Chapter 10

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This story hasn't been updated in a month. I'm sorry! I didn't realize it was that long. Schools around the corner though and it's getting super hard to update. I'm still going to do it though, because I love my readers! :)

I hope this chapter makes up for the time that has passed! Thank you! You're the best! Love you!

Love, El


Dean's POV

I don't know how much longer I can take this. Sitting on this horrible island with nothing to do makes me want to rip my eyes out of their sockets. My phone was dead and Aria's was close to dead. She told me I couldn't get on it because she hoped that the police could track her signal or whatever the hell it was. I took it while she feel asleep though and had played the few stupid games she had on her phone. They were the popular games from the App Store charts. I hated those. I was more into the-

"What do you think our family is doing?" Aria asked interrupting my thoughts. She was sitting on the sand staring out into the ocean, like she had been for the last three days.

I couldn't take my eyes away from her body. Her sun-kissed skin had made her a thousand times prettier. Her hair had become a lighter blonde since our days here and don't get me started on her eyes. The greenish blue orbs had been her number one feature since day one.

She's so beautiful. Always has been. I can't tell you how many times I've stared at her in class from the seat kiddy corner to her. To be honest, I've always had a crush on Aria. Even when we were little kids.

"Do you think it took them a while before they noticed us missing?" Once again she interrupted my thoughts.

"No. Honestly, they probably noticed that you were gone right away. Me? Probably just noticing today that I wasn't in their hair." I told her truthfully. She turned to me.

"I don't know why you do that." I remained staring into her green-blue orbs.

"Do what?" She opened her mouth to say something, but immediately closed it.

"Never mind." She sighed and placed her chin on her knees. I looked down to my stomach as it growled.

"I can't eat another banana. We need to find some real food."

"Real food?"

"Meat." She looked out to the ocean and then nodded.

"How do should we do that? We've been on this island for five days and haven't spotted anything with meat on it." She was right. Although we haven't searched the entire island. Tomorrow we'll have to.

"Let's go." I told her. She ignored my hand as I offered to help her up. She brushed the sand from her shorts and followed me.

I gathered a long stick from the sand. It was the best stick that I had found so far on this island. My hand fit around it perfectly for killing an animal or fish for food. I sat down on one of the larger rocks and pulled out my pocket knife. I looked up to Aria after I finished sharpening the end.

"Let's get us a real meal." For the first time in days she smiled. At first trying to catch one of the little bastards was a pain in the ass.

"Dean?" Aria questioned.

"What?" I snapped frustrated. I didn't mean to snap, it just happened.

"Take a few deep breaths and then try." I rolled my eyes, but did as she said. I was calmer than I was just forty seconds ago.

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