ೃ⁀➷a hero wearing a villains clothes

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"You think your mother would be happy?" You looked at him, the man you recognised as your father stood in front of you. It'd been years since he brutally murdered her in front of you, the hatred stung your veins, much like you'd been injected with poison. It was your birthday, the anniversary of your mothers death and the anniversary of another day alive, in your life that you called hell. 

"She's dead, she can't feel emotions" You spoke back to the man, his face plastered with disgust. "You know why she's that way, y/n?" He leant in closer to you and screamed in your face. "BECAUSE OF YOU! IT'S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT." You closed your eyes in fear and when you opened them they were met with his hand against your cheek.

Something about the way he slapped you that day made it ten times more painful. The physical pain was the weakest of all the feelings. It was more emotional, the pain, the anger that he spat out at you. It wasn't your fault, you had to keep reassuring yourself that otherwise his twisted words would stick to your head like superglue. "That boy that you talk to. Kai?" You nodded knowing the your ignorance would only agitate him more. "What does he do to you? You come back happy every time you go to see him..." You leant out a breath. "He's my frien-" You then heard his vodka bottle smack against the wall, the remains of it drizzling down onto your dress

"My daughter?! friends with a scummy little boy-" You'd had enough, your eye's were clouding with red. "They're nice to me father-" He looked at you with wide eyes when you said that. "They?" He plummeted his fist next to your face and it made you jump. "There's more than one?" He laughed a menacing laugh, one that you can't forget to this day. "Who's the other little rat huh?" You looked down and this time refused to answer him. He brought out his knife and sliced your arm with it. He left a tally mark on your arm every time you'd disobey him. A knock coming from the front door made both your heads turn, he picked himself onto his feet and walked towards the door. On the other side was a confused Hari, he saw you on the floor, cut and bruised. This wasn't the you he'd usually seen. "Y/n are you okay?" He said talking past your father, in fact Hari completely ignored him and ran in to help you. Your father wasn't moving to stop him. "Why isn't he-" Hari pointed to his hair, "The hour hand, he won't be going very far". He gave you a little smile and you smiled back. He let his lops drift to your forehead as he planted a small kiss. 

"Y/N! Y/N!" You heard a more honeylike voice yell. This wasn't Hari, but it was of course your other hero, Keigo. You checked your surroundings, you were in a clean room which smelled overly like chemicals. "Oh my god....you're okay" He looked so surprised and conflicted at the same time. You could tell the way he was worried, but it didn't seem to be weather you woke up or not, he knew you were strong enough to come back up. "What's wrong, Keigo?" You held his hand and then faintly on the television you heard your alias. 

'The vigilante known to be Kaguya was unmasked today. She was found by her former opponent Hawks in the middle of an alley in Hosu. It appears to be her exact quirk, while we don't know too much information on the young female.. i can only assume we'll know more soon. According to the chief of police, Kaguya saved the life of an innocent girl.' The old news reporter had done their job. You now knew that your biggest secret changed hugely. That the your identity was no longer a mystery. 

'Here today we have some people outside the Hospital she's staying in, to give us out thoughts on "Kaguya" as we know her today' You got comfy to hear others opinions. A middle aged woman took the mic 

"I think it's amazing, she's been hidden from the world for so long. There's forever been this huge debate weather she was a villain or a hero, weather her actions were good or bad". She then looked directly into the camera. "The woman everyone knows as Kaguya saved a life today, at the almost cost of her own, it's a heroic action that nobody could forget. It shouldn't be forgotten." You smiled. It was amazing  to see people sympathizing with the things you just did. 

Obviously some people weren't so happy that you tore an alley in half, but besides that everyone was positive. They just wanted to see you, they wanted to congratulate you. You turned to Keigo and rested your hand on your now larger bump. "We should go out and visit them". They were waiting outside the hospital you were in, and even of you'd hidden for this long, it was the time for changing. 

You walked to the hospital elevator, with hawks on your arm, and your walking stick to your side. You took a hefty amount of damage from the fight, but your baby was okay, as were you. Beyond the glass doors of the hospitals entrance, was a bright light. You saw crowds of people holding up signs, some of them wrote kind words. At the front of the pack was the girl you saved, she was holding her grandmothers hand and she waved to you. You waved back, 'that's what it feels like...' You'd never felt such warmth like this before, it was something you never thought you'd feel again to be honest. Keigo was like a ray of sunshine and the people out there, they were your moon. 

Once you stepped outside everyone went quiet. This was the first time they'd actually seen you unmasked, it was such a strange concept to you. You were handed a microphone by a news reporter, they were everywhere. "Um...hi" You said meekly. "I'm the woman you all know as Kaguya." You took a look at Keigo who was right next to you, he grabbed your hand which was on the walking stick to reassure you that it was all okay. 

"My name is y/n l/n. I've lived here my whole life and... and that's all there is to me". It was true, what could you tell them that they didn't know. You were born, beat, then saved by taking the occupation of a villain. "questions?" You then let different reporters approach you and ask you questions. "What's your favourite food?" You thought a lot about those questions. "Um, chicken? It's all he eats so-",

"Do you live with Hawks?" "Yes" 

"What do you hope to do in the future?" You sighed "As of right now, i'm a month and a bit pregnant. i hope to give birth to my baby girl and raise her an amazing life. That's- that's all i want... to see her grow up-"

"Are you and Hawks dating?" You looked at him in confusion, you thought you felt love towards him- but you weren't sure if he felt it back. He took the microphone and told you to stand back. "The woman behind me is, as you know, Kaguya. The most amazing, and gorgeous woman that I've ever met. We aren't dating but i love her with my heart and soul and would do anything for her". You looked at him with hopeful eyes as he turned and kissed you softly in front of all those people and all those cameras.

"Last question. Do you agree when people call you a hero in a villains clothing?" You took the mic off Hawks and stepped forwards. "I have the past of a villain, i was raised by a villain, I'm friends with a villain, I fell in love with a villain. I myself, dedicated my life to saving villains. I create no more damage than all might would, and i kill as much as Hawks would. I have no idea where that puts me on the scale, but i think the phrase does represent me". 

a/n: idk i thought this was kinda wholesome and it gave y/n the push she needs. Also for the current readers i'm changing the story title, and maybe the cover if i can be bothered. Also this story isn't going to be much longer. ily all and ty :)

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