ೃ⁀➷cross my heart, and hope to die

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You woke up in an usually spacious and comfy bed. The sheets below you felt incredibly expensive and the pillows felt too soft to be yours. You opened your eyes only to discover that you most definitely weren't in your room. It almost came as a gut feeling as to who's room you were in, there was no design hints that would've lead you to your assumption but the scent of the room you were in felt somewhat familiar.

A soft knock was heard from the door, you leaned yourself up against the headboard and turned to look at the mirror only to see that you were still a mess. There was still dry blood painted on your face and your hair still looked atrociously messy. You then noticed that the clothes you had worn when you passed out were neatly folded at the rear end of the bed, you were wearing a shit that look far to big on you to be yours. It was a sort of mustard colour with some holes on the sleeves. 

You stood yourself up and made your way to the door. Then you reached out your bruised and blooded hand to lift the handle. Once the door opened you were met with the eyes of a certain pro-hero. He was your height which was completely new information to you as you'd never payed attention to his physique whole in combat with him. His golden hair wasn't even brushed yet, and his eyes looked definitely tired.

"...morning" You spoke as you looked down at your feet. You had no reason to be rude to this man, obviously he was a hero and the two of you had fought a couple times. That wasn't ever anything personal though, you two just had conflicting jobs. His job however, would pay him millions to turn you in.. therefore you were completely grateful that you weren't the next person about to be killed by the authorities alike your friend Chr-

"My apologies but do you have a tv?" He seemed to look a little startled at the fact you were so well mannered. You weren't a tramp for Christ's sake, your father made sure you spoke with correct adequate and it'd just stuck with you for your whole life. "Uh yea- this way" He turned around and lead you into his Livingroom. "I'm Hawks by the way, you can call me Keigo if you'd like". 

'Does he not recognise me as Kaguya?' You stood behind him in confusion. You ignored his greetings and ran to his couch. You snatched the remote off the coffee table and turned the tv on. You searched for the livestream that was scheduled to capture Chronos death, they recorded it to show other criminals what would happen. Once the stream had fully loaded you saw him, stood on a stage with a huge guillotine right in front of him. One of the soldiers next to him held his Yakuza mask and the other held him completely captive. 

Your eyes saddened as your face held sadness, Keigo saw your expression switch from determination to sadness and it sort of tugged at his heart. This stranger that he'd never met was upset about a villains execution? Your eyes widened as the count down started and the big hammer like thing rose. 

Memories of you and Chrono filled your brain. When you two were only the age of nine, building snowmen in the yakuza base's garden. Or when you'd hurt yourself and he'd tended to your wounds like a gentleman. "I'll always protect you y/n! No matter what" His younger voice rang in your head "Cross your heart?" "I cross it" You both smiled and giggled at one another until your father had you leave. "y/n. When i die, i can assure you it'll be painful. So please, don't watch.. spare yourself of hurting and cry over little old me" He spoke to you in a soft voice and giving you a warm smile. You then recalled the time that you though he was going to die, in the yakuza base and the heroes came to take Eri...he was bleeding so much. "Come on. Hari. Hari please we both crossed out hearts we'd protect one another"  When you'd both tried ice cream together, or when you'd both watched finding nemo together. 

As you cut off your daze your eyes were on the screen. They'd given him a microphone so he could speak his last words. "cross my heart, Kaguya". He moved his finger over his heart and crossed it. "When the time comes, look away". Your head raised even more to the television as they knelt him down onto the base of the guillotine. 

"Hari....do you think one day you'll have kids?" He chuckled with a childish grin. "I want some, I'm afraid nobody would want to have them with me though" He looked down at the daisy he was twiddling with in his fingers as you attacked him with your warm embrace. "I'll do it Hari. You're my best friend after all" 

You'd both promised one another a future together. What were you meant to do when the only thing that you wanted was taken away from you. You'd promised him happiness and he'd promised you protection, you both promised one another love

You held him in his arms the day they saved Eri- and he promised you one thing. One promise he couldn't keep and you knew it- but you wanted to believe it. "i wont leave you y/n. Never. I'll always be by your side. I promise" 

Blood ran down your cheek. How were you meant to stop yourself from crying your bloody tears. This man, you had a promised future together, he promised you that he WOULD be there and that he'd be there forever. You knew it wasn't going to be true but you had just hoped maybe it could be like that for a little longer. "but...but you promised me" you whispered. Hawks heard what you said and looked at you confused. You shut your eyes, blood dripping out of them and once you opened them again you screamed. "YOU PROMISED ME!" You were now bawling your eyes out with the thick red substance, the pain of your overflowing tear ducts not even anywhere neat to the pain in your heart. 

You held your finger to your chest and you crossed your heart as you both seemingly stared at one another through the screen. he mouthed the words 'i love you' and you whispered back "i love you too" You knew it was time for you to look away when he have you a small nod and a little smile. 

"Whatever would I do without you, Hari" Your younger self grinned at him

You turned your head away and stared out the window only to see it was snowing. On the floor outside you imagined you and Chrono having a snowball fight as younger children. "Tell me when its done" You heard Hawks hum yes as you watched blood race down your face in the reflection of the window. 

Around five long seconds later you heard the bang of the guillotine falling. At at almost the same time you dropped to the ground and sobbed. "THIS WASN'T HOW WE PLANNED IT" Hawks approached you and shoved you into his embrace, trying to calm you down. You then remembered something and you forgot how to breathe. 

Your hand went to your stomach and you stared into Keigos eyes. You knew from how they widened that he'd recognised you as Kaguya, but that was the least of your worries. "Hari...i needed to tell you-" You spoke up to the sky as you imagined he's watching over you. 


 A/N; no joke i lowkey cried while writing this chapter. Also tysm for everyone who's reading and voting it means the w o r l d  to me <3

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