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"Fine then, I'll fight you".

You and Bakugo went down into the apartment buildings gym. Keigo wasn't at all pleased with the idea of you fighting Bakugo, but he knew you weren't going to be stopped by anyone, including him. 

You changed out of your lazy clothes, and wore your old villainy costume. Out of habit you lifted your hood up and crouched down into position. 

"Bakugo. Can i ask that if I'm open, you avoid any attacks to my stomach". You looked into his irises sternly, as if to tell him you weren't kidding about when you requested he avoids your baby. He nodded yes.

"Begin". Keigo shouted, he was going to watch. Only to make sure neither of you end a life. 

He raced towards you. 

'So he wants me on the defensive..' Your thoughts were spiralling. Oh how you'd missed combat situations, something about fighting was in your blood. You didn't know how you could fix it other than to give in to the bloodlust you held. That very same feeling made you feel like a villain, the villain you were trying to stop yourself from being. 

"Both heroes and villains are aggressive; the difference is that the heroes have well developed self control, empathy and the ability to think with logic."

You remembered that Keigo taught you that once, he told you that because you even doubt your heroism, is the whole reason you were a hero. 

You sprung up a force field, it was second nature at this point in time. Bakugo was a bit younger than you, he was extremely less experienced than you. 

"Don't you think it's a bit stupid, trying to put me in a defensive position" You smirked at him. You'd be trained in all fields of combat, and you're pretty damn good at mind games. You can tell straight away It'd be easy to get under his skin- just based on the pure stature he believed he had. 

He sent a big AP shot right at the forcefield you kept up effortlessly. Once he was done you anticipated that he'd be slower, only by a little bit- but definitely slow enough. You lifted your forcefield and dragged him towards you. Once he was close enough you kicked him and then pushed him back with a stronger force than he was expecting.

"Don't assume I'll stay defensive, Katsuki" You glared at him, bloodlust in your eyes. 

"You cocky little bitch...." He almost found the fight amusing, he'd never had to fight a villain before like this. Especially not one with such presence as you. He didn't despise you, that was the difference. Most times when fighting a villain he wanted to kill them but you matched his energy so perfectly he couldn't help but want to fight you forever. 

The two of you fought like close friends, it was an attachment you really hadn't felt before. Your friends had all been villains so it's not like you weren't used to his cockiness, you were definitely used to his anger issues that's for certain. But you knew- he had the heart of a hero, every attack he sent at you, strategically dodged your stomach without you having to move irregularly.

It'd been seven minuets. Your hair was charred and the room was stained with explosion marks. Bakugo was covered in bruises all over his arms and legs from being flung around the room continuously. You were both stood parallel from each other, panting and out of breath. 

"What you give up?" You snarled at him, in hopes to get him agitated. 

"I'd never do such a thing..." He laughed menacingly and propelled himself up into the air as you did the same. Flying wasn't something you could do, but what you were doing you'd call hovering. If you concentrated really hard you could switch the perfect balance between pushing and pulling force which kept you in the air. 

You hovered towards him and top speed and sent a kick round to his chin. He was smacked down to the floor and you pushed yourself down with a higher velocity so you could kick him further into the face of the earth, but when you landed you realised you'd kicked the wooden floor and not a teenage boy. Arms grabbed you and swung you over his shoulder and slammed down back towards the floor. As you propelled yourself, as if the floor was a bouncy castle. 

You lit up one of your horns and your eyes shone white, this was the final time you could do anything now that you activated it. You decided to leave it to one horn though, as you didn't want the poor teen to die. 

People believe that when someone has enough power they become less agile, but when it came to you it arguably made you more agile. The way you moved was the same as an Olympic gymnast. 

You ran up to him, circling around him and high speeds, inching in leaving little kicks and punches now and again. Once he was on the floor, you took the opportunity to punch him square in the head  regularly, then flick his abdomen using your ultimate, who would've guessed, he was spangled on the floor completely worn out. 

You and Bakugo were sat in Hawks' apartment suit as he went out on patrol. 

"I'd say i'm sorry but you're the one who wanted to fight so..." You punched him playfully and stared at him, he was in deep thought.

"How are you so good?" He looked serious, it was a genuine question. 

"It's not something i recommend, to anyone. With such power comes even greater sacrifices..." You begun to explain to him, he etched in closer very invested.

"My dad was a crazy man. He put me through treatment which no child should have to face; he told me things no child should be told" You looked down at your hands. "He convinced me i wanted to be the most powerful woman in the world, and he was going to make 'my dream' come true". 

Bakugo looked startled, almost trying to imagine what you could've gone through. 

"He was trying to have me kill my mother, until he did it in front of me". You looked back up at him, a singular drop of blood rolling down your face. 

"And he makes me bleed, still. He's dead and yet he still has me bleeding because of him". 

You and Bakugo hugged and you saw a real friend in him. Even though you just met you could tell how genuine he was. 

"Who's the father?" He finally spoke. "Assuming it's not Hawks'"

"remember that villain who was executed on television.."

He looked shocked.

"He was actually a really nice guy. The only guy who helped me with my father actually" You then looked to a picture frame you kept in Keigos house, it was on you and Hari on the piano. 

"I miss him so much..."

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