Chapter 23

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"Please no.." My throat was dry from all of the screaming and begging. They dragged me out of the elevator and into the hall I've known for the past 10 years.

"Welcome home sweetheart. I hope you like it here because you're not going anywhere any time soon." They dragged my limp body into my old cell. It hasn't even been a full hour and I've already got bruises all over my body. My cut reopened and was bleeding out through my hospital gown too.

"(Y/n)?" Emi called out making Kai look up from his origami. Before he got put in here, one of his only hobbies was doing origami. When he got locked up, one way we would pass time is he'd put on a little puppet show with them or teach us how to make some. One of my favorites was when he taught us how to make this ball we blow up. It was fun to make and play with.

"I'll be back later" And with that, he locked the cell and left.

"(Y/n) are you okay? What happened?" Kai sat in the corner of his cell to talk to me and Emi listened in closely.

"I.... they just....." I stared at the empty, white wall as my eyes filled up with tears. I would of told them everything right there but, I was so shocked that I couldn't. I still had to process everything myself.

"I'm back sweetheart and I brought friends" The guards invited themselves into my cell and closed the door. Untying the gown, they poorly wrapped my injury just enough so I wouldn't die on their watch and flipped me on my back.

They only thing I could do when the unzipped their pants was cry and pray that someone will stop them but, nobody did. Even when I passed out, they didn't stop. I don't even know how long it was before they left. It's not like I was conscious to know anyways.

It was morning when I finally woke up. I couldn't shower, I couldn't stand up and I couldn't even move. The only thing I could do was drown in my thoughts.

I thought I was free from all of this. I thought I could be happy with Shoto and the others. I thought I finally had a home with Aizawa.

Did I not deserve it? I guess not if I'm back here. No freedom, no happiness, no home. I guess that's what I deserve.

"They took me right out the hospital room and accused me of something I didn't do because they can use my past against me. That's why I'm here. Again." I told Emi and Kai.

I knew they heard me and they knew that I didn't want to talk about it. After awhile of silence, Kai spoke up.

"How was the outside world? It didn't change too much did it?"

"It was amazing. I could barely see the first day because the sun was so bright. I got my own room and a home. I got a phone and even went shopping with ShoSho." A small smile made it's way onto my lips.

"I made some friends and went to school for the first time. I got better at cooking and used my quirk for the first time in 10 years. I can't wait for you guys to get out too. Maybe I can figure out someway for you guys to get out early if I ever get back out of here" My voice drifted off. Will I ever get out of here?

"That sounds so fun. I miss the outside world" Emi whined. Kai and Emi started to talk about thing to do when they get out and I just laid in bed, listening to their voices. It was like that was the only thing that could keep me from crying my eyes out.

Shoto's pov

I explained everything to Mr. Aizawa once he got to the hospital and started to figure out a plan to get her back. Since I had already made this whole plan to rescue Bakugou, I would do that first since it's tonight. We had contacted the school and told them everything that happened too. I told them everything I knew so we could file a report against those guards. The only thing that we had left was to get (Y/n) out of that place after I rescue Bakugou with the others.

I know how much (Y/n) cares for him so if he's back and safe, she'd be even happier. I want her to be happy after everything she's been through. I want her not only to be safe but also feel safe.

Right now I have to focus on rescuing Bakugou. No matter how much I want to save (Y/n), I have to save Bakugou first for her. The second I'm done, my focus will be back on her.

"You ready?" Kirishima asked as I walked up to the entrance of the hospital and I nodded.

(Y/n) please be safe. I'll come and save you soon so please pull through.

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