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You awoke, gasping for air and sitting up so quickly that it made you dizzy. You hadn't had a ptsd dream since you were a teenager. It was so vivid this time - as if you needed reminding of exactly every single detail that happened. It was most likely a side effect from the hurt your feeling after Hari's demise.

It had been a week since his death. Everything in the world seemed to remind you of him, would it be the clouds reminding you of his white hair. Or even the whole concept of time altogether reminding you of him. You couldn't escape the thought of him. The funeral was as pretty as a picture, you were the only one attending and it was lonely. Despite the loneliness you felt- you also felt as though he was there. As if he was watching you and really didn't want you to leave him. You'd decided that you wanted to visit his grave. 

The graveyard was extremely archaic, the air was moist. It was such a cliché setting for a graveyard to be in but it was just true. Your nose was red from the cold and and your fingers were shivering under the fingerless gloves you wore. You crouched down near his grave and sat on the wet grass. 

"Hey. Hari", You pressed your forehead against the stone and let your thoughts wonder for a moment. You then spoke again, "It feels like it's been a while- i guess i wasn't ready to let you go". You stared into his name that was engraved into the gravestone. "i'm gonna need help, you know. With this-" You then felt your stomach. "There's only one person who's offered. I- i hate to admit it Hari but i need help". 

It was as if he was stood behind you comforting you, you felt the presence around you. It was warm and it was cosy- an amazing rival to the bitter air everywhere else. You left a single mum laying down on the edge of his stone and thanked him greatly. "It's crazy the things you see when you're watching someone die", You don't know why you said it. But- you needed him to know that, regardless of the distance you were from one another; you'd remembered every last memory you had together. 

You knocked gently onto a familiar door, you didn't want to be perceived as weak- especially towards a hero. If you were to raise a child, as a vigilante, you were to need help from someone who could promise them a good life. This wasn't about you, it was about the life that was inside you. If you were to a resort to a hero's help, you'd only do it for this. 

"hello-" He opened the door. His eyes trailed down towards your face; it was as if the second you were in his presence he had a completely different aura. You weren't sure if it was because you were completely opposed when it came to your occupations. He wore a hoodie that was the same mustard colour of the shirt you had taken of his. "Kaguy-" He spoke before you interrupted him. "y/n- this is a personal matter; don't use my work alias"  He shrugged and his eyes went down to your stomach. 

"It's only been what- a week? The baby's already kinda showing ya know" He spoke with his own essence of confidence. "That's kind of why i'm here" You met your eyes with his. It was like he wanted you to say you needed his help. You fell forwards and were caught into his arms as your head was shoved into his chest. "I'm going to need help- Keigo. I can't raise my child alone. help". 

a/n- apologies for the short chapter. a mum is a type of flower if you're confused about that :))

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