ೃ⁀➷a blast from the past

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The small room seemed so much smaller, all the time you'd lived there it seemed like a home. Now it was just an old little room which stored memories you wished not to be remembered. It was nostalgic for you, though- this place had been a home for as long as you can remember. Everyone in here was so accepting and in their own special way it was a little community of people. 

You didn't pack it up, you just collected you clothes. You knew that one day you'd wish to return and you wanted it to be exactly the same as the day you left. Then you looked at the picture frame of you, Chrono and Overhaul- it wasn't dusted, you always remembered to have it cleaned. It was the only picture that you'd ever taken, and it would forever be your favourite. It was the calm before the storm- right before kai died, right before the heroes had taken Eri. Exactly a week prior, you all got a picture together- and the smile on your face was genuine. 

You turned your back to the window with the view that you had looked out a billion times. You opened the door and locked it. Then you went down and thanked everyone you could see on your way down. With multiple bags in hand you left the building and made your way back to Hawks' suite. 

The bags on your back were heavy, 'why the ff- do i have so many clothes?' You knelt down to roll your shoulders as they were all tense. When you lifted you head, your eyes were met with some familiar ones. Your eyes widened with horror and you turned to stone like you'd been graced by Medusa. 'him...' It was one of your fathers targets. An incredibly powerful man that your father had sent to seduce- given by the fact that he was alive. You had failed your mission. The beatings you received were continuous and harsher than before. 

"So... we meet again, Kaguya" He lifted the corners of his mouth in a snaky grin and licked his lips like a predator. "This time, we should go all the way" He then grabbed you by the neck and slammed you into the nearest wall. You didn't gasp for air- you knew that would just satisfy him. "H-hebi" You managed to mutter out, he whispered into your ear with a venomous tone- "Silly girl, you don't get to beg" 

He was quirkless, as far as you were concerned anyway. It would be so incredibly simple for you to kill him. 'what the-' he bit hard into your neck, you felt your power drain away as if he'd just pulled the plug. 'So he isn't quirkless huh-'. He was related to that hero killer, but it appears that digestion of blood won't paralyze you- It'll erase your quirk for a while. 

You kicked him where the sun don't shine and he bent over wheezing in pain. 'no mercy'. You sent a roundhouse kick to the side of his head and when he fell to the floor you started rapidly punching his head. You couldn't control yourself, you had started laughing like a psychopath and said between laughs. "You've fallen off- Hebi" He then brought out a knife and a lightning strike of fear pierced your heart. You were pregnant. You'd just completely forgotten- and in a flash you went completely defensive. 

You stood up and stomped on his wrist. The little knife that was in his hand was now laying on the floor. The sun reflected on it- making it so desirable for the opportunity. You were stalking towards the knife, your hands were shaking with anticipation. you'd not had the opportunity to kill in years. You could see your reflection in the blade, it showed your face- it was deadpan. No emotions were shown in your delicate face. You felt you knees buckle under, completely forgetting that a bloodthirsty man was behind you. 

It had been ten minuets, you were bleeding from your arms and your knees- still unable to use your quirk. Your vision started to waver as you toppled on top of Hebi, straddling his torso you held the knife to his neck. .He was being difficult and you couldn't hit him somewhere fatal, you just kept giving him scratches- and he winced every time you did. 

It was a mess, you projected so much emotion and transformed it into violence. You knew he felt it, the aura you gave off because of the emotions attached to this fight. You so badly wanted to end this mans life, to make your father proud; to show him you could kill him and even better, without your quirk. Something inside you found a slight but of golden heart. The fragment of you that remembers that you have a child on the way, and that you wanted them to have the best life they possibly could. And Keigo- he's a hero keeping an imposter under his wing, he really didn't need a murder to pop up. 

However, as your head was in the clouds- you noticed there was no more squirming, there was no more moving no more yells. You felt his lips on yours.. the perv had kissed you as he was about to die. It was a pity kiss, though. Since you had been sent to seduce him- he played the cards back on you. Only this time his face was beautifully constructed, you only noticing his looks when he was covered in blood at his dying breath. 'wait-' It had just hit you. His pathetic human heart had stopped beating, you'd actually killed him. 

You ran, leaving the body on the floor in the abandoned alleyway. You managed to make your way to his apartment but just as you made it into the living room, you noticed a winged man stood in front of you. "Hey...Keigo" You spoke with a worried tone. His reaction, it wasn't sour it wasn't even a slight bit of anger. He was worried. "You okay?" His eyebrows raised in a melancholic way. You were dripping with blood, and you were holding a tiny knife in your hand. 

"I...I killed a guy- but listen he was- he was gonna kill m- a-and the bab-b-y and i-" You exhaled when you felt another kiss on your lips. This time, it was full of life and warmth. It was passionate and soft, he'd kissed you to calm you down but for the first time in forever.. your heart was beating extremely rapidly. "Take me to his body"

You arrived in a familiar alleyway. This time you really noticed the damage you did to the man. Hawks saw your shoulders tense and your eyes widen. He went over to his limp and lifeless body. Blood flowed, thick and sluggish, from a slash across his gut, spilling out a nest glistening grey snakes.

"He deserved it. Repeat it to yourself. He deserved it."
you spotted maggots, flecks of doughy white nestled within mangled flesh, feverishly squirming into hunks of gore.
"He deserved it. Repeat it to yourself. He deserved it."
His once handsome features were spotted with angry bruises, and death had frozen his face into a rigid snarl, a final, eternal lamentation to the heavens.
"He deserved it. Repeat it to yourself. He des-"
Your gut lurched, and a churning mixture of digestive fluids and yesterday's dinner filled your mouth. You were too weak to behold your own work.

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