ೃ⁀➷slip of paper

25 0 0

You were sat in the doctors office holding Keigo's hand. The man in front of you was tall and had chestnut brown hair. You couldn't see his eyes behind the glasses he had on, but as he approached you and Keigo you noticed his eye's were alexandrite. He smelt of chemicals; the way a doctor should. "Miss..L/n?"

Your head turned to face him. "Yes Doctor?" 

"Is this your boyfriend?" You looked over to Keigo with wondering eyes, what were you to answer? This man wasn't your boyfriend but maybe it'd look better if you said he was. 

"uh-"  Keigo cut you off. "Yeah this is my girlfriend, the baby's not mine biologically though". Your heart was racing, yeah you'd got into a fight when he let people believe you were dating- this time it was different though. This time you weren't Kaguya. You were y/n.

The doctor looked at you both and walked back to his desk, his movements seeming oddly suspicious. You and Keigo were just smiling fakely and shooting glances at one another from time to time. He waddled back towards the two of you before handing Keigo the paper with the gender on it. You wanted him to surprise you with the gender. 

a/n- i am aware that this chapter is outrageously short. however i'm hoping to have the next chapter slightly longer than usual, so this is just a bridge into that. also first and second chapter of Gaara x reader is out :)

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