ೃ⁀➷the beauty in someone's eyes

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"hey princess. Let's go back there" The man stood tall behind you and  placed his muscular hands on your waist. His perfume was expensive, his posture was exquisite. This was definitely the man your father wanted dead. You turned around and rose onto your tiptoes so you could whisper in his ear. "follow me" You took him to a room your father had rented out for you. You then locked the door and put on some gloves. You were extremely exposed, the most covering thing on your body was a corset and thigh high boots, your exposure didn't mean weapons couldn't be hidden- it just made you uncomfortable knowing that you could be harmed with a single touch. 

He went to lift your chin so you could make eye contact with him, this man- he was appreciatively handsome. His hair was a matte black and his eyes were a gorgeous gold. You however, had been trained and trained again to never look for the beauty in someone's eyes. You were trained to look for their intentions.

You and Hawks now stood over the body, you could tell by the way that his finger was on his lip and his eyebrows were furrowed. He was thinking- probably a way to get rid of you; he couldn't have you around you supposed. "Listen, you did this in self defence-" He turned to look you sternly in the eyes.. "-He was attacking you, and you were fighting back" You then looked at his mangled body, nobody in an act of self defence would make that much of a mess. "He's a powerful criminal.. no doubt he's athletically strong, so you're gonna have to say that he was extremely struggling". 

"Why are you talking me through this?" You asked, why is he telling you a better version of the story? "We-" He sighed.. "We're going to the police, so you- you can fess up" You then ran, your ran till your legs couldn't carry you, which was just the end of the alley because you were overwhelmed. He held you tight and whispered in your ear. "You're not gonna get in trouble. I promise, I'll make sure you come out safe as ever.." He looked you straight in the eyes again. "I'm not one  for breaking promises" 

You and his were on your way to the police station. He wanted to fly you but you said you'd rather walk and compose yourself before the police would determine your innocence. You could hear everything around you- it was probably your body shutting down because you were trying to focus on anything other than the situation at hand. Each footstep became louder, and each vehicle sounded more and more apparent. Until you felt it. His hand on your back reassuring you that you had arrived at your destination.  

"your name?" You could hear tinnitus. 

"y/n l/n". You muttered while looking completely at the officer opposite you. 

"You've not filed any reports in years, it says here that you're quirkless?" 

You nodded in agreement. If you had signed yourself up for using a quirk.. then obviously your identity as Kaguya would've been figured out by now. 

"So, let me recap what you told me"..

-And he did. he recapped the fake story that you and hawks had configured. The only part was that most of it was real, and you got extra points when you mentioned your desperation about the attacks on his body since you were pregnant. Which they also managed to confirm from the hospital. 

"One thing miss l/n. Who's the father?" Your heartbeat rose ever so slightly as you lifted your head in a more proper tone. "His name, it was Hari...I'm not sure though. Ya see i'm a hooker, one night it just went completely wrong and- here" You touched your stomach. The story- it was so believable they'd have no reason to believe it. Your cover was a hooker, that's how your father had you kill people. You had keep putting down that you had that occupation, so through the files you weren't lying. 

"There's one thing here. It just doesn't add up-" He then looked at you, almost so intensely that it could make a grown man cry. Silly man, he wouldn't scare you with that glare if he tried. You were raised to reject fear, to be a master manipulator, and an excellent liar. His eyes. they weren't telling you that he'd solved it. They almost looked desperate that you'd slip up and tell him some information that he can prove you guilty with. 

"What motive, would a man of such high power, have with a random hooker" You smirked on the inside, gosh this would be so easy. The fact you ever worried was laughable. "He had reason to believe the baby was his." He then raised his eyebrow urging you to tell further. "Something about how he didn't want a child, i guess it was understandable? I was a one night stand after all". 

"Then why, to prove him wrong you could just have put Hari's name as the fathers. I'm sure he'd of been fine if you even did a DNA test" He looked so promisingly at his laptop which was right in front of him. His eyes they project so much hope, he knew Hari was dead, he was testing to see if you were lying completely about Hari. 

"I saw on the television. He was a villain with a gang of some sorts" you paused to take a breath. "I didn't want my child to have any connection with a villain, weather he's their real dad or not. He's dead anyways he shouldn't care" It hurt. So much, like daggers through your heart, the pain was unbearable. Lying, saying you couldn't care less about the man you were deeply in love with. 

"I see no reason why your statements are false, you seem to be innocent. And- i appreciate that you came forward to Hawks and told him". He glared at Keigo who'd been stood at the corner of the room the whole time. He spoke up, "I better get her home, wouldn't want you gettin' into trouble again would we?" He escorted you out, almost dumbfounded as to how you were so good in there.

As you were in the sky in Hawks' arms, being flown by his huge vermillion wings. You two discussed the way you behaved in there. "My father- he would find amazing people, people who were so incredibly smart. He'd have them teach it to me. He ground the lessons into my skull like a screwdriver. He wanted me to be the most perfect version of a human, i could lie, i could read people's emotions and i could stare into their eyes and tell exactly what they were feeling" He was amazed. Your father had raised you like a doll, like something that should be perfect

"Can you read my eye's?" He spoke, You forgot you were even in the air with him. His arms wrapping around you and your arms around his. "I can't- it's crazy because i can do it for everyone else's". You were reminded of Hari, how you couldn't and didn't want to read him..


You and Hawks were sat in his bedroom on his bed and under the covers..

You woke up panting and sweating, the nightmares were happening. It was him, him telling you that you were going to be perfect. That the way he trained you would be stuck inside you as a reminder of his love for you, as he was shoved away in a police car.. to later be executed. Your panic then arose as you realised he was correct, the way you read the policeman today, the way it was so easy for you to lie. You were like a machine and you hated it. You were built up piece by piece but, god, you couldn't find the off switch. You couldn't remove the pieces. You ended up breaking the bed you lay in...

You then toddled along to Hawks' room and knocked on the door. He grunted to come in, as you did. 

Now you were in this position. He asked if you wanted him to stay on the couch but you needed someone there. His presence reassured you- because, you couldn't read him. You weren't a perfectly built robot to him, and you physically couldn't be. As long as you were around him you felt human. You felt safe. 

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