Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s pov

"ShoSho!" I ran over to him out of breath. I had woke up late and had 20 minutes to shower, get dressed and get here. I wore camo cargo pants and a long sleeved, black turtleneck. My hair was also in two french braids.

"You almost missed your train. It comes in 2 minutes"

"I know that's why I can't breathe. I ran all the way here." I panted.

"Well I just wanted to say good luck. My father's agency is here so I just have to walk." He looked me up and down. "Cute..."

I blushed slightly and said thanks. He pulled down part of my collar and ran his thumb over the dark hickey he left. A smug look was on his face as he looked at it.

"I'll get you back for that" I smirked and waved goodbye, walking over to the train that just got here. I looked back at him before stepping on the train and smiled. A pink tint appeared on his ears and a small smiled showed too.


"This place is fucking huge" I looked up at the tall building. I tugged on the straps of my backpack and sighed before walking into the building.

"Hello. My name is Ray and I'm Blur's sidekick. This way" He turned around and stepping into an elevator.

We then walked down the hall and into a bedroom.

"This is where you'll be staying for the time being. I hope it is to your liking." Why is he so..... I don't know proper? He's like a butler......

"Um... okay...."

"After you put your things away I will escort you to Blur's office." I set my stuff down on the bed and walked right back out, following the server dude. What was his name again? I think it was Ray...

He knocked and opened the door to an office. It had a couple bookshelves filled with manga and a desk that had some anime figures on it. There was also a small couch, chairs and table off to the side.

"So you must be (L/n) (F/n)!" A lady came out of nowhere.

"What the fuck?!" I jumped and put my hand over my heart.

"I like her already" The lady squealed and hugged her.

"Yua this is not the proper and professional thing to do when you first meet someone!" Ray strictly yelled at her with is hands on his hip but, she only pouted for a quick second and agent back to how she was before.

"I'm Saito Yua aka Blur. Nice to meet ya!" A big smile appeared on her face.

"Today we'll get to know each other more, workout and then do some patrolling. Some days I take a night patrol and today's one of those days." She pulled me over to the couches and sat me down.


"Here's your hero costume. It came a little bit before you got here so go get changed. We're gonna go out for patrol now." She handed me a silver case and pushed me into my room.

I slipped on the suit, belt, cuff, gloves and boots and looked at myself in the body mirror.

"Not bad. Me and Shoto did a good job. Wait- what are me and Shoto? Are we still just friends or are we together? Like together together." I panicked but soon realized they were waiting for me.

I checked the pockets and they were all empty. I grabbed a first add kit and put some medical supplies in them.

After that, I walked down to the lobby and met up with Yua. I got a lot of looks walking around Hosu with a pro or at least I thought it was because of her.

3 boys that looked around 16, the same age as me, ran up to me.

"You're (L/n) (F/n) right?" One of them asked.

"Um yeah. Do you need something?" I nervous rubbed the back of my neck.

"Can we take a picture with you and get your autograph?!" One in the back said loudly.

"Oh. Uh sure..?" They all crowded around around me. 2 of them were way taller than me and the last one was around my height.

One handed Yua their phone she backed away to take the picture.

"Smile!" She cheered.

I held up a peace sign and smiled. After, they each handed me a picture of me from the sports festival to sign. Goddamn I look fugly. It's not even blurry. How did they take such a good picture of my ugly self? (Fucking ugly for those who don't know....)

I signed each of them and gave it back.

"Thank you!" They yelled and walked away.

"I knew you'd get the boys. Look how cute you are!" Yua squeezed my cheeks.

"Owwww" I swatted her hands away and held my cheeks.

"See! You're so cute!" She giggled and walked away with me following behind her.

I felt like there was someone watching me but when I looked around, no one was there. Stop being paranoid. There's nobody there.

I slapped my cheeks and kept walking.

Sorry. This chapter is kinda short but I didn't really know what to do with it....

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