ೃ⁀➷nervous placement

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You'd also been slightly itching for a fight, it was in your blood and DNA you couldn't help it. The only thing stopping you from perusing this- you were pregnant. 

You and him stood looking at one another, you both had a lust of blood in your eyes. You'd forgotten all about the young lady, whom he was still terrifying, until she whimpered and pleased for your help. "I'm sorry, sir. I won't be killing anyone today".

You glanced at her and within a few milliseconds you had dragged her over to you. Your quirk was a blessed thing, one day when you were sat in the Shei Hassaikai base Kai had tried to explain to you the benefits of your quirk. He hated quirks, he thought that they made the planet dirty. 

"Y/n". He stood in front of you and lightly smiled. Your quirk is amazing. "Please. Stay"

Now that you thought about it, it was awfully clingy of him. He'd been prepared to die but was so desperate for you to stay. He'd constantly make sure you were healthy. You stood ahead of your now hungrier opponent as you were doubting your past. The only way you knew how to distract your thoughts, was to fight. 

"You can pull things towards you, It's sort of like magnetism". Kai stared into your eyes. "In retrospect, you should be able to manipulate gravity. Considering gravity's equation is force". You nodded and noted the things he was telling you down. "Lift this" He signalled to a fish tank behind you. You turned around and forced it off the table it was on. "See, force is such a general term, realistically you could be extremely powerful". You put the fish tank down and looked at him. "Now lift the water". You furrowed your eyebrows. "I can't lift that it's not solid matter". He smiled at you and raised his eyebrow. "Who said it had to be solid matter". 

He taught you how to use your quirk in ways that you'd never imagined. 

It was raining, like it usually was when you and Hari met up. Hari was only free when it was bad weather, because that's when overhaul didn't want him working for some reason. "Hey hari..." You and him smiled towards each other. You had matching raincoats and wellies, it was sort of tradition that you'd be completely soaking. This time though, Hari's expression was a little different. "Kai said something about you" He looked around sort of seeking if anyone was listening. 

You stood confidently, ready to engage combat with the young man in front of you. You sneakily went to pick up and hammer and throw it towards the young man. He ducked, the hammer missing and smashing a window behind him. He laughed at you, as if he was disappointed in your performance. You crouched down also and stared into his eyes. "Come on, where's the Kaguya that the news wont shut up about". 

"Well what did he say about me?" You grew concerned as to the way he sounded, he usually didn't look this serious.

"I'm way out of your league". You said with glary eyes. He smiled and stood back upright, glaring down at you. You used your force to pull shards of broken window towards you; making them stab his back. He winced slightly and pulled the shards out one by one. "For such a celebrity you're rather stupid, you don't even know what my quirk is". In a couple seconds he was right behind you, his arm around your neck. "You ought to be more cautious in the future". You scoffed to him, "You really think your slick? You ought to be more cautious around me". Your eyes glowed an iridescent turquoise.

"He says that there's a chance that you could be lethal"  Hari said to you with raised eyebrows. "I'm not quite sure what you mean..".

You knocked him back, and turned around. You bent down and launched yourself into the air, similar to the way you did when fighting Hawks. You then aimed your leg down and added your desired amount of force. Once you were about to hit him you switched positioning. You were now plummeting head first, once at the ground; you braced your fall with your arms and kicked backwards. You grabbed the young lady and placed the both of you in a force field. 

This left you time to scout the area, you'd caused damage to the alley with that attack. You were meant to kick him with your legs; but for some reason you remembered something Hawks had told you. 

"When you're doing an attack like that, your back is exposed"

You knew your opponent could get behind you in seconds, so you braced for any other way. "Ohhh Kaguyaaaaa" You heard him singing. He was on top of your force field. He turned his arm into a snake and wrapped it around your bubble, slowly squeezing it. You looked at the woman you had in your arms. "I need to get you away from me". You gulped. "What's your quirk?" She looked at you and then looked down. "It's useless i-" You then started to get restless. "Listen, i know you may think so, but we really need to work together here". She stared at you and nodded. "I have speed, but it's only activated when i digest blood." You looked at her with a promising face. "So i can get you out of this mess". She paused. "Oh no i-".

You'd already gotten out a glass shard from earlier and held it to your arm. You made a cut and told her to drink from it. "The second you've digested it, I'm going to pop the bubble, you need to run. Run to the nearest police station." She nodded. She was slightly worried as to your sanity.

"What about you?" She was trying to understand. 

"Overhaul said that...that your power could come to an extreme of dangerous." You furrowed your brows and took Hari's hands in yours. "Please just tell me.."

"Well...he says you could- w-with a power like yours.."

"Don't worry-" You nodded to her, with promising eyes. "-With a power like mine; i could end the world."

"You could kill everyone, y-you could end the world.." You gulped and looked at Hari, your eyes starting to bleed. "You know i wouldn't hurt you...right?"

You nodded and she drank the blood that was seeping  from your arm. You then popped the force bubble. She ran, so fast it was undeniable. 'useless my ass'. You placed your hand on the floor. The man which was previously on your bubble was now chasing the young woman. You closed your eyes and transferred every bit of force you had in you it your hand. When you opened your eyes you felt it, you'd only done it once before and oh boy was it painful but...you felt like for once, just one  time you should be the hero of the situation. You screamed, the floor of the alley ahead of you; the one the man was chasing the woman on. It cracked, completely down the middle. It was aggravating, the pain you were in. You watched as the man was about to catch up to her. You then thought of only one possible way you could get him off her trail. 

You held both hands down, and with all four horns now raising, you could summon earthquake like forces. To put it simply he stood no chance. You pushed the tarmac in front of him up, making a huge wall of concrete between him, and the woman. You deactivated your quirk and panted for breath; You were trapped in a closed area with him- however, you'd ran out of quirk. You decided to let fate carry this part of the fight and stood up. He was already so close to you, charging at immense speed. 


He was approaching, it was for sure going to kill you.  But just as he was coming you saw a flash of vermillion, your eye's widened. "KEIGO!" He was holding off the villain for you and oh boy were you happy. It was sort of a surreal moment, one that you couldn't stay awake for. You'd fainted, but you felt safe because you saw Keigo. 

a/n- dudes I'm so sorry. I get so many ideas for the story and then don't execute them. i'm like organising an event on the funny mc and its taking up all my time. But imma try be more consistent. ALSO ty for the support omgggg <3 

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