Chapter 17

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Why hello everyone! I hope you've been doing well. I'm sad to say that this will probably be the last chapter for a couple of weeks. NO THIS IS NOT ENDING. I'm moving into college this week and don't know when I will be home next.

But for now, please enjoy this chapter!

Also this really isn't how I wanted it to go, but it'll work.

Love you all!!!!!



Jasmine entered the room for what seemed like the hundredth time. I stopped pacing and waited for her answer. She shook her head.

"It's been three days!" I yelled. "Let me see him. You can't just have some crazy man beat him up and then keep me in this room for three days without seeing him."

"Aria, just hold on a minute." She said trying to hold me back. Marco then showed up and sighed.

"You just don't stop do you?" He asked picking me up and setting me on the bed.

"No. And I won't until I can see him."

"Does it get you anywhere?"

"It will if-"

"How's my girl?" Leo asked. The tall guy was the twins older brother and he wasn't very nice. I think he also took an interest to me. Not that I ever would in him.

"I'm not your girl." I spat backing away from him as he tried to get closer to me.

"Leo, leave her alone." Jasmine said. "She's taken."

"So what." He licked his lips as he eyes trailed down to my chest. "I haven't had any sexual intercourse in a while." I slapped his hand away from me. Before I could do anything he slapped me in the face. I fell to the ground, holding me throbbing cheek. My head hit the ground and I received a headache.

"LEO!" Jasmine yelled running to my side.

"Leo, dad wants you to see him." Marco said walking back in. I closed my eyes when the image of him began to spin. "What the hell happened?" He asked.

"Saved by the bell." Leo stepped away from me and and walked out. Jasmine tried to sit me up, but I couldn't. The room was spinning and my head was pounding.

"He just slapped her." Jasmine told her twin.

"Guys, I'm fine." I said standing up. Marco ran to my side as I began to fall. "Just give me a few minutes."

"How are you?" Jasmine asked after she gave me an Advil and an ice pack. I stood up and went to the small mirror in the room. I gasped and lightly touched the swollen hand mark, only to gasp in pain.

"I have to get out of here." I whispered, tears beginning to form.

"Come on." Marco motioned me to follow him. I looked to Jasmine and she shrugged. We followed him down the stairs and to the main floor.

"What are you doing?" Marco asked when I stopped.

"Can I first go to the bathroom?" I wiped the tears from my cheeks. Jasmine nodded and softly smiled to me.

"Hurry." She said. "Take a left then its the first door." I turned the corner and stopped to look around.

I need to find a weapon or something. If I get to go outside there's an opportunity of me getting out of here. When I heard the voices of Leo and the other man I quickly stepped into the bathroom, locking the door.

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