ೃ⁀➷it was ever so un-intentional

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you woke up, the light in the room was illuminating. The windows shone bright and the sheets you led in were silky. It seemed much warmer, though- you looked to your side only to realise you couldn't move, as you were being held in someone's strong arms. The person groaned right in your ear, "Please- a few more minuets". You  then understood what had happened last night. "Keigo...." Your voice was soft, not at all aggressive. 

You were trained to be stronger than the average man, it made sense that you were able to over power him. So you rolled on top of him and stared into his newly awoken eyes. "Keigo. You gotta get up-" He left you a grunt and you rolled your eyes. 'men'  you knew one way he would definitely wake up. You leant down next to his face and kissed his cheek ever so slightly. Then, before he could properly realise what had happened- you ran away into the kitchen and prepared yourself to make breakfast.

"You think you can just do that every time you want something?" His voice startled you, you were busy brewing some English tea when he'd snuck up behind you. Something nobody but Hari could achieve. "let me take that"- He grabbed the kettle from your hand and forced you to go and sit on the kitchens island. 

"So." He coughed- "You ever done that before?" He slid you your tea and raised an eyebrow. "hm?" you replied. "Killed, have you ever killed before-".

You woke up, moving your legs around in your bed. You were in the dorm room that you and a stranger had rented out. You vision was blurred and your head was pounding. 'hangover', You then sat up and looked around your room, your underwear from the previous night was spread everywhere, as well as men's underwear. 

You looked swiftly to your left, there was a man who was asleep next to you- he looked so pale though, he looked almost- You reached out your hand to feel for his pulse, none was found. Your breath hitched.. "SHIT" there was a dead man in your bed. You put your hands under the covers only to realise that you felt some dried up blood. 

You heard the door open and there stood the stranger you had rented the apartment with...

"Earth to y/n" Hawks' hand was in your face as you broke out of your little trance. "Yeh i have. I met this girl somewhere when I'd made the brave decision to run away from my father". Hawks sat down more comfy, looking intrigued. "We rented a dorm room in a college that nobody was using, and one night we wanted to attend a party. Yeah, bad things happen when your drunk". He put one of his hands on your shoulder. "I came home with a guy- and in the morning he was dead".

She stood there, her breath hitched as she saw what was upon her. You laying in bed next to a corpse. Your eyes couldn't leave hers, this was the first time you'd read someone's eyes. She was terrified, petrified.. she couldn't move. The way her irises shrunk and the way her face lost all colour. It mesmerised you.

You then felt around in your bedsheets, it wasn't a choice.. your hand just moved by itself with no explanation at all. You sliced your hand on what felt like a knife, 'so there's the weapon', You couldn't have a witness, your father would ruin you.. you'd be sent to prison for years and years. 

"-My flatmate saw.. she saw the body next to me. I couldn't tell if she'd figured it out yet, in  fact i wasn't even sure how i did it. But- i found the weapon in the bed with me. I- i chased her.. down the hallway, through the rooms".

She was panting, completely out of breath. She made the choice to stamper her way to the telephone. You knew what she was going to do- therefore you knew what you had to do if you wanted freedom. It was sad really, she did care for you- you'd just un deliberately killed a man and she saw you, now she was fleeing from you in fear of her life. Like you were the villain. She turned around and pleaded. 

"She turned around and pleaded. I want to let her go so badly, without thought or... even without knowing i was doing it. My brain wasn't telling me to do these things, i was completely opposed to the idea of killing this person who'd i deemed as a good friend of mine."

Your hand drove into her gut, the blade piercing through her body so easily. 

"I remember it so vividly.. i cried, real tears while i was doing it. I didn't even mean to. My hand didn't slip either, the aim of the stab was way to accurate. But- it wasn't me. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry i'm sorry" You wailed. You screamed the words as you held her to your chest ..It wasn't meant to be like this..

"And then.. i ran back to my father, i told him what i did and i stayed with him he told me had people who could sort everything for you. I stayed with his beatings, and is cruel ways...because he told me if i leave- the police would find me, he'd hand me over to the police and I'd loose all freedom". 

Hawks nodded his head and then he held your hand reassuringly. "But- you don't believe that you did it?" You stared down at your hands that were intertwined and then back into his eyes. "To this day-" You looked back down. "- i believe that.. that wasn't me. I didn't kill those people b-but i know i did because i saw it. It's in MY memories", He held your shoulders and stared into your eyes. 

"y/n. It wasn't you. I don't believe that you killed that man earlier either. Something.. something about you doesn't make you seem like the type to just kill", You ran into his arms. You didn't care that you were in a vulnerable situation. You didn't care that maybe he didn't like it. You hadn't properly hugged anyone since Hari was alive. You need it, you were touch starved. His hand went around your waist and you started to rock back and forwards together. 

"I'm not gonna say this twice, so.... thank you- Keigo" His eye's widened, he knew you were stubborn and that you saying sorry was the most you could squeeze out. He was so thankful. He was also determined, if you didn't feel like it was you killing the person. Then.. maybe you were under the impression of a quirk?

"My names Osore, i have information regarding a former Yakuza member, Hari Kurono" The voice on the other side of the line replied. "Ah, yes. Please tell me more". Through the phone was a light chuckle. "I'll give you his address. All you have to do is make sure that when you execute him... you do it live on TV."

"Yes, Mr l/n."

The man sat down onto the dusted couch and took off his hat. His beard was stubbly and his hair was grey. 'If the death of her boyfriend won't drive her mad...i don't know what will'. 

a/n: the italics are usually a flashback / something that happened in the past (if you didn't know).

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