Chapter 13

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Ugh. I hope you guys like it....


"Aria, please." Dean said for the millionth time this morning.

"Dean, we can't just sit here and do nothing. There are people on this island. We can't stay here. He will come back with one of his friends. Who knows? Maybe they-" Before I could say anything else Dean grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Calm. Down." I kept my eyes closed and put my forehead to his. "I know, but lets think-"

"Think of what? We don't have-" He groaned and kissed me again.

"Please. Just listen to me. You're scaring me with your pacing and everything."

"I'm sorry." He kissed my nose and pulled me into a hug.

"We're going to get our things and walk around the island until we find another place to camp." I opened my mouth, but he put his fingers on my lips. "Trust me." His brown eyes were so beautiful. I nodded and he smiled, then kissed my forehead.

I grabbed my purse and we were on our way to find another place to camp out. It was super hot today. It would be a perfect day to just swim in the ocean. But that wasn't going to happen. We are trying to find a place to stay. Until we are found.

"Do you hear that?" Dean asked. I moved closer to him as I heard two men talking. He tightened his grip on my hand and looked around for a place to quickly hide. He moved into the jungle and quickly got down. I followed his actions.

"You're sure that there's two kids on this island?" Dean pushed me down so that my back was laying on the ground and he carefully laid on top of me.

"Shh," he hummed into my ear. The tall grass kept us hidden from the men. I closed my eyes and bit my lip from making any noise.

"Positive. There was a guy and a girl." The other said. I opened my eyes and Dean looked down to me.

"What are they doing here?"

"Beats me." He sighed.

"As long as they don't get in the way-"

"Keith doesn't want them to get in our way." There was a pause then the one sighed. "That's why we are out here, Drake. He wants us to find them." I looked to Dean. He motioned for me to not say anything.

"What are we going to do with them?"

"That's up to the boss."

"Dean?" I whispered pulling him closer to me.

"Air, shh." I tugged on the waistband of his shorts. He looked to me and then to where I was looking. His eyes widened. To my left was a snake and it was looking right at me. Did I mention that I'm terrified of snakes?

Static from a walked talkie went off to our right. I couldn't understand what the man on the other end was saying.

"Our hunt is over for right now."

"Good because I'm starving." The two men walked away. When they were farther away Dean began to talk to me.

"Concentrate on me, baby." He whispered. His forehead was now touching mine. "On the count of three the two of us are going to get up and run. Got it?" I nodded. My grip tightened on Dean's waist as the snake hissed.

"You're okay, beautiful. Everything is alright." Just after that Dean counted to three and the two of us got up and ran out to the shore.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." He breathed. My grip tightened around him and he kissed my head. "Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?" Dean looked over my body, checking for anything.

"I'm fine." I told him. His eyes locked with mine and I nodded. "We should go though."

"Air, I know we have to find a safe spot, but can we take a break?" I looked back to Dean and he looked tired. I sighed and nodded. He fell into the sand with a sigh. I walked to the shoreline and sat down, careful not to get my shorts wet.

"What's going on?" Dean asked, now next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Why us?" I asked. "Why were we the ones to get stuck on this island? With possible convicts trying to kill us? Why can't we still be on that stupid cruise with our families? I don't understand." I sighed and then stood up. "I keep thinking that this is a dream. That maybe I'll wake up soon and be back in my bed." I crossed my arms and walked further into the ocean.

"Where did all of this come from?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It's been here all along." I closed my eyes, hearing his breaths. I wish that I wasn't right about those men being on the island. I wish we were the only ones here. We wouldn't have to be running right now. Maybe if we weren't running we would be back at that beautiful waterfall.

"We'll get back soon."

"How do you know?" I asked, not meaning to be mean.

"Because I have hope."

"Maybe there is no hope left. Maybe we're stuck here forever. Thanks to you."

"Thanks to me?"

"You were the one who stopped rowing!"

"Like we were going to catch up anyways?" He yelled back. "There was no way in hell."

"You always ruin everything." I turned away from him and looked out into the ocean. I stood up, annoyed with him all of the sudden. I heard him sigh when I began to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to possibly get us off of this damn island."

"Aria!" I kept walking away from him.

"Just leave me alone." I said softly.

I just need some time alone. I can't be with him right now. I don't know what happened or why I completely lost it, but I did.

This island is going to be the death of me.

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