out. There were obvious hand prints on her waist and bruises around her wrist and ankles showing that the cuffs were too tight. There were so many more injures on her once clear skin. 

Once we got to the hospital and I knew she was in good hands, I let my thoughts take over. My head rested in my hands as it overflowed with thoughts. There were so many that I didn't even know where to start. What did she do to deserve all of this? Why would anyone do this to a person? There really are sick people like this in the world. If you need help, she's there. If you need a shoulder to cry on, she's there. If you need protection, she's there. She'll always be there for you despite all the pain she's going through. She'll push all of the pain away just to make sure you have a smile on your face, so why? Why her? What did she do wrong? And then on top of that, it took me so long just to get her out of that hell. I couldn't do anything.

It felt like hours before I could even look up from the ground. My whole body jerked when I saw (Y/n) sitting up in the hospital bed with her eyes barley open. 

"(Y/n)..." Being careful not to scare her, I slowly walked over to her and crouched down beside the bed. I didn't know what to expect after everything she's been through. It took a couple seconds before she looked at me, her stare blank before changing into the most broken expression I've ever seen. That look alone made me want to scream and cry and scratch my lungs out. It was as if I could feel her pain deep inside. I would sell my soul just so she could be happy. Just to see her smile and laugh again. I would give her anything and everything she wanted just because it was a thought in her mind.

Her eyes showed me everything I needed to know. 

I sat next to her and pulled her into my embrace. 

"You're safe now" 

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