ೃ⁀➷your life in shambles

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The air was cold and misty, the walk from Hawks' apartment seemed a lot longer than you had remembered. People walking by would stare at you and others would ask if you were okay; which you weren't but you also weren't going to rant to a stranger. So you just have them a pitiful smile and nod and carried on with your walk. It was around ten minuets later that you had finally stumbled upon your office building. In all it's glory it stood tall and the frost from the snow stuck to the windows. 

You opened the doors and felt the familiar scent of your home hit your nostrils. The warmth of the building made your eyes flutter with the desperation to get in your comfy bed and stay there forever. The moment, as blissful as it was, was ruined by a wave of nausea hitting you. You'd almost forgot you were a pregnant woman, morning sickness was a bit of a struggle and you definitely wanted to just get rid of it. 

You took to the elevator that was right in front of the doors to the building and stepped inside, the doors opened and closed, letting people from different floors on and off and when the elevator reached your floor; you felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Your hand reached into your pocket as you realised that one, you were wearing the number two heroes shirt still. Two, you forgot to lock your door yesterday when you stormed out. 

You slowly placed your hand on the handle and lifted it gently, with as little force as possible you pushed open the door and popped your head in. You there saw a sleeping man sprawled all over your bed, his hair was black and his scars were a great contrast over your completely white sheets. 'So when i left last night, he just stayed'. You climbed into the sofa bed you had and slipped dup next to him, giving him a warm hug. 

He stifled and then raised his head a little bit as he opened his eyes. "oh, hey" He said in his deep morning voice. He was tired and you could tell, the rooms at the league probably weren't all that comfy and your bed definitely was the comfiest one in the world. "sorry for leaving you like that yesterday, i was just really sad-" He then pulled you into him and hugged you really really tight. 

"y/n, you're like a sister to me. I should be the one apologising for teasing you when you had every right to be upset" You then squeezed him back and ruffled his hair. You both took a deep exhale and say something in unison. "I have something to tell you". You then looked at one another. "You go first..." You said. 

"I've found this girl, she's got a fire quirk as well and i think- i definitely am in love with her". Your eyes closed in happiness and you squealed giving him a hug. "Is it.. That girl? the one who was in UA, everyone said she's dating a villain" He nodded and you hugged him even tighter. "I'm almost certain i want to propose she's um, well" he took a deep breath once again and looked you in the eyes. "She's pregnant. The baby's are due any time soon-" His eyes looked lost, like he didn't' know what to do. It pained you to know that you were in no position to help him.. as you were in the same boat, except the roles were reversed. You were the pregnant one that didn't know what to do. 

"We're moving in together, and when they baby's are born-" You smiled a little "BABIES?! as in plural" You were squealing and bouncing up and down. He was going to have twins, it was the most amazing thing you'd ever heard. "Yea- um so what do you want to tell me" He asked. 

You weren't sure how he'd react, maybe he'd be protective.. maybe he'd get up and leave. Maybe he didn't need you in his life now that he was having children already, what if he wanted to just forget about you. You gave a very deep and regretful sigh. "Dabi i'm-" You stood up and walked over to your desk. You opened the top drawer and handed him a velvet red box. The box was meant to be handed to Chrono but, he was gone. You had all faith that he was indeed watching over you though.. and that he'd see this the way he was meant to. 

He looked at it and stroked the top and sides before shooting you a questioning look. "What's this?" He asked with his icy orbs staring right into yours. "What i wanted to tell you, it's in there. You'll understand". His eyes darted down to the box and he lifted the lid with his thumb and once he'd seen it he looked straight at you.

He immediately ran up to you, who was now sat on the desk with your head down. "y/n. Who's the father?" He set his protective gaze onto you. "Har- Chrono" He  then dropped his head and gave you a hug. You stood there for a while before he spoke up. "I'm not gonna' be 'round much often, I've got kids of my own now you know. You're gonna need someone to support you", 

The only person who'd offered was hawks. He was the only person who could potentially look after you and the baby. Staying with him, it would likely set the end of your career. The end of everything your father wanted you to be. Plus Hawks had this outrageous theory that you were scared of love. Scared? not you. Fear was something your father had you wash down the drain. You thought about when Chrono died. 

It was today but somehow it'd seemed an eternity ago.. Like his presence was missing for much longer than it actually was. "You know they say distance makes the heart grow fonder" You looked Dabi in the eyes. "Hari- he's really far away you know. How am i meant to move on with my life when the more he's gone the more i miss him?" He patted your hair "y/n, i used to think destiny was a load of bullshit. Now my girlfriend has shown me that maybe it isn't. So- maybe it was destiny that Chrono died. Maybe it's setting you on a new path for life" 

"That's not the destiny i wanted, though. I wanted Hari by my side. he promised."  He continued to stroke your hair. 

"You knew it wasn't a promise he could keep. Death is inevitable. Something you just gotta grasp-"

a/n- i really am sorry for slow updates. also comment names so i can have some background characters next chapter :)

tysm for 200reads. literally wtaf x

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