Chapter 4

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I want to thank all of you who are reading this. I love you guys!

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Love, El


"Why do you do that?" Nora asked. I looked up from my bed and to her. She walked in my room and looked on my bed.

I had little things like shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste,  small toothbrushes, hair ties, a small comb, sunscreen, tanning oil, girly things, etc. in zip lock bags.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you taking these things in your purse when you have luggage?"

"What if my luggage gets lost or something? What would I do then?" For a moment it looked like she thought it was a good idea, then it was gone.

"Okay." She said as if I was an alien. "Why are you putting them in plastic bags?"

"What if my bag gets wet? It also keeps it organized. Soaps in one. Tooth-"

"Okay, I get it." She rolled her eyes and walked off. So what if I pack extra. At least I'm prepared for the worse. I mean it's a good idea, you can't disagree.

"Everyone ready?" Dad yelled. I smiled and grabbed my things.

"Aria!" Lily yelled. I smiled and opened my arms to the little girl. Lilly was Dean's little sister, well half. I get the pleasure to babysit the little cutie when needed.

Dean loves his little sister, he might not admit it because he hates the fact that his dad married another woman after his mom died, but I know he does. He would do anything for the five year old. He puts on the I don't give a shit act, but we all know that he does.

"How are you cutie?" She smiled, with one of her teeth missing.

"Good. Dean says that he's excited." I looked to Dean and he looked at me for a second then looked away.

"Really? He doesn't seem like it." She shook her head.

"Because he woke up early." I laughed and put her back down on the ground. She grabbed my hand as we began walking to security.

"Aria." Dean caught up to me.

"What do you want, Dean?" He looked over to me, but I decided to not look at him.

"Can I put something in your bag?" I turned to him. Why can't he put it in his bag? I didn't want to ask.  "Just until we get on the boat."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. He unzipped my bag and laughed. I looked to him. "What?" He shook his head and put whatever it is he wanted to put in my bag in there.

I handed the lady my plane ticket and went to get on the plane.

"Nora can I sit next to Air?" Lily asked. Nora looked over to who she would be sitting next to and immediately nodded. The two switched seats and Lily looked up to me and smiled.

As the flight attendant began her little speech about phones and safety things I looked around the plane. Dean was chatting away with a girl. She giggled and began blushing. He looked up to me and I looked away. This trip is going to be interesting.

"It's so big!" Nora said about the boat. I repositioned Lily and tried to get my suitcase. She almost fell out of my arms and I sighed.

"I got it." Dean said grabbing my suitcase and backpack. He slung the backpack over his shoulder. "What?" He asked rudely.

"Why are you being nice?" He immediately went back to being a dick.

"Don't get used to it." I stared after him as he started towards the boat. What a asshole.

"You girls will get the bunk beds. Dean you get the single bed."

"I have to share a room with three girls?" He asked his dad angrily. "I'm a big boy." Nora laughed and went to the top bunk.

"We aren't letting you have a room to yourself." His dad said. Dean rolled his eyes and put his suitcase on his bed. I understand that he's pissed, but come on. They have a good reason. Who knows what he would do in that room alone?

"We will be across the hall. Rooms 204 and 206." LeeAnn, Dean's stepmom, said. I smiled and nodded. She kissed her daughter's head then left.

"I get top bunk!" Nora yelled and pushed past me. Dean caught me before I fell. He instantly let go when I regained my balance. He set my stuff next to the bunk bed. I carefully set Lily on the bottom bunk. She rolled over and I covered her with the blankets.

"Nora stay with Lily."

"Kay." She said getting on her tablet. I rolled my eyes and walked out the room. I walked down the hall and checked out the ship.

It was pretty big. There were four floors with a lot of rooms on each. The top floor had a pool and some other cool stuff. The second and third floors were the rooms. The bottom floor had an arcade, movie theatre, and a teen's lounge. It was a long walk, but I got to see what the boat looked like.

When I was done I went to the back of the boat, looking out to the ocean. I rested my arms on the railing. It was going to be a nice vacation. Being on an ocean for a week an a half would be a nice little break from school and everything.

"Lost?" I looked behind me.

"What do you want?" Does he always have to ruin the best moments?

"Why do you always assume I want something?" Dean asked and stood next to me.

"Cause I know you."

"This cruise is going to be fun." I looked over to him and I could just see his plans etched into his face. Party, sleep, arcade, party, repeat. I know Dean- well knew. Dean looked to me then to my bag. I wrapped my hands around the strap across my chest.


"Why do you always carry that thing?"

"I don't know. Maybe I like it." He raised an eyebrow then looked back out to the ocean.

"I like my Xbox, but you don't see me carrying that everywhere like its my only friend."

"You're such a dick." I told him then walked away, back towards the rooms.

"Air!" He yelled and came after me.

"Leave me alone, Dean." He stepped in front of me.

"I'm sorry." I pushed him out of my way and made my way up the steps to the top floor. I heard him groan, but kept walking.

Why did he groan? He loves to make fun of me. Could Dean possibly be realizing that being mean in the world will get him no where? Probably not. Who knows why Dean does anything.

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