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You wanted to believe he was looking at you in heaven, it's something you wanted to believe so bad. But no matter how much you wanted to- no villain was going to be sent to heaven, he was probably in hell. You and Hari were best friends, joint to the hip ever since you'd met. That didn't stop you from loving him though, it wasn't like you and Dabi's kind of relationship. It was a romantic love.. the two of you never dated, never made anything official to anyone. It was a sort of 'I'm here for you if you need me'. With the both of you being in the strict occupation of a villain and a vigilante you didn't have time to dive into your emotions with Hari-

Until around two weeks ago when you and him decided to go on a date. You were extremely friendly with one another. That night you were both sat in Hari's apartment and you decided to play truth or dare, then at one point it was your turn to ask Hari a truth. "Are you a virgin Hari?" you giggled as he furrowed his brows and playfully hit your leg. "I'm sorry I'm sorry but you got to answer me" He then looked down embarrassed and sighed. "Yes".  You crawled over to him and tackled him into a hug and whispered into his ear. 

"I can change that",

You were now sat on the floor of the number two hero's suite. Your eye's were burning and you left out whimpers and screeches from the pain, the heartbreak and the loss, nobody should be so suddenly dumped with so many negative emotions. 'what would i do without you'  The last time you spoke those words to him he'd promised you he'd be here for you. and now- now you were in the arms of a hero, and he was saving you. Saving you from running to the roof and jumping off, saving you from crying so harshly that your tear ducts would explode. 

Hawks picked you up and carried you onto his couch as he turned the television off properly. He took your head and pressed it into his chest, and sighed softly. You calmed your tears as you faced Hawks in the eyes and  then looked down in shame, 'My face is most likely dripping with blood and I'm a mess. I cant make eye contact with that man'. He coughed due to the awkward tension that was built up in his apartment, seemingly you were just a stranger who'd woken up in a mans house and had a breakdown in his living room. How was this situation not awkward?

"Now...not to freak you out or anything. But i know now-" Your eyes widened, he'd realised it was you..."you- you d-do?" You were stuttering. Great! It's just the man you beat the shit out of sitting right next to you telling you he knows your the woman who beat t he shit out of him. no time for stuttering!

"You're Kaguya, correct?" He said, his finger then moving to your chin and lifting it upwards.


I moved my dinger under her chin and lifted her head up to her eyes could meet mine, poor woman was in a horrific state. Her eyes were puffy from the blood the emerged from them, like the most disturbing yet beautiful waterfall ever. I didn't notice last night because I didn't genuinely look at her, I just carried her from the alley to my bedroom and left to sleep on the couch. If only I would've known that i was keeping one of the most wanted women in the world in my bedroom, If I had to have a theory on why she was sat in the alley id have to say it was because she had heard the news about the man on the television who'd just died. Chances are she knew him very well and wasn't all too happy about hearing of his execution.  

She ran into the living room with such emotion, there was a drive in her eyes that was decreasing every moment she watched that mean sat by the guillotine. Hearing her mutter the words 'I love you' to him, my heart shattered into a million pieces for her, especially since he was being executed and he left her a message, he told her he loved her and she genuinely loved him back. Even now just learning a villain and a vigilante can have emotions such as these gave me a whole new light, then it actually dawned on me. She was watching the love of her life die, and it seemed okay with everyone, everyone except her. The fact she cried blood, it had to be painful, yet she wasn't even bothered by it it seemed, she and that man must've been the only people for one another. 

You wouldn't expect it from me but I hugged her. Her, the girl whom I had fought twice, whom was a vigilante. Whom was absolutely heartbroken. The one thing that didn't sit with me was when she said that she had something to tell him. It seemed sincere, it seemed so important. That's one of the reasons she's in my arms right now.. She'd probably of exited through the window... she's seemingly lost all motivation and I can very clearly imagine why. 

(timeskip, an Hour)

You sat at his island in the middle of the kitchen, he was making the both of you a coffee because he wanted to ask you some questions and you were in no state to deny. He handed you a white porcelain mug, which was black on the inside and steamy from the top. "Kaguya. Or is there a name you prefer?" So he just wanted to know you, huh. You leaned into the mug and left your hands on the sides of it, looking down into it. "l/n. y/n l/n" You choked out with a small hesitation. It didn't bother you all too much if you were found by the government now. "Perfect. y/n, why?" It was a good question. 

"Why what?" He leaned his head down it his palms and rested on them. "The man, who was he to you and why were you crying so much" He then looked at you wonderingly, wanting to know the answer desperately. "Bit forward.." You glanced to him and back down into your mug "Hari, he was my best friend. I suppose somewhat near what you people would call a boyfriend but nothing was ever official, we just both knew your feelings were the same and rode off it. He's um.." You closed your eyes and let out a shaky breath. 

"I just found out yesterday, the day you were on the talk show. Coincidentally the same day I discovered Hari's execution" You almost choked on the last words you just said making him put his hand on your back for reassurance. "I took seven. Seven tests" You then looked him in the eyes.

Your heart thumping like crazy as you straightened your back and tilted your head down. You were processing the situation. Saying it made it all the more  true. You loved Hari, you wanted children with him, but you wanted him alive for it

 "I'm pregnant with Hari's child"

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