ೃ⁀➷daddy says i'm good for nothing

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You woke up- again, in Keigo's bed. You'd actually slept there the past few nights, he made you feel safe, like you could say anything to him and it'd be okay. "Keigo..." he turned around to face you, his eyes squinting as you'd just woke up. "I'm hungry". He stared at you like you were a ghost. "You woke me up....because you were hungry" You giggled a little and then turned around "Its for the bab-", before you could finish your sentence you were turned around and you felt his warming lips on yours.

"I can't stop thinking about the first time, the first time you kissed me" He took your hand. Your eyes were widened and your face felt hot. "I felt so many feelings at once-" You kissed him again and moved your hand into his hair. "I've not been allowed to have feelings-father says they're good for nothing. He said that if i had them, I'd be good for nothing". He spun you around so he was on top of you. 

"And you know that it's not true". You were speechless after he said that. Blood started clouding your vision as you couldn't see anything but thick crimson. "I- i don't". 

"Then you need to. Also-" He placed his hand on your face and wiped the blood that was dripping out of your eyes. "We need to fix this, it must hur-" You swished his hand away and interrupted him. "It does hurt. I feel like it leaves an example though" He was angry. You were making up excuses for your father. He needed to be held accountable for the horrible things he did. "HE DIDN'T LOVE YOU" He shouted, you could see the anger in him, and not because of your training to read people- it was just so apparent. "I- I'm sorry for shouting but oh my god y/n. He didn't love you. This man is dead and yet he still makes you bleed!" His head rested on your shoulder. "I just don't need you any more hurt than you already are".

A few hours after that- he left. He was a hero after all, he had duty's to forfill for the city. 

It was like this, day after day after day. For two months. You'd lived with the man for two months and the cycle had continued. He wanted to put you in for surgery to get the veins in your eyes removed and replace your tear ducts so they'd be normal again. But he also didn't want you to have an operation while you were three months pregnant. 

Your hair was tied into a sloppy style, something you'd never dare go outside in but you didn't mind Keigo seeing you with it. The two of you were such more comfortable together, you'd usually cook for him so he'd be less hungry when you got home. It was three months into your pregnancy., you were able to take a gender test. 

You were just wiping the counter tops, they were the same white marble as when you'd first moved in yet you'd even grown attached to them. You scrubbed so hard that you could see your reflection, you looked beautiful. This wasn't what you'd of looked like a few months like. Your nose would be cut, your eye might even be black and your cheeks would've been stained red. You were clean though, no cuts, no stains. You turned your head to the side when you heard the door swoop open. 

"Why'd you come through the door, you have wings. You usually flight through the balcony". You questioned him. "Someone's curious.." He had a small grin on his face as he made his way  towards you. You then realised his limp and your eyes widened. "Sit on the couch Keigo!" You dipped your head under his arm and used yourself as a crutch. He made his way to the couch as you ran to get the med-kit. 

"OUCH" He was hissing to the pain. "It's gonna hurt dumbass-" You looked back to his wings and realised that they'd been cut ever so slightly. "Take your shirt off, and turn around". He raised his eyebrow and smirked. "jeesh y/n take me on a date first" He finished off with a dorky laugh. "We live together Keigo, don't be silly" He turned around and lifted his shirt off. 'fuhhh he's jacked' you'd completely forgot that you lived with someone that has the body of a god. 

"y/n" He said softly as you applied medicine to his back and wings. "Yes, Keigo".

"I've never really seen your quirk, i mean yeah we fought once, but- like what actually is it".  You giggled and replied to his question. Still tending to his wounds.

"I named it force, since I've been realised as quirkless as long as I've been alive so i never got a real name for it, Anyways... like the name implies, i can force things away or towards. I can add an excessive amount of force to something or decrease it- that's why my punches are so packed and my fall is so slow". He turned and looked at you as you were done with his medicine. "And these- Your closed your eyes then opened them, they glowed a beautiful white- and horns grew out of your head. He looked mesmerised and he took a picture on his phone. "This- when i release the power i build up in these four horns, i can create outrageous amounts of force, you know tsunamis and hurricane level". 

"Beautiful..." He muttered.

"Keigo... will you go with me to- yanno see what gender my baby is".

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