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Hawks was sitting on the green sofa of the talk show. Meisei was quite a well known show so it was safe to say that the fans of his were going to be pleased. Then out walked the host of  the show, Noa. He was a tall slightly muscular male with brown curly hair and hazel eyes.

"Welcome to the Meisei talk show. Today we have the most popular person in Japan at the moment here to talk to us about his most recent villain encounter. Everybody welcome, Hawks"

He looked over to Hawks who was already waving at the cameras and the small audience that sat opposite him. "Pleasure to be here Noa" he smiled with his cheeky grin that all the fangirls loved. Him and Noa went on talking about how Hawks started his whole career for around ten minuets and after the segment was done they quickly went on a break.

"After the break me and Hawks will discuss the thing you've all been waiting for. The legendary fight between him, and the vigilante Kaguya".

your pov

You sat on the chair in your office watching the media as always. You were just mindlessly flickering your attention between the show and watching the people pass by. It seemed like a normal show, Hawks was on it talking about how his career came about. 

Your attention fully switched to the talk show as you heard your alias spoken by the talk show host. "....legendary fight between him, and the vigilante Kaguya". Your head was up at the TV and you had full engagement at what the topic was. Your fight with the number two Pro Hero Hawks was this big news. 'holy shit' you thought to yourself. You'd received none stop compliments from the villains in your building about how well you fought. 

Your trance ended as the commercial break did. You were going to be talked about on live television, of course you had been before loads of times.. you were a practical celebrity around the globe. You were intrigued at what Hawks would be saying about you, did he think you were pitiful or was he revengeful that you'd won a fight against him. 

Back at the studio

"Welcome back to the Meisei talk show, right now we will be discussing hawks' fight with the infamous vigilante that goes by the alias of Kaguya" Noa spoke like all tv presenters did. "Now, Hawks why were you so persistent on making sure we called them a vigilante?" Hawks brushed his hand through his hair and smiled. 

"She is a vigilante, although she is seemingly on the side of the villains.. she has never killed anyone, only caused some harm. And even the best heroes cause some harm so i don't see the need to magnify the bad in her when there is some good she's doing". He wasn't sure if you were watching the show, he just had a gut feeling you were so he wanted you to know that you weren't a bad person in his eyes. 

Noa smiled as Hawks had answered just how he wanted him to. "What about Kaguya herself. You seem sure she was in-fact a  female?" He sat forward his fist leaning on his chin with a questioning glare. "Well, considering i had my chance to fight her upfront, it was clear that she was a female" Now Hawks intentions wasn't to sound like a perv but he was definitely checking you out. 

Noa grinned "How about her alias. Kaguya..do you think that's her real name and stuff. People are assuming that there are detectives trying to figure out who she is" Hawks sat back in the seat and exhaled "Her name  could be anything, we can rule out the name Kaguya however because we've done several tests and none of  them could be her. As for the detective rumour, it's true.. we have two missing persons specialists trying to figure out who she is and all of her details." 

"Final question, then we'll end the show" Noa smirked "What about the rumours that you and Kaguya are dating. Apparently people saw lust and love in your fight" Hawks sat there shocked for a moment. 'd..dating' his brain couldn't comprehend that people would assume he's dating you. 

your pov

You sat there with your mouth wide open. You knew that the video was popular and that the stans were crazy but you'd never assume that they'd 'ship' a hero and a vigilante. Especially when the two of you had only met during fights before. You turned your head back to the TV and waited for his response. 

through the TV you heard his soft voice say "I'm not sure what my fans are seeing, i have a policy to not let you into my love life. I won't confirm nor deny the rumours" Your eyes went into shock. 'HES JUST TOLD EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WORL-' Your brain couldn't wrack it. So now your potentially dating the number two Pro-Hero and you had no say in it? Yeeeeah no. that's not how you were going to work.

You swiftly put on your mask and lifted up a throwing knife and ran out your buildings back door. You were going to find this man and make him tell everyone that the rumours were completely false and that you'd never fall for a hero.


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