Chapter 28

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Mom and LeAnn were talking and making the side dishes for dinner, dad and Steve were outside barbecuing, and us kids were in the living room watching TV.

"How's Isatu?" Dean asked as a commercial came on. I looked over to him and shrugged.

"Fine. She's gotten over it for the most part."

"Why wouldn't she? It's been a few weeks." Nora said. I sighed and shook my head.

"You are getting on my nerves." I whispered. Dean kissed my temple and twisted my hair around his fingers.

"Dean?" Lily asked, spinning around to face her brother.

"Yes, Lily?"

"Dad said that I couldn't go over to Anna's to play with her tomorrow because its family day. Could you talk to him?"

"I'll see what I can do, munchkin." She have him a huge grin.

"Kids it's dinner time." LeeAnn yelled. Nora shut the television off and went off to the kitchen.

I stood up and then offered Dean my hand. He pulled me down and gave me a kiss before standing up.

"I bet you an ice cream date that they'll mention something about grades." He whispered.

"You're on." I smiled and kissed him before walking off.

Halfway through the dinner Dean's hand rested on my thigh and then he tapped his fingers three times, then two times, and finally one.

"How are you doing, Aria?" Steve asked me. I looked up from my plate to him.

"I'm doing alright." I said with a shrug. Dean squeezed my thigh before taking it off and back to his knee.

"School has been alright too?" Dad asked. I have him a puzzling look.


"That's not what Mr. Jenkins said during our meeting today." I set my cup of water down. Mom had given my dad a look as if to tell him not to do this here.

"His class is a little harder." I said truthfully. Mom and dad looked to each other.

"You are aware that you are failing the class?" Mom said now entering the conversation. Dean's head shot in my direction. I stared at my mom, avoiding Dean's gaze.

"Mom, can we not do this right now?"

"Aria failing a class? This is new." Nora said with a smile. I turned to her and glared. She has no right to say anything.

"Zip it." I told her.

"Make me." She smiled and sat back in her chair, ready to watch whatever was going to happen next.

"How come you're failing?" I set my fork down. She just gave dad a look to tell him not now, so why is she going on about it?

"It's a hard class."

"Aria." Why aren't they believing me?

"It's been hard mom." I said a little too loud. "Do you know how hard it is for me to keep my grades up this year? Being stranded on that island changed me and I realized that I don't want to focus on my grades 24/7. It's too much to do. Yes, I'm failing a class. So what. It's one class and it'll drop my GPA a little, but you know what? I'm happy right now. I have time to myself and to do what I enjoy."

"It's going to ruin your chances at getting into an Ivy League school, Aria." Dad let me know. I groaned and shook my head.

"Is that all you guys care about? Me getting into an Ivy League school? Because maybe I don't want to attend to a school like that anymore. It's college. I can apply anywhere and still get a great education." Dad stood up and kept eye contact as he spoke his next words.

"You're going to waste all of those years of hard work?" I looked to Dean and his parents.

"I'm sorry but I have to go right now." I stood up. "I'm sorry Steve and LeeAnn." I grabbed my jacket and went to my car.

"Air!" Dean came running outside.

"I just need a minute."

"I'll come with-"

"Dean. I need a minute alone." He stopped and stared at me. I shook my head and got into my car.

My parents have been so uptight lately. I can't do anything without them questioning me. It's beginning to get annoying and I can't handle it.

I stepped forward as the person in line did. I looked down to my ice cream wondering how it hasn't melted yet. With a sigh I set my item on the counter.

"Do you ever get other ice cream flavored besides cookie dough?" The familiar voice asked from behind. I turned around to see Dean smiling at me. He pulled out a five dollar bill from his wallet and set it next to my ice cream.

"Have a nice night." The woman said with a smile. Dean nodded as I grabbed my ice cream.

"No. This is my I'm sad and don't want to go home ice cream." I walked to my car and got in the passenger seat, hoping he would drive.

As if he could read my mind, he drove to the park. I loved coming here when I needed to think or when I just needed to get away.

"Babe, talk to me." He said after parking the car. I looked down to my ice cream and shrugged.

"What is there to talk about? My parents don't think that I'm good enough. Sometimes I don't feel good enough. I just wish we were back on the island where we didn't have to care about anything." By now I was crying and I don't think it was going to stop anytime soon. My period was near and my emotions were all over the place. "And I'm so emotional." Dean wiped the tears from my cheek.

"It's okay to cry."

"Dean, I just need you to hold me." He started the car and went out of the park. "What are you doing?" I asked. He reached over and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"We're going back to my house where I can hold you." He looked over and smiled to me.

"How are you feeling?" Dean asked.

"Better." I whispered. He kissed my head and drew little circles into my back. "Thank you."

"You need to know that no matter what you do, I'll be proud of you. I don't care if you get into an Ivy League college or not, Aria. You're beautiful, smart, and a wonderful human being. Math isn't your strongest subject and that's okay. Nobody is perfect at everything they do."

"And what's your weakest subject?" I asked looking up to him. Dean smiled.

"That's not the point." I shook my head and laid it back on his shoulder.

"Why are my parents like that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I know they love you though." I rolled my eyes.


"Hold back on the sarcasm." After a minute he began to speak again. "And I don't wish we were back on that island. The two of us are doing fine right here, baby girl."

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